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总结 使用“操作”仪表板解决客户端持续失败的问题。


Other Actions Link on the Actions Dashboard

您的订阅决定了您可以在“操作”仪表板上看到的操作。有关更多信息,请参阅 Marvis Actions 的订阅要求


Marvis 可识别由于客户端特定问题而持续无法连接的有线或无线客户端;也就是说,故障范围不是接入点 (AP)、交换机、无线 LAN (WLAN) 或服务器。失败可能是由于输入错误的预共享密钥 (PSK) 而导致身份验证失败,也可能是由于不正确的 802.1x 配置而导致的失败。Marvis 会显示遇到故障的客户端列表以及它们尝试连接的 WLAN。

Persistently Failing Clients

修复此问题后,“持续失败的客户端”操作将在一小时内自动解决。由于此操作被视为低优先级,因此 Marvis 不会在“最新更新”部分或“站点”选项卡上列出“客户端持续失败”操作。

In today's product highlights, we are going to go through the latest Mavis Actions. The very first one we're going to look into is in the Other Actions section called Persistently Failing Clients. This action is specific to wireless clients failing to authenticate, for example, when you try to do a .1X authentication and thus continuously attempting to access the RADIUS server as well as PSK or password based authentication where this device has been incorrectly entering a password, thus adding more airtime or congesting the wireless network.

As always, with every Mavis Action, all the required information is present for the user to consume, such as the device name, Mac address, and in this case this device tried to connect to more than one WLAN so that the user knows which single WLAN or multiple WLANs this client tried to connect to.