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Kubernetes Node


Kubernetes nodes in a cluster are the machines that run the user end applications. In production environments, there can be dozens or hundreds of nodes in one cluster, depending on the designed scales as they work under the hood provided by a cluster. Usually all of the containers and workloads are running on nodes. A node runs the following processes:

  • Kubelet: The Kubernetes agent process that runs on master and all the nodes. It interacts with master (through the kube-apiserver process) and manages the containers in the local host.

  • Kube-proxy: This process implements the Kubernetes service (introduced in Chapter 3) using Linux iptable in the node.

  • Container-runtime: Or the local container – mostly Docker in today’s market, holding all of the running Dockerized applications.


The term proxy may sound confusing for Kubernetes beginners since it’s not really a proxy in current Kubernetes architecture. Kube-proxy is a system that manipulates Linux IP tables in the node so the traffic between pods and nodes flows correctly.