瞻博网络 SRX 系列防火墙上为 Junos OS 18.3R1 版中的租户系统引入了防火墙身份验证功能,使您能够限制或允许单独或分组用户。身份验证请求是基于策略中定义的目标地址发起的。
防火墙身份验证是一种基于策略的身份验证方法,需要用户通过 HTTP、FTP 或 Telnet 流量发起身份验证请求。
Junos OS 使管理员能够根据源 IP 地址和其他凭据限制和允许防火墙用户访问防火墙背后的受保护资源。
[edit access]
包括身份验证方法、LDAP 或 RADIUS 服务器选项和会话选项的顺序。
定义防火墙用户后,创建一个策略,要求用户通过 表 1 中定义的其中一种身份验证模式进行身份验证。
身份验证选项 |
描述 |
支持的协议 |
支持的后端 |
Web 身份验证 |
用户使用 HTTP 连接到启用了 Web 身份验证并提示输入用户名和密码的设备上的 IP 地址。根据此身份验证结果,会允许或拒绝来自用户或主机的后续流量到受保护资源。 |
当地 Ldap 半径 SecurId |
直通 |
使用一个区域中的主机或用户的内联身份验证会尝试访问另一个区域上的资源。设备使用受支持的协议收集用户名和密码信息,并且会根据此身份验证结果允许或拒绝来自用户或主机的后续流量。 |
HTTP HTTPS Telnet Ftp |
当地 Ldap 半径 SecurId |
Web 重定向 |
自动将客户端重定向到 WebAuth 页面,用于身份验证(http 或 https) |
当地 Ldap 半径 SecurId |
集成用户防火墙 |
SRX 系列设备使用向 AD 提出的 WMI 客户端 (WMIC) 请求,在安全事件日志中获取 IP 地址到用户映射信息。 |
没有 |
Active Directory |
用户防火墙 |
与传递相同,但用户信息传递到 USERID 进程以进入身份验证表 |
当地 Ldap 半径 SecurId |
[edit security policies from-zone zone-name to-zone zone-name policy policy-name then permit]
指定。在访问配置文件中,可以通过策略来允许访问用户或用户组,可以选择使用客户端匹配配置语句指定。如果未指定任何用户或用户组,则允许任何成功通过身份验证的用户进行访问。FTP、Telnet 或 HTTP 会话的身份验证类型(直通或 Web 身份验证)、默认访问配置文件和成功横幅。这些属性使用层次结构上的
[edit access]
[edit security zones security-zone zone-name interfaces interface-name]
配置语句[edit security zones security-zone zone-name]
此示例说明如何使用三种身份验证模式直通、Web 重定向直通和 Web 身份验证,通过一个租户系统向服务器发送从客户端到服务器的不同防火墙身份验证流量。
Junos OS 18.3R1 及更高版本
Telnet 或 HTTP
外部身份验证服务器包括 RADIUS、LDAP 和 SecurID
当防火墙用户试图启动 Telnet、HTTP 或 HTTPS 会话以访问另一个区域中的资源时,SRX 系列防火墙会执行代理对防火墙用户进行身份验证,然后允许用户访问防火墙后面的 Telnet、HTTP 或 HTTPS 服务器。
在此示例中,您可以配置租户系统并将安全策略绑定到该租户系统。当来自客户端的流量从客户端发送到服务器(如图 1 所示)时,将根据安全策略中定义的身份验证过程对用户进行身份验证。
特征 |
名字 |
描述 |
安全配置文件 |
tn1_pf |
安全配置文件的名称。此配置文件指定要分配给安全配置文件绑定的租户系统的资源。 |
接口 |
xe-0/0/1 xe-0/0/2 |
接口名称。接口提供流量连接。 |
访问配置文件 |
local_pf radius_pf securid_pf |
访问配置文件的名称。这些配置文件用于定义用户和密码,以及获取有关用户访问权的授权信息。 |
SSL 终止配置文件 |
fwauthhttpspf |
配置文件的名称。此配置文件用于 SSL 终端服务。 |
路由实例 |
vr1 |
作为虚拟路由实例的实例类型。 |
安全策略 |
p7 |
策略的名称。此策略用于使用 fwauthhttpspf SSL 终止配置文件配置直通防火墙身份验证。 |
p1 |
策略的名称。此策略用于使用local_pf访问配置文件配置直通防火墙身份验证。 |
p4 |
策略的名称。此策略用于配置使用radius_pf的直通 Web 重定向防火墙身份验证。 |
p3 |
策略的名称。此策略用于配置 Web 身份验证防火墙身份验证。 |
图 1 显示了此配置示例中使用的拓扑。此拓扑中显示的租户是分区到多个租户的 SRX 系列防火墙。支持的外部服务器包括 RADIUS、LDAP 和 SecurID。从客户端到租户的通信通过 xe-0/0/1 接口进行,从租户到服务器的通信通过 xe-0/0/2 接口进行。
CLI 快速配置
要快速配置此示例,请复制以下命令,将其粘贴到文本文件中,删除所有换行符,更改详细信息,以便与网络配置匹配,将命令复制并粘贴到层级的 [edit]
CLI 中,然后从配置模式进入提交。
set system security-profile tn1_pf policy maximum 500 set system security-profile tn1_pf policy reserved 100 set system security-profile tn1_pf zone maximum 50 set system security-profile tn1_pf zone reserved 10 set tenants tn1 security-profile tn1_pf set services ssl termination profile fwauthhttpspf server-certificate device set interfaces xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address web-authentication http set interfaces xe-0/0/2 unit 0 family inet address web-authentication http set access profile local_pf client test firewall-user password "$ABC123" set access profile local_pf client test1 client-group local-group1 set access profile local_pf client test1 client-group local-group2 set access profile local_pf client test1 firewall-user password "$BCD678" set access profile local_pf client test2 client-group local-group2 set access profile local_pf client test2 firewall-user password "$DEF234" set access profile local_pf client test3 client-group local-group3 set access profile local_pf client test3 firewall-user password "$DBC123" set access profile local_pf client test4 client-group local-group4 set access profile local_pf client test4 firewall-user password "$FAB123" set access profile radius_pf authentication-order radius set access profile radius_pf radius-server secret "$AFD123" set access profile securid_pf authentication-order securid set tenants tn1 routing-instances vr1 instance-type virtual-router set tenants tn1 routing-instances vr1 interface xe-0/0/1.0 set tenants tn1 routing-instances vr1 interface xe-0/0/2.0 set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p1 match source-address any set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p1 