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All modern network systems need to deal with sensitive information, such as username, passwords, SSH keys, etc. in the platform. The same applies to the pods in a Kubernetes environment. However, exposing this information in your pod specs as cleartext may introduce security concerns and you need a tool or method to resolve the issue – at least to avoid the cleartext credentials as much as possible.

The Kubernetes secrets object is designed specifically for this purpose – it encodes all sensitive data and exposes it to pods in a controlled way.

The official definition of Kubernetes secrets is:

"A Secret is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as a password, a token, or a key. Such information might otherwise be put in a Pod specification or in an image; putting it in a secret object allows for more control over how it is used and reduces the risk of accidental exposure."

Users can create secrets, and the system also creates secrets. To use a secret, a pod needs to reference the secret.

There are many different types of secrets, each serving a specific use case, and there are also many methods to create a secret and a lot of different ways to refer to it in a pod. A complete discussion of secrets is beyond the scope of this book, so please refer to the official documentation to get all of the details and track all up-to-date changes.

Here, we’ll look at some commonly used secret types. You will also learn several methods to create a secret and how to refer to it in your pods. And once you get to the end of the section, you should understand the main benefits of a Kubernetes secrets object and how it can help improve your system security.

Let’s begin with a few secret terms:

  • Opaque: This type of secret can contain arbitrary key-value pairs, so it is treated as unstructured data from Kubernetes’ perspective. All other types of secret have constant content.

  • This type of secret is used to authenticate with a private container registry (for example, a Juniper server) to pull your own private image.

  • TLS: A TLS secret contains a TLS private key and certificate. It is used to secure an ingress. You will see an example of an ingress with a TLS secret in Chapter 4.

  • When processes running in containers of a pod access the API server, they have to be authenticated as a particular account (for example, account default by default). An account associated with a pod is called a service-account. type of secret contains information about Kubernetes service-account. We won’t elaborate on this type of secret and service-account in this book.

  • Opaque secret: The secret of type opaque represents arbitrary user-owned data – usually you want to put some kind of sensitive data in secret, for example, username, password, security pin, etc., just about anything you believe is sensitive and you want to carry into your pod.

Define Opaque Secret

First, to make our sensitive data looks less sensitive, let’s encode it with the base64 tool:

Then put the encoded version of the data in a secret definition YAML file:

Alternatively, you can define the same secret from kubectl CLI directly, with the --from-literal option:

Either way, a secret will be generated:

Refer Opaque Secret

Next you will need to use the secret in a pod, and the user information contained in the secret will be carried into the pod. As mentioned, there are different ways to refer the opaque secret in a pod, and correspondingly, the result will be different.

Typically, user information carried from a secret can appear in a container in one of these forms:

  • Files

  • Environmental variables

Now let’s demonstrate using secret to generate environmental variables in a container:

Spawn the pod and container from this YAML file:

Log in the container and verify the generated environmental variables:

The original sensitive data encoded with base64 is now present in the container!

Dockerconfigjson Secret

The dockerconfigjson secret, as the name indicates, carries the Docker account credential information that is typically stored in a .docker/config.json file. The image in a Kubernetes pod may point to a private container registry. In that case, Kubernetes needs to authenticate it with that registry in order to pull the image. The dockerconfigjson type of secret is designed for this very purpose.

Docker Credential Data

The most straightforward method to create a type of secret is to provide login information directly with the kubectl command and let it generate the secret:

Verify the secret creation:


Only the first line in the output is the secret you have just created. The second line is a type of secret that the Kubernetes system creates automatically when the contrail setup is up and running.

Now inspect the details of the secret:

Not surprisingly, you don’t see any sensitive information in the form of cleartext. There is a data portion of the output where you can see a very long string as the value of key: dockerconfigjson. Its appearance seems to have transformed from the original data, but at least it does not contain sensitive information anymore – after all one purpose of using a secret is to improve the system security.

However, the transformation is done by encoding, not encryption, so there is still a way to manually retrieve the original sensitive information: just pipe the value of key .dockerconfigjson into the base64 tool, and the original username and password information is viewable again:

Some highlights in this output are:

  • The python -mjson.tool is used to format the decoded json data before displaying to the terminal.

  • There is an auth key-value pair. It is the token generated based on the authentication information you gave (username and password).

  • Later on, when equipped with this secret, a pod will use this token, instead of the username and password to authenticate itself towards the private Docker registry in order to pull a Docker image.


Here’s another way to decode the data directly from the secret object:

The --output=xxxx option filters the kubectl get output so only the value of .dockerconfigjson under data is displayed. The value is then piped into base64 with option --decode (alias of -d) to get it decoded.

A docker-registry secret created manually like this will only work with a single private registry. To support multiple private container registries you can create a secret from the Docker credential file.

Docker Credential File (~/.Docker/config.json)

As the name of the key .dockerconfigjson in the secret we created indicates, it serves a similar role as the Docker config file: .docker/config.json. Actually, you can generate the secret directly from the Docker configuration file.

To generate the Docker credential information, first check the Docker config file:

There’s nothing really here. Depending on the usage of the set up you may see different output, but the point is that this Docker config file will be updated automatically every time you docker login a new registry:

The file mydockerpass.txt is the login password for username JNPR-FieldUser213. Saving the password in a file and then piping it to the docker login command with --password-stdin option has an advantage of not exposing the password cleartext in the shell history.


If you want you can write the password directly, and you will get a friendly warning that this is insecure.

Now the Docker credential information is generated in the updated config.json file:

The login process creates or updates a config.json file that holds the authorization token. Let’s create a secret from the .docker/config.json file:


You can also create a secret directly from a YAML file the same way you create other objects like service or ingress.

To manually encode the content of the .docker/config.json file:

Then put the base64 encoded value of the .docker/config.json file as data in below the YAML file:

Keep in mind that base64 is all about encoding instead of encryption – it is considered the same as plain text. So sharing this file compromises the secret.

Refer Secret in Pod

After a secret is created, it can be referred to by a pod/rc or deployment in order to pull an image from the private registry. There are many ways to refer to secrets. This section will examine using imagePullSecrets under pod spec to refer to the secret.

An imagePullSecret is a way to pass a secret that contains a Docker (or other) image registry password to the kubelet so it can pull a private image on behalf of your pod.

Create a pod pulling the Juniper cSRX container from the private repository:

Now, generate the pod:

The cSRX is up and running:

And behind the scenes, the pod authenticates itself towards the private registry, pulls the image, and launches the cSRX container:

As you saw from our test, the secret objects are created independently of the pods, and inspecting the object spec does not provide the sensitive information directly on the screen.

Secrets are not written to the disk, but are instead stored in a tmpfs file system, only on nodes that need them. Also, secrets are deleted when the pod that is dependent on them is deleted.

On most native Kubernetes distributions, communication between users and the API server is protected by SSL/TLS. Therefore, secrets transmitted over these channels are properly protected.

Any given pod does not have access to the secrets used by another pod, which facilitates encapsulation of sensitive data across different pods. Each container in a pod has to request a secret volume in its volumeMounts for it to be visible inside the container. This feature can be used to construct security partitions at the pod level.