Day One: Inside Segment Routing
Introducing segment routing (SR) into an existing MPLS network of any worth is a sizable undertaking, but it can be well worth the effort. Far from simply reigniting the debate about how networks should route, segment routing ushers in novel approaches to long-standing practices of node identification, network partitioning, and multipathing. In this book, you’ll get inside segment routing with a series of advanced use cases that detail Junos® implementation and deployment solutions with sage production advice from two senior Juniper engineers. Leap in.
About the Authors
Anurag Khare is a Principal Engineer at Juniper Networks. He has been building, breaking, then re-jiggering every kind of network he can get his hands on for over 17 years.
Colby Barth is a Distinguished Engineer at Juniper Networks. Colby has over 20 years of experience designing, building, and operating IP/MPLS networks.
Authors’ Acknowledgments
We thank Shraddha Hegde, William Britto AJ, Upendra Singh, and Chris Bowers for providing access to features in development; Richard Chen, Nur Hanita Binti Mohd- Murad, and Patricio Giecco for helping troubleshoot our text, and finally, our customers for their vast interest in this technology.
Published by Juniper Networks Books
Authors: Anurag Khare, Colby Barth
Editor in Chief: Patrick Ames
Copyeditor: Nancy Koerbel
Technical Reviewers: Harish Sitaraman, Shraddha Hegde, Peter Van Oene
ISBN: 978-1-941441-95-4 (print)
Printed in the USA by Vervante Corporation.
ISBN: 978-1-941441-94-7 (ebook)
Version History: v1, May 2019
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