match destination-address any set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p1 match application junos-telnet set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p1 then permit firewall-authentication pass-through access-profile local_pf set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p7 match source-address any set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p7 match destination-address any set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p7 match application any set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p7 then permit firewall-authentication pass-through access-profile local_pf set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p7 then permit firewall-authentication pass-through ssl-termination-profile fwauthhttpspf set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p4 match source-address any set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p4 match destination-address any set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p4 match application junos-http set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p4 then permit firewall-authentication pass-through access-profile radius_pf set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p4 then permit firewall-authentication pass-through web-redirect set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p3 match source-address any set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p3 match destination-address any set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p3 match application junos-http set tenants tn1 security policies from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p3 then permit firewall-authentication web-authentication set tenants tn1 security policies policy-rematch set tenants tn1 security zones security-zone tn1_trust interfaces xe-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services all set tenants tn1 security zones security-zone tn1_trust interfaces xe-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols all set tenants tn1 security zones security-zone tn1_untrust interfaces xe-0/0/2.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services all set tenants tn1 security zones security-zone tn1_untrust interfaces xe-0/0/2.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols all set tenants tn1 access firewall-authentication pass-through default-profile local_pf set tenants tn1 access firewall-authentication pass-through telnet banner login ****tenant1_telnet_login_banner set tenants tn1 access firewall-authentication pass-through telnet banner success ****tenant1_telnet_success_banner set tenants tn1 access firewall-authentication pass-through telnet banner fail ****tenant1_telnet_fail_banner set tenants tn1 access firewall-authentication web-authentication default-profile securid_pf set tenants tn1 access firewall-authentication web-authentication banner success ****tenant1_webauth_success_banner
以下示例要求您在配置层次结构中的各个级别上导航。有关操作说明,请参阅在配置模式下使用 CLI 编辑器。
[edit system security-profile] user@host# set tn1_pf policy maximum 500 user@host# set tn1_pf policy reserved 100 user@host# set tn1_pf zone maximum 50 user@host# set tn1_pf zone reserved 10
创建租户系统 tn1 并将安全配置文件tn1_pf绑定到租户系统。
[edit tenants] user@host# set tn1 security-profile tn1_pf
定义用于 HTTPS 流量 SSL 终端服务的访问配置文件,以触发直通身份验证。
[edit services] user@host# set ssl termination profile fwauthhttpspf server-certificate device
配置接口并分配 IP 地址。在 xe-0/0/1 接口上启用 Web 身份验证。
[edit interfaces] user@host# set interfaces xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address user@host# set interfaces xe-0/0/1 unit 0 family inet address web-authentication http user@host# set interfaces xe-0/0/2 unit 0 family inet address web-authentication http
[edit tenants tn1 routing-instances] user@host# set vr1 instance-type virtual-router user@host# set vr1 interface xe-0/0/1.0 user@host# set vr1 interface xe-0/0/2.0
