Library API Tutorial

This tutorial will detail the steps necessary to create couple of virtual-networks and associate a policy on them such that only http traffic can pass. The next section generalizes the examples mentioned in this tutorial.

Initialize the library

A single import of the vnc_api module from vnc_api package is sufficient to interact with the configuration API server.

>>> from vnc_api import vnc_api
>>> vnc_lib = vnc_api.VncApi(api_server_host='')

Create virtual-network and network-policy objects

To create virtual-networks vn-red and vn-blue and network-policy policy-red-blue

>>> vn_blue_obj = vnc_api.VirtualNetwork('vn-blue')
>>> vn_blue_obj.add_network_ipam(vnc_api.NetworkIpam(),
...                              vnc_api.VnSubnetsType([vnc_api.IpamSubnetType(subnet = vnc_api.SubnetType('', 24))]))
>>> vnc_lib.virtual_network_create(vn_blue_obj)
>>> vn_red_obj = vnc_api.VirtualNetwork('vn-red')
>>> vn_red_obj.add_network_ipam(vnc_api.NetworkIpam(),
...                         vnc_api.VnSubnetsType([vnc_api.IpamSubnetType(subnet = vnc_api.SubnetType('', 24))]))
>>> vnc_lib.virtual_network_create(vn_red_obj)
>>> policy_obj = vnc_api.NetworkPolicy('policy-red-blue',
...                  network_policy_entries = vnc_api.PolicyEntriesType([vnc_api.PolicyRuleType(direction='<>',
...                      action_list = vnc_api.ActionListType(simple_action='pass'), protocol = 'tcp',
...                      src_addresses = [vnc_api.AddressType(virtual_network = vn_blue_obj.get_fq_name_str())],
...                      src_ports = [vnc_api.PortType(-1, -1)],
...                      dst_addresses = [vnc_api.AddressType(virtual_network = vn_red_obj.get_fq_name_str())],
...                      dst_ports = [vnc_api.PortType(80, 80)])]))
>>> vnc_lib.network_policy_create(policy_obj)

Update virtual-networks to use the policy

To associate the policy-red-blue with the virtual networks:

>>> vn_blue_obj.add_network_policy(policy_obj, vnc_api.VirtualNetworkPolicyType(
                                                   sequence=vnc_api.SequenceType(0, 0)))
>>> vn_red_obj.add_network_policy(policy_obj, vnc_api.VirtualNetworkPolicyType(
                                                   sequence=vnc_api.SequenceType(0, 0)))
>>> vnc_lib.virtual_network_update(vn_blue_obj)
u'{"virtual-network": {"href": "", "uuid": "57603abb-0089-4a89-b44b-8ca71d4b7826"}}'
>>> vnc_lib.virtual_network_update(vn_red_obj)
u'{"virtual-network": {"href": "", "uuid": "5de3af3e-269f-40be-b0f6-69d6bb962a9f"}}'

Read the objects to verify

An object can be read by using its uuid returned by create...

>>> print vnc_lib.virtual_network_read(id = vn_blue_obj.uuid)

... or by its fully-qualified name.

>>> print vnc_lib.virtual_network_read(fq_name = ['default-domain', 'default-project', 'vn-blue'])

List the virtual-networks

A summary collection of objects can be listed by

>>> print vnc_lib.virtual_networks_list()

A detailed collection (Warning depending on collection size it might transfer a lot of data) of objects can be listed by

>>> print vnc_lib.virtual_networks_list(detail=True)

A subset collection of objects can be listed by

>>> print vnc_lib.virtual_networks_list(

A subset collection of objects anchored by a parent can be listed by

>>> print vnc_lib.virtual_networks_list(parent_id='83a4bea4-ec45-4670-950c-d7f0f98e0e4f')

Delete the objects

An object can be deleted using its uuid...

>>> vnc_lib.virtual_network_delete(id = '57603abb-0089-4a89-b44b-8ca71d4b7826')

... or by its fully-qualified name

>>> vnc_lib.virtual_network_delete(fq_name = ['default-domain', 'default-project', 'vn-blue'])