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You may wonder why Kubernetes has different objects to do almost the same job. As mentioned earlier, the features of rc have been extended through the rs and deployment. We’ve seen the rs, which has done the same job of rc, only with a different selector format. Now we’ll check out the other new object, DEPLOY – deployment, and explore the features coming from it.

Create a Deployment

If you simply change the kind attribute from ReplicaSet to Deployment you’ll get the YAML file of a deployment object:

Create a deployment with the kubectl command:

Actually, the deployment is a relatively higher-level of abstraction than rc and rs. Deployment does not create a pod directly, and the describe command reveals this:

Deployment Workflow

When you create a deployment a replica set is automatically created. The pods defined in the deployment object are created and supervised by the deployment’s replicaset.

The workflow is shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1: Deployment Workflow
Deployment Workflow

You might still be wondering why you need rs as one more layer sitting between deployment and pod and that’s answered next.

Rolling Update

The rolling update feature is one of the more powerful features that comes with the deployment object. Let’s demonstrate the feature with a test case to explain how it works.


In fact, a similar rolling update feature exists for the old rc object. The implementation has quite a few drawbacks compared with the new version supported by Deployment. In this book we focus on the new implementation with Deployment.

Test Case: Rolling Update

Suppose you have a nginx-deployment, with replica=3 and pod image 1.7.9. We want to upgrade the image from version 1.7.9 to the new image version 1.9.1. With kuberctl you can use the set image option and specify the new version number to trigger the update:

Now check the deployment information again:

There are two changes you can observe here:

  • The image version in deployment is updated

  • A new rs nginx-deployment-6fdbb596db is created, with a replica set to 1

And with the new rs with replica being 1, a new pod (the fourth one) is now generated:

The new pod is with the new image:

While the old pod is still with the old image:

Let’s wait, and keep checking the pods status… eventually all old pods are terminated, and three new pods are running – the pod names confirm they are new ones:

So the update is done, and all pods are now running with the new version of the image.

How It Works

Hold on, you might argue, this is not updated, this should be called a replacement because Kubernetes used three new pods with new images to replace the old pods! Precisely speaking, this is true. But this is how it works. Kubernetes’s philosophy is that pods are cheap, and replacement is easy – imagine how much work it will be when you have to log in to each pod, uninstall old images, clean up the environment, only to install a new image. Let’s look at more details about this process and understand why it is called a rolling update.

When you update the pod with new software, the deployment object introduces a new rs that will start the pod update process. The idea here is not to log in to the existing pod and do the image update in -place, instead, the new rs just creates a new pod equipped with the new software release in it. Once this new (and additional) pod is up and running, the original rs will be scaled down by one, so the total number of running pods remains unchanged. The new rs will continue to scale up by one and the original rs scales down by one. This process repeats until the number of pods created by the new rs reaches the original replica number defined in the deployment, and that is when all of the original rs pods are terminated. The process is depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Deployment Overview
Deployment Overview

As you can see, the whole process of creating a new rs, scaling up the new rs, and scaling down the old one simultaneously, is fully automated and taken care of by the deployment object. It is deployment that is deploying and driving the ReplicaSet object, which, in this sense, is working merely as a backend.

This is why deployment is considered a higher-layer object in Kubernetes, and also the reason why it is officially recommended that you never use ReplicaSet alone, without deployment.


Deployment also has the ability to record the whole process of rolling updates, so in case it is needed, you can review the update history after the update job is done:


Additionally, you can also pause/resume the update process to verify the changes before proceeding:

You can even undo the update when things are going wrong during the maintenance window:

Typically you do this when something is broken in your deployment. Compared with how much work it takes to prepare for the software upgrade during maintenance windows in the old days, this is an amazing feature for anyone who suffered from software upgrade!


This is pretty similar to the Junos rollback magic command that you probably use every day when you need to quickly revert the changes you make to your router.