[edit access profile] user@host# set local_pf client test firewall-user password "$ABC123" user@host# set local_pf client test1 client-group local-group1 user@host# set local_pf client test1 client-group local-group2 user@host# set local_pf client test1 firewall-user password "$BCD678" user@host# set local_pf client test2 client-group local-group2 user@host# set local_pf client test2 firewall-user password "$DEF234" user@host# set local_pf client test3 client-group local-group3 user@host# set local_pf client test3 firewall-user password "$DBC123" user@host# set local_pf client test4 client-group local-group4 user@host# set local_pf client test4 firewall-user password "$FAB123"
创建访问配置文件以配置 RADIUS 服务器。
[edit access profile] user@host# set radius_pf authentication-order radius user@host# set radius_pf radius-server secret "$AFD123"
创建访问配置文件,将 SecurID 配置为用于外部身份验证的服务器。
[edit access profile] user@host# set securid_pf authentication-order securid
配置不同的安全策略,以允许租户系统中使用直通(直接和 Web 重定向)和 Web 身份验证模式在区域之间传输 HTTP、HTTPS 和 Telnet 流量。
为 Telnet 流量的直通身份验证配置策略 p1。
[edit tenants tn1 security policies] user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p1 match source-address any user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p1 match destination-address any user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p1 match application junos-telnet user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p1 then permit firewall-authentication pass-through access-profile local_pf
为 HTTPS 流量的直通身份验证配置策略 p7。
[edit tenants tn1 security policies] user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p7 match source-address any user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p7 match destination-address any user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p7 match application junos-https user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p7 then permit firewall-authentication pass-through access-profile local_pf user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p7 then permit firewall-authentication pass-through ssl-termination-profile fwauthhttpspf
配置策略 p4,以便使用 Web 重定向实现 HTTP 流量的通过身份验证。
[edit tenants tn1 security policies] user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p4 match source-address ipv6_addr1 user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p4 match destination-address any user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p4 match application junos-http user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p4 then permit firewall-authentication pass-through access-profile radius_pf user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p4 then permit firewall-authentication pass-through web-redirect
为 HTTP 流量的 Web 身份验证配置策略 p3。
[edit tenants tn1 security policies] user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p3 match source-address any user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p3 match destination-address any user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p3 match application junos-http user@host# set from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust policy p3 then permit firewall-authentication web-authentication user@host# set policy-rematch
[edit tenants tn1 security zones] user@host# set security-zone tn1_trust interfaces xe-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services all user@host# set security-zone tn1_trust interfaces xe-0/0/1.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols all user@host# set security-zone tn1_untrust interfaces xe-0/0/2.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services all user@host# set security-zone tn1_untrust interfaces xe-0/0/2.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols all
定义 Telnet 会话的成功横幅。为租户系统中的应用程序配置防火墙身份验证直通和 Web 身份验证横幅。
[edit tenants tn1 access firewall-authentication] user@host# set pass-through default-profile local_pf user@host# set pass-through telnet banner login ****tenant1_telnet_login_banner user@host# set pass-through telnet banner success ****tenant1_telnet_success_banner user@host# set pass-through telnet banner fail ****tenant1_telnet_fail_banner user@host# set web-authentication default-profile securid_pf user@host# set web-authentication banner success ****tenant1_webauth_success_banner
