
The following operation is supported on this resource:

  • GET - Get details for a version of the configuration file
GET /config-files/{id}/config-file-versions/{versionId}Version 1

This resource provides the details and content of a particular version of a configuration file. If the x-date header is sent to the server in the request, the fileName and creationTime fields in the response are formatted according to the x-date time zone and locale settings.

Sample Usage

GET /config-files/{id}/config-file-versions/{versionId}

  • Parameters:
    NameTypeURI TypeDescriptionRequired
    idintPathThe ID of the configuration file. Y
    version-idintPathThe version ID of the configuration file. Y
  • Sample Output XML:

    <config-file-version uri= "/api/space/config-file-management/config-files/1540111/config-file-versions/1">
      <content><!-- Config content here--></content>
      <creationTime>Nov 6 2013 2:24:36 PM CST</creationTime>
      <comment>This version of the Config file is imported from the device.</comment>

  • Sample Output JSON:

        "@uri": "/api/space/config-file-management/config-files/1540111/config-file-versions/1",
        "content":"<!-- Config content here-->",
        "creationTime":"Nov 6 2013 2:24:36 PM CST",
        "comment": "This version of the Config file is imported from the device.",

  • Access Control

    The following capabilities are required to access this API: ViewConfigFilesCap