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Personality Transfer


Till now, when you upgrade 9.x CTP device to 9.1R3.1 via the current dual image upgrade process, you were forced to “First Boot” the system, which can be a tedious and time-consuming effort.

Personality Transfer feature copies the files that are modified as part of your configuration changes to the system (such as, ctp_dbase, service config files, system settings - IP address, default ethernet, and so on) to the new CTPOS 9.1R3.1 image so that all the user system/node/bundle configurations remain intact. With this feature you need not “First Boot” the system forcefully, thus saving the time.

Starting from the CTPOS Release 9.1R3.1, the Personality Transfer feature is introduced to help you upgrade to dual image seamlessly, without first boot. This feature is supported on CTP150, CTP151, and CTP2000 series devices.

You can upgrade using three different interface methods.

  1. CLI or Manual
  2. USB
  3. CTPView
  • You can either choose to upgrade seamlessly in a non-interactive mode (USB or CTPView) or interactive mode (CLI or Manual).

  • You can use the Personality Transfer feature to upgrade the CTP devices which are running only CTPOS 9.0R1, 9.1R1, or 9.1R2.1 images.

  • When upgrading the CTP devices running CTPOS 7.x image, only the ethernet configuration files are restored and all other configuration files are NOT restored.


    If Ethernet segregation is enabled on a CTPOS 7.3 system and Personality Transfer is chosen during upgrade to CTPOS 9.1R3.1, the configuration for Ethernet segregation is lost after upgrade. In such a case, Ethernet segregation must be enabled after upgrade.

  • Personality Transfer is applied if you upgrade CTP in non-interactive mode.

    If you choose to upgrade in an interactive mode, you are prompted whether you want to retain system identity files.

    If you select Yes, personality transfer feature is applied, else it is not.

  • In case of an existing 9.0R1 dual-imaged system, where the active partition is running 7.3 version of CTPOS, an upgrade to 9.1R3.1 will replace the image in partition with 7.3 version. The CTP may go to 'first boot' state in such a scenario when upgrade is performed through CTPView or in non-interactive mode locally. If upgrade is performed using CTPView, when such a condition arises, the upgrade page will show the error message Connection to ctp not recovered due to the ’first boot’ condition having occurred even though the upgrade will happen successfully. To recover the connection of CTPView with CTP, CTP should be re-connected to CTPView.

  • All the CTP system identity files are copied during Personality Transfer. If you want to know what files compromise the personality files you can contact JTAC for further help.

  • When you upgrade from 9.1Rx to 9.1R3.1 dual image, the following messages are displayed:

    • Non-interactive mode

      Backing up system identity files . . .

      [ OK ]
      Transferring system identity files . . .

      [ OK ]

      Now, the personality transfer is applied.

    • Interactive Mode

      [root@ctp_215:/tmp 14]# upgrade
      Do you want to install the newest archive in quick mode (no questions)? y[n]: n
      Do you want to install the newest archive interactively (w/ questions)? y[n]: y
      Please enter valid input: 2
      Are you sure you want to transfer system identity files? y/n :y
      Do you want to reboot system now [y/n]?: y
  • After reboot, CTP will not run ’first boot’ if personality transfer is applied. However, you are prompted to change the password of default user accounts on first time login.

    After the password script finishes the upgrade is complete.