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Marvis 虚拟网络助手概述

总结 熟悉 Marvis 虚拟网络助手提供的众多功能。

Marvis® 虚拟网络助手是一种虚拟网络助手,可简化网络运维、简化故障排除并提供增强的用户体验。借助实时网络可见性,Marvis 可以全面了解从组织级别到客户端级别的网络,并提供详细的洞察。

Every network operator is familiar with the vague complaints like the Wi-Fi sucks or my Teams calls are glitchy. But identifying and resolving the actual network issues can be difficult, complex, and time-consuming. What if you can get ahead of the complaint? Identifying and resolving problems before they impact user experiences.

Meet Marvis, Juniper's virtual network assistant. Marvis is a key part of the Juniper AI native networking platform and acts as a powerful automated extension of your IT team. With the Marvis conversational interface, simply ask Marvis a question like, troubleshoot Teams, and receive a near real-time response in natural language.

Here it looks like Marvis has identified an anomaly in the network. I can simply click it and get all the details. Network issues that would have taken days or even been impossible to identify can now be resolved in seconds.

And that's Juniper's Marvis VNA in 60 seconds.

Mist AI 在监控您的网络时,会不断从收集的遥测数据中学习。Marvis 使用这些数据来提供更好的洞察和自动化,并为您的网络量身定制。

Mist AI 从网络中的无线 LAN (WLAN)、LAN 和 WAN 域收集数据。除了瞻博网络设备之外,Marvis 还提供对通过链路层发现协议 (LLDP) 连接到瞻博网络接入点 (AP) 的第三方交换机的可见性。Marvis 可以提供第三方交换机的运行状况统计信息。示例包括以太网供电 (PoE) 合规性状态、VLAN 配置错误和交换机正常运行时间。

Marvis 会主动识别问题,解释影响的范围和程度,确定根本原因,并提出修复建议。

以下是 Marvis 的主要组件:

  • Marvis Actions — Marvis Actions 是一个一站式信息中心,可让您了解影响组织用户体验的持续站点范围网络问题。Marvis 会建议修复方法并提供对根本原因的洞察。默认情况下,Marvis 的登录页面显示组织的“操作”仪表板。所有超级用户都可以查看 Marvis Actions 仪表板。如果其他管理员角色具有组织级别的访问权限,则可以查看仪表板。

  • Marvis Minis — Marvis Minis 是一个网络数字孪生模型,用于验证网络的网络和应用服务。通过模拟用户连接,Marvis Minis 可以在问题影响用户之前快速检测并解决问题。Marvis Minis 始终处于开启状态,即使客户端未连接到网络,也能检测到问题。除了检测问题外,它还确定问题的总体影响,即问题是否影响整个站点、特定交换机、WLAN、VLAN、服务器或接入点。

  • 对话助手 — Marvis 基于人工智能的对话界面使您能够立即提出问题并获得对网络的可行见解。Marvis 使用具有自然语言理解 (NLU) 的自然语言处理 (NLP) 对请求进行上下文化处理,从而加快故障排除工作流程。对话助手为与故障排除和文档相关的查询提供实时答案。

  • Marvis 客户端 - 安装在客户端设备(如移动电话或笔记本电脑)上的软件代理,用于收集有助于表示其网络视图的客户端参数。Marvis Android 客户端和 Zebra 无线洞察可为 Zebra 客户端体验提供增强的遥测和可见性。

  • Marvis 查询语言 — 一种结构化格式,用于向 Marvis 提问以获取数据,以监控用户体验或排除故障,并评估网络的整体运行状况。

随着 2023 年的其他更新,Marvis 提供了更多功能,包括与 ChatGPT、Microsoft Teams 和 Zoom 的集成。观看此视频以了解更多信息。

So, let's actually look at how much of this is real. So this is ChatGPT connected to the Marvis conversational interface, and essentially, you know, being able to ask ChatGPT, hey, you know, can we actually leverage large language models in Marvis, right, in the conversational assistant. So here's a question.

We've actually piped this question through the open ChatGPT model out there, and so we're actually getting, you know, natural language generation. Marvis always had natural language understanding, and we obviously had all this data to arrive at the right answer, but for the first time, we're actually introducing now natural language generation. Previously, if you asked us a question, "how do you configure dynamic port profiles?", we'd throw up a bunch of links like this, like Google used to do. Now we're leveraging ChatGPT natively in Marvis, and so this is coming to you, to your dashboard fairly soon in the Q3 timeframe.

I'm super excited about the Zoom integration. This one is incredibly powerful in what we can do with Zoom. Basically, you know, native integration from Zoom, and Teams will follow the second half of this year, but Zoom now, if you are a Zoom customer, we can natively bring in Zoom data into your Mist cloud. You can actually compare and contrast it with the loss, latency, jitter you see out there that Zoom sees. Labeled data, as Bob said, labeled data is gold when it comes to AI, and this is labeled data.

For the first time, we have a cloud architecture in this industry that can handle the Zoom data, every user, every minute, every Zoom call, all the time. We're consuming this from organizations right now, and actually be able to even predict. Bob didn't go into the details of explainability and predictability.

