
The following operation is supported on this resource:

  • POST - This API is used to reschedule a job that is in scheduled state
POST /jobs/{id}/reschedule-job Version 1

This API is used to reschedule a job that is in scheduled state.. The API can be used to reschedule jobs to a time other than the current scheduled time.

Sample Usage

This API makes an asynchronous method call; so, you can optionally specify queue and schedule parameters:

POST /jobs/{id}/reschedule-job?queue=<queue>&schedule=<schedule>

Note: The queue URL denoted by <queue> must have been created already.

  • Parameters:
    Name Type URI Type Description Required
    job-instance-id Integer Path The id of the job being rescheduled Y
    queue Queue URL Query A fully qualified queue URL, where job progress notifications will be sent (See Asynchronous API Usage) N
    schedule cron-like-expression Query Schedule this API in the future, by specifying a cron-like-expression (See Job Scheduling) N
  • Sample Output XML:
    <task href="/api/space/job-management/jobs/688156">

  • Sample Output JSON:

  • Access Control

    The following capabilities are required to access this API: DefaultRead