在配置模式下,输入 、 show system security-profile
show interfaces
、 show access
、 show tenants
和show services ssl termination
user@host# show interfaces xe-0/0/1 { unit 0 { family inet { address; address { web-authentication { http; https; } } } } } xe-0/0/2 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } } }
user@host#show services ssl termination profile fwauthhttpspf { server-certificate device; }
user@host#show access profile local_pf { client test { firewall-user { password "$ABC123"; ## SECRET-DATA } } client test1 { client-group [ local-group1 local-group2 ]; firewall-user { password "$BCD678"; ## SECRET-DATA } } client test2 { client-group local-group2; firewall-user { password "$DEF234"; ## SECRET-DATA } } client test3 { client-group local-group3; firewall-user { password "$DBC123"; ## SECRET-DATA } } client test4 { client-group local-group4; firewall-user { password "$FAB123"; ## SECRET-DATA } } session-options { client-session-timeout 3; } } profile radius_pf { authentication-order radius; session-options { client-session-timeout 3; } radius-server { secret "$AFD123"; ## SECRET-DATA } }
user@host# show system security-profile tn1_pf { policy { maximum 500; reserved 100; } zone { maximum 50; reserved 10; } }
user@host# show tenants tn1 { routing-instances { vr1 { instance-type virtual-router; interface xe-0/0/1.0; interface xe-0/0/2.0; } } security-profile { tn1_pf; } security { policies { from-zone tn1_trust to-zone tn1_untrust { policy p2 { match { source-address any; destination-address any; application any; } then { permit { firewall-authentication { pass-through { access-profile ldap_pf; } } } } } } } zones { security-zone tn1_trust { interfaces { xe-0/0/1.0 { host-inbound-traffic { system-services { all; } protocols { all; } } } } } security-zone tn1_untrust { interfaces { xe-0/0/2.0 { host-inbound-traffic { system-services { all; } protocols { all; } } } } } } } access { firewall-authentication { pass-through { default-profile local_pf; telnet { banner { login ****tenant1_telnet_login_banner; success ****tenant1_telnet_success_banner; fail ****tenant1_telnet_fail_banner; } } } web-authentication { default-profile radius_pf; banner { success ****tenant1_webauth_success_banner; } } } } }
完成设备配置后,请从配置模式进入 commit
验证防火墙用户身份验证以及监控身份验证表中的用户和 IP 地址
租户系统的管理员可以使用 show security firewall-authentication users
或 show security firewall-authentication history commands
在操作模式下,输入以下命令 show 命令:
user@host> show security firewall-authentication history tenant tn1 identifier 10 Username: test Source IP: state: Success Authentication method: Pass-through using HTTP Access start date: 2018-05-31 Access start time: 17:07:38 Duration of user access: 0:10:01 Lsys: root-logical-system Tenant: tn1 Source zone: trust-tn1 Destination zone: untrust-tn1 Access profile: test Bytes sent by this user: 380 Bytes received by this user: 0 user@host> show security firewall-authentication history tenant tn1 History of firewall authentication data: Authentications: 2 Id Source Ip Date Time Duration Status User 1 2018-05-27 09:33:05 0:01:44 Success test 2 2018-05-27 10:01:09 0:10:02 Success test user@host> show security firewall-authentication users tenant tn1 Firewall authentication data: Total users in table: 1 Id Source Ip Src zone Dst zone Profile Age Status User 2 N/A N/A test 1 Success test
从 Junos OS 19.1R1 版开始,使用共享模型的租户系统支持用户防火墙身份验证。在此模型中,主逻辑系统与租户系统共享用户防火墙配置和身份验证条目。主逻辑系统与租户系统共享身份验证数据,租户系统从本地身份验证、Active Directory (AD) 身份验证、防火墙身份验证、瞻博网络身份管理服务 (JIMS) 和 ClearPass 身份验证收集。
在共享模型中,用户防火墙相关配置在主逻辑系统下配置,例如身份验证源、身份验证源优先级、身份验证条目超时以及 IP 查询或单个查询等。用户防火墙为 SRX 系列防火墙上的应用程序提供用户信息服务,例如策略和日志记录。来自租户系统的流量会从主逻辑系统查询身份验证表。
例如,如果主逻辑系统配置了 员工 ,而租户系统配置了源身份 管理器,则此身份验证条目的参考组包括 员工 和 管理器。此参考组包含来自主逻辑系统和租户系统的相同身份验证条目。
