REST Resources

/api/space/device-management/devices/{id}/exec-rpc (v1)

The following operation is supported on this resource:

  • POST - Perform RPC operations on a device
POST /devices/{id}/exec-rpcVersion 1

This API is used to perform RPC operations on a device. It executes the different RPC commands after opening a channel to a device and it sets the status of executed RPC commmands. This API takes a device ID and a netconf transfer object containing the RPC command to perform.

The different versions of this API take the RPC in the following formats:

  • Version 3 (Asynchronous): JSON version takes the RPC command in JSON format.
  • Version 2 (Asynchronous): JSON version takes the RPC command in XML format.
  • Version 1 (Synchronous): JSON version takes the RPC command in XML format.

Note: The RPC command to be executed must not contain any <> tags. For example the following is incorrect:


The following input is correct:


Sample Usage

POST /devices/{id}/exec-rpc

  • Parameters:
    NameTypeURI TypeDescriptionRequired
    device-idIntegerPathThe ID of the device on which to perform the RPC operation. Y
  • Sample Input XML:

    Using CDATA

  • Sample Input XML:

    Using an Escape Sequence

  • Sample Output XML:

              <hardware-model> srx100-lm</hardware-model>
              <os-name>junos-es& lt;/os-name>
              <os-version>10.0R2 .10</os-version>
              <serial-number> AT5109AF0621</serial-number>
              <host-name>hsc- srx_200</host-name>

  • Sample Input JSON:

          "rpcCommand": ["< get-system-information />"]

  • Sample Output JSON:

      "netconf": {
            "rpcCommand": "<get-system-information/>"
            "isCluster": false,
            "enableDiscardChanges": false,
            "netconfConfirmedCommit": false

  • Access Control

    The following capabilities are required to access this API: OpenSSH

      For the current version of this API, refer to :
    • version 3