The predictability is us building a model that even if you don't have Zoom calls at a site, can I tell you if, you know, the wireless clients or the wireless RSSI, maybe the WAN latency, the round-trip time, what is causing this kind of implications on Zoom? One of the best parts of the Zoom integration is it's natively integrated into the Marvis conversational assistant. So the Marvis conversational assistant, you could ask, "tell me what Zoom calls, you know, happened today?" at the scale of your organization. You know, I have one customer, they're doing about 30,000 Zoom calls a day.

Just one customer, small customer, 30,000 Zoom calls a day. You're able to just ask the question, who's doing Zoom calls and how is that experience? The green dot says those were great Zoom calls. The user said that was good, no problems.

But the best query, my absolute favorite query on this whole feature is basically saying, you know what, we have all these clients, but how do I know, how do I know if there was one bad Zoom call today, right? Just ask that question to Marvis. And Marvis says, aha, there were sites that had bad Zoom calls, Kumar's MacBook Pro had a bad Zoom call today. And you click on it and voila, for the first time in the networking industry, we're taking data from truly real-time data, applying AI on it, we're applying that Shapley model that Bob talked about, and being able to come up with an answer saying, hey, that Zoom call was bad because that user was roaming at the exact same time.

So we'd say, okay, let's triple check this and let's ask Marvis, hey, Marvis, was that really a user having a bad experience? Of course that user was having a bad experience. And it's our favorite, it's RF engineers' worst nightmare, is this interband roaming all the time that happens. It's now native in the dashboard.

So this is available today. If you're a Zoom customer and a Mist customer, connect with your account teams and we can make this happen. We're taking not just Zoom's perspective of it, but also the user's feedback.

When you have that Zoom call, hey, how was that Zoom call? Nobody ever answers that question, except when the call sucks, everybody's like, oh, yeah, that call was bad, right? We need that labeled data, right? To say all is well in all these other instances, but this one call wasn't good. If you get that labeled data, it's awesome. And then, again, this is another really, really good advancement from Marvis' perspective in terms of sort of Marvis' new actions.

I won't do a full deep dive on the new actions here. Tomorrow, the entire boot camp, there's a switching section there, there's a wireless session, brand new Marvis actions are coming to the dashboard. We want you to please participate in tomorrow's boot camp. It's going to be phenomenal. It's customers presenting with Juniper product teams, and you will see this is one of my new favorite Marvis actions. Basically, think of it this way.

Imagine all the IoT sensors, video cameras, all of that in our network today. What happens suddenly if one of those video cameras stops sending traffic? Who's watching it? If a thermostat stops sending data to its cloud, who's watching it? Marvis is watching it, and this is Marvis catching it, right? And so, this is game-changing. And then, last but not least, probably my favorite of all of these is this Marvis as a member of your team.

Marvis is coming to a Teams channel near you. And so, Marvis, actually, we've submitted to Microsoft for the app integration here, and as soon as it gets approved, this will be released. But you can invite Marvis to a conversation with your fellow team member and say, hey, you know, Ryan, what's up with this particular infusion pump in this hospital? Ask Marvis, right? So, Marvis can participate in a conversation within your own team.

And this is super cool. And, you know, whatever you could do on the VNA, for the most part, you know, you can actually do natively in this. So, and all of us, how many of you are Teams customers here? Everybody, right? Literally everybody. Who is not?

And so, this, now, don't have to log into the Mist dashboard. Marvis is sitting on your Teams channels with you, and it could stay there. It literally can stay on that Teams conversation and then just keep answering questions as you go through this.

You can troubleshoot switching issues, troubleshoot, you know, wireless issues, whatever summary you see today on the conversational assistant in the dashboard is coming to this Teams channel. So, super stoked about this. And, you know, the little button that I love is adding it to your team.

Marvis as a member of your team. So, this is what Bob and team have been working on. So, thank you very much for all of that, Bob, and the innovations on AI.

Last year, last year, oh, by the way, we have to give away some stuff. So, who is celebrating a birthday today or closest to today? Who's got it? Stand up, please. Just tell me a name.

Literally, are you celebrating a birthday today? You got to stand up. We have five people pointing at you. Yesterday. Alright. Happy birthday, and on behalf of Juniper, I have a Wi-Fi access point and a T-shirt and whatever else you want. Happy birthday to you.

So, I think legally, I can't say whatever else you want, but, you know, we'll erase that from the record. Last time, last year when we had this event, the best, highest voted session was the customer panel because this is truly where you hear the stories, right? The what, the why, the how customers have transformed their networks. And this one, we actually have mics set up there as well.

I'm going to have a few questions, but really, it's yours. If you're new to Juniper, if you're new to Mist, if you are an existing customer, but like something that one of the customers has said, walk up to a mic, you know, interrupt us, this is a conversation for all of us to have. That's why this is an intimate session.

So, without further ado, please bring up my customer panel. Come on up. ♪♪♪