从 Junos OS 19.3R1 版开始,通过集成有源模式的 JIMS 使用自定义模型,增强了对用户防火墙身份验证的支持。在此模型中,租户系统从根级别提取身份验证条目。根据逻辑系统和租户系统名称,将主逻辑系统配置为 JIMS 服务器。在活动模式下,SRX 系列防火墙会主动查询通过 HTTPs 协议从 JIMS 服务器收到的正版条目。为了减少数据交换,我们应用了防火墙过滤器。
用户防火墙使用租户系统名称作为差异器,在 JIMS 服务器和 SRX 系列防火墙之间保持一致。JIMS 服务器发送身份验证条目中包含的差异器。当差异器设置为主逻辑系统的默认设置时,身份验证条目将分发到根逻辑系统中。
用户防火墙支持租户系统的不中断服务的软件升级 (ISSU),因为用户防火墙从 Junos OS 19.2R1 版开始更改内部数据库表格式。在 Junos OS 19.2R1 版之前,租户系统不支持 ISSU。
从 Junos OS 20.2R1 版开始,逻辑系统和租户系统支持使用统一访问控制 (UAC) 的用户防火墙身份验证。
不同租户系统下的 IP 地址不得重叠。如果地址重叠,则当不同用户在不同的租户系统下登录时,身份验证条目将发生变化。
在根逻辑系统下配置的 JIMS 服务器配置。
JIMS 服务器和 SRX 系列防火墙之间的租户系统名称应一致且唯一。
此示例说明如何配置 SRX 系列防火墙的高级查询功能,以便从瞻博网络身份管理服务 (JIMS) 获取用户身份信息,以及与租户系统的源身份匹配的安全策略。在主逻辑系统中,用户防火墙配置了 JIMS,然后主逻辑系统管理来自 JIMS 的所有身份验证条目。在此示例中,主逻辑系统与租户系统共享身份验证条目。
JIMS 服务器
Junos OS 版本 19.1 R1
在此示例中,您可以在端口 443 和主服务器上配置 HTTPs 连接,在主逻辑系统上使用 IPv4 地址配置 JIMS,在租户系统 TN1 上配置具有 dc0 域的源身份“group1”的策略 p1,在租户系统 TN2 上配置带有 dc0 域的源身份“group1”的策略 p1,以及将流量从租户系统 TN1 发送到租户系统 TN2。即使在重新启动主节点之后,您也可以查看主逻辑系统和租户系统(TN1 和 TN2)上的身份验证条目。
CLI 快速配置
要快速配置此示例,请复制以下命令,将其粘贴到文本文件中,删除所有换行符,更改详细信息,以便与网络配置匹配,将命令复制并粘贴到层级的 [edit]
CLI 中,然后从配置模式进入 commit
set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy1 match source-address any set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy1 match destination-address any set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy1 match application any set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy1 match source-identity "example.com\group1" set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy1 then permit set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_untrust policy TN1_policy2 match source-address any set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_untrust policy TN1_policy2 match destination-address any set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_untrust policy TN1_policy2 match application any set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_untrust policy TN1_policy2 then permit set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_untrust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy3 match source-address any set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_untrust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy3 match destination-address any set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_untrust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy3 match application any set tenants TN1 security policies from-zone TN1_untrust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy3 then permit set tenants TN1 security policies policy-rematch set tenants TN2 security policies from-zone TN2_untrust to-zone TN2_untrust policy TN2_policy1 match source-address any set tenants TN2 security policies from-zone TN2_untrust to-zone TN2_untrust policy TN2_policy1 match destination-address any set tenants TN2 security policies from-zone TN2_untrust to-zone TN2_untrust policy TN2_policy1 match application any set tenants TN2 security policies from-zone TN2_untrust to-zone TN2_untrust policy TN2_policy1 match source-identity "example.com\group2" set tenants TN2 security policies from-zone TN2_untrust to-zone TN2_untrust policy TN2_policy1 then permit set tenants TN2 security policies policy-rematch set services user-identification identity-management connection connect-method https set services user-identification identity-management connection port 443 set services user-identification identity-management connection primary address set services user-identification identity-management connection primary client-id otest set services user-identification identity-management connection primary client-secret "$ABC123" set security policies from-zone root_trust to-zone root_trust policy root_policy1 match source-address any set security policies from-zone root_trust to-zone root_trust policy root_policy1 match destination-address any set security policies from-zone root_trust to-zone root_trust policy root_policy1 match application any set security policies from-zone root_trust to-zone root_trust policy root_policy1 then permit set security policies policy-rematch set security zones security-zone root_trust interfaces reth1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services all set security zones security-zone root_trust interfaces reth1.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols all set security zones security-zone root_trust interfaces lt-0/0/0.1 host-inbound-traffic system-services all set security zones security-zone root_trust interfaces lt-0/0/0.1 host-inbound-traffic protocols all set firewall family inet filter impair-ldap term allow_all then accept
