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What is Kubernetes?


You can find the official definition of Kubernetes here (

“Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes builds upon 15 years of experience of running production workloads at Google, combined with best-of-breed ideas and practices from the community.”

Here are a few important facts about Kubernetes:

  • It’s an open-source project initiated by Google

  • It’s a mature and stable product

  • It’s an orchestration tool

  • It’s a platform dealing with containers at a higher level

Kubernetes was created by a group of engineers at Google in 2014, with a design and development model influenced by Google’s internal system, Borg. Kubernetes defines a set of building objects that collectively provide mechanisms that orchestrate containerized applications across a distributed cluster of nodes, based on system resources (CPU, memory, or other custom metrics). Kubernetes masks the complexity of managing a group of containers by providing REST APIs for the required functionalities.

In simple terms, container technologies like Docker provide you with the capability to package and distribute containerized applications, while an orchestration system like Kubernetes allows you to deploy and manage the containers at a relatively higher level and in a much easier way.


Many Kubernetes documents frequently abbreviate the technology as k8s (or K - eight characters - S), and the current major release (as of the writing of this book) is v1.14.

Chapter 1 stated that Docker is a prevailing and mature container technology, so why do you need Kubernetes? Technically speaking, Kubernetes works at a relatively higher level than Dockers, so what does that mean, exactly?

Well, when you compare Kubernetes with Docker, a helpful analogy is comparing Python with C language. C is powerful enough to build almost everything, including a whole bunch of fundamental OS components and APIs, but in practice you probably would prefer to write scripts to automate tasks in your workload, which means using Python much more than using C. With Python you only need to think of which existing module already provides the necessary functions, import it in your application, and then quickly focus on how to use the feature to accomplish what you need. You rarely need to worry about the low-level system API calls and hardware details.

A network analogy is the TCP/IP Internet protocols. When you develop a file transfer tool like FTP, naturally you prefer to start your work based on a TCP socket instead of a raw socket. With the TCP socket you are sitting on top of the TCP protocol, which provides a much more solid foundation that has all of the built-in reliability features like error detection, flow and congestion control, retransmission, and so on. What you need to consider is how to deliver the data from one end and receive it on the other end. With a raw socket you are working on the IP protocol and an even lower layer, so you have to consider and implement all of the reliability features before you can even start to work on the file transfer features of your tool.

So, back to Kubernetes. Assuming that you want to run multiple containers across multiple machines, you will have a lot of work to do if you interact with Docker directly. The following tasks should, at least minimally, be on your list of things to worry about:

  • Loging in on different machines, and spawning containers, across the network

  • Scaling up or down when demand changes by adding or removing containers

  • Keeping storage consistent with multiple instances of an application

  • Distributing load between the containers running in different nodes

  • Launching new containers on different machines if something fails

You will quickly find that doing all of these manually with Docker will be overwhelming. With the high level abstractions and the objects representing them in the Kubernetes API, all of these tasks become much easier.


Kubernetes is not the only tool of its kind, Docker has its own orchestration tool named Swarm. But that’s a discussion for another book. This book focuses on Kubernetes.