以下示例要求您在配置层次结构中的各个级别上导航。有关如何操作的说明,请参阅 Junos OS CLI 用户指南 中的在配置模式下使用 CLI 编辑器 。
user@host> configure user@host#
[edit tenants] user@host#set TN1 user@host#set TN2
在租户系统 TN1 上配置具有源身份组 1 的安全策略TN1_policy1,以允许来自TN1_trust的流量TN1_trust。
[edit security policies] user@host#set from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy1 match source-address any user@host#set from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy1 match destination-address any user@host#set from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy1 match application any user@host#set from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy1 match source-identity "example.com\group1" user@host#set from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy1 then permit
配置允许TN1_trust TN1_untrust流量的安全策略TN1_policy2。
[edit security policies] user@host#set from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_untrust policy TN1_policy2 match source-address any user@host#set from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_untrust policy TN1_policy2 match destination-address any user@host#set from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_untrust policy TN1_policy2 match application any user@host#set from-zone TN1_trust to-zone TN1_untrust policy TN1_policy2 then permit
[edit security policies] user@host#set from-zone TN1_untrust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy3 match source-address any user@host#set from-zone TN1_untrust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy3 match destination-address any user@host#set from-zone TN1_untrust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy3 match application any user@host#set from-zone TN1_untrust to-zone TN1_trust policy TN1_policy3 then permit user@host#set policy-rematch
[edit security zones] user@host#set security-zone TN1_trust interfaces reth2.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services all user@host#set security-zone TN1_trust interfaces reth2.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols all user@host#set security-zone TN1_trust interfaces lt-0/0/0.11 host-inbound-traffic system-services all user@host#set security-zone TN1_trust interfaces lt-0/0/0.11 host-inbound-traffic protocols all user@host#set security-zone TN1_untrust interfaces reth3.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services all user@host#set security-zone TN1_untrust interfaces reth3.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols all
使用源身份组 1 配置安全策略TN2_policy1,以允许TN2_untrust流量在 TN2 上TN2_untrust。
[edit security policies] user@host#set from-zone TN2_untrust to-zone TN2_untrust policy TN2_policy1 match source-address any user@host#set from-zone TN2_untrust to-zone TN2_untrust policy TN2_policy1 match destination-address any user@host#set from-zone TN2_untrust to-zone TN2_untrust policy TN2_policy1 match application any user@host#set from-zone TN2_untrust to-zone TN2_untrust policy TN2_policy1 match source-identity "example.com\group2" user@host#set from-zone TN2_untrust to-zone TN2_untrust policy TN2_policy1 then permit user@host#set policy-rematch
配置安全区域并将接口分配给 TN2 上的每个区域。
[edit security zones] user@host#set security-zone TN2_untrust interfaces reth4.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services all user@host#set security-zone TN2_untrust interfaces reth4.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols all user@host#set security-zone TN2_untrust interfaces lt-0/0/0.21 host-inbound-traffic system-services all user@host#set security-zone TN2_untrust interfaces lt-0/0/0.21 host-inbound-traffic protocols all
将 JIMS 配置为使用主地址的高级查询请求的身份验证源。SRX 系列防火墙需要此信息与服务器联系。
[edit services user-identification identity-management] user@host#set connection port 443 user@host#set connection connect-method https user@host#set connection primary address user@host#set connection primary client-id otest user@host#set connection primary client-secret test user@host#set authentication-entry-timeout 0
[edit security policies] user@host#set from-zone root_trust to-zone root_trust policy root_policy1 match source-address any user@host#set from-zone root_trust to-zone root_trust policy root_policy1 match destination-address any user@host#set from-zone root_trust to-zone root_trust policy root_policy1 match application any user@host#set from-zone root_trust to-zone root_trust policy root_policy1 then permit user@host#set policy-rematch
[edit security zones] user@host#set security-zone root_trust interfaces reth1.0 host-inbound-traffic system-services all user@host#set security-zone root_trust interfaces reth1.0 host-inbound-traffic protocols all user@host#set security-zone root_trust interfaces lt-0/0/0.1 host-inbound-traffic system-services all user@host#set security-zone root_trust interfaces lt-0/0/0.1 host-inbound-traffic protocols all user@host#set firewall family inet filter impair-ldap term allow_all then accept
在配置模式下,输入命令以确认show services user-identification identity-management
show chassis cluster
user@host# show services user-identification identity-management connection { connect-method https; port 443; primary { address; client-id otest; client-secret "$ABC123"; ## SECRET-DATA } }
user@host# show chassis cluster reth-count 5; control-ports { fpc 3 port 0; fpc 9 port 0; } redundancy-group 0 { node 0 priority 200; node 1 priority 1; } redundancy-group 1 { node 0 priority 100; node 1 priority 1; } redundancy-group 2 { node 0 priority 100; node 1 priority 1; } redundancy-group 3 { node 0 priority 100; node 1 priority 1; } redundancy-group 4 { node 0 priority 100; node 1 priority 1; }
完成设备配置后,请从配置模式进入 commit
要验证配置是否工作正常,请输入 show services user-identification authentication-table authentication-source identity-management tenant TN1
user@host> show services user-identification authentication-table authentication-source identity-management tenant TN1
Logical System: root-logical-system
Domain: ad2012.jims.com
Total entries: 3
Source IP Username groups(Ref by policy) state
2001:db8:aaaa: N/A Valid
2001:db8:aaaa: administrator Valid administrator Valid
Logical System: root-logical-system
Domain: ad2012.jims.com
Total entries: 3
Source IP Username groups(Ref by policy) state
2001:db8:aaaa: N/A Valid
2001:db8:aaaa: administrator Valid administrator Valid
要验证配置是否工作正常,请输入 show chassis cluster status
user@host> show chassis cluster status
Monitor Failure codes:
CS Cold Sync monitoring FL Fabric Connection monitoring
GR GRES monitoring HW Hardware monitoring
IF Interface monitoring IP IP monitoring
LB Loopback monitoring MB Mbuf monitoring
NH Nexthop monitoring NP NPC monitoring
SP SPU monitoring SM Schedule monitoring
CF Config Sync monitoring RE Relinquish monitoring
Cluster ID: 6
Node Priority Status Preempt Manual Monitor-failures
Redundancy group: 0 , Failover count: 0
node0 200 hold no no None
node1 1 secondary no no None
Redundancy group: 1 , Failover count: 0
node0 0 hold no no CS
node1 1 secondary no no None
Redundancy group: 2 , Failover count: 0
node0 0 hold no no CS
node1 1 secondary no no None
Redundancy group: 3 , Failover count: 0
node0 0 hold no no CS
node1 1 secondary no no None
Redundancy group: 4 , Failover count: 0
node0 0 hold no no CS
node1 1 secondary no no None
输出显示重新启动主节点后 TN1 和 TN2 上现有的用户识别管理会话。
此示例说明如何通过具有租户系统活动模式的瞻博网络身份管理服务 (JIMS) 服务器使用自定义模型来配置集成用户防火墙。主逻辑系统不会与租户系统共享身份验证条目。SRX 系列防火墙在主动模式下通过 HTTPs 协议查询从 JIMS 服务器收到的身份验证条目。
活动 JIMS 服务器配置
租户系统 IP 查询配置
JIMS 服务器 2.0 版
Junos OS 19.3R1 版
JIMS 服务器的 IP 地址。
JIMS 服务器上用于接收 HTTPs 请求的端口号。
来自活动查询服务器的 JIMS 服务器的客户端 ID。
来自 JIMS 服务器的客户端密钥,用于活动查询服务器。
在此示例中,您可以在端口 443 和主服务器上配置具有 HTTPs 连接的 JIMS,在主逻辑系统上使用 IPv4 地址配置策略 p2,并在租户系统上TSYS1
配置带有源身份的策略 group1
CLI 快速配置
要快速配置此示例,请复制以下命令,将其粘贴到文本文件中,删除所有换行符,更改详细信息,以便与网络配置匹配,将命令复制并粘贴到层级的 [edit]
CLI 中,然后从配置模式进入提交。
set services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active query-server jims1 connection connect-method https set services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active query-server jims1 connection port 443 set services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active query-server jims1 connection primary address set services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active query-server jims1 connection primary client-id otest set services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active query-server jims1 connection primary client-secret "$ABC123" set tenants TSYS1 services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active ip-query query-delay-time 30 set tenants TSYS1 services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active invalid-authentication-entry-timeout 1 set tenants TSYS1 security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy p2 match source-address any set tenants TSYS1 security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy p2 match destination-address any set tenants TSYS1 security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy p2 match application any set tenants TSYS1 security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy p2 match source-identity "example.com\group1" set tenants TSYS1 security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy p2 then permit
以下示例要求您在配置层次结构中的各个级别上导航。有关如何操作的说明,请参阅 Junos OS CLI 用户指南 中的在配置模式下使用 CLI 编辑器 。
将 JIMS 配置为使用主地址的高级查询请求的身份验证源。SRX 系列防火墙需要此信息与服务器联系。
user@host# set services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active query-server jims1 connection connect-method https user@host# set services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active query-server jims1 connection port 443 user@host# set services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active query-server jims1 connection primary address user@host# set services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active query-server jims1 connection primary client-id otest user@host# set services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active query-server jims1 connection primary client-secret "$ABC123"
为 TSYS1 配置 IP 查询延迟时间。
user@host# set tenants TSYS1 services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active ip-query query-delay-time 30
配置 TSYS1 的身份验证条目属性。
user@host# set tenants TSYS1 services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active invalid-authentication-entry-timeout 1
配置安全策略 p2,允许 TSYS1 不信任区域到区域信任的流量。
user@host# set tenants TSYS1 security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy p2 match source-address any user@host# set tenants TSYS1 security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy p2 match destination-address any user@host# set tenants TSYS1 security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy p2 match application any user@host# set tenants TSYS1 security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy p2 match source-identity "example.com\group1" user@host#set tenants TSYS1 security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust policy p2 then permit
在配置模式下,输入和 show tenants TSYS1
命令以确认show services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management
user@host# show services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management active { query-server jims1 { connection { connect-method https; port 443; primary { address; client-id otest; client-secret "$ABC123"; ## SECRET-DATA } } } }
user@host# show tenants TSYS1 security { policies { from-zone untrust to-zone trust { policy p2 { match { source-address any; destination-address any; application any; source-identity "example.com\group1"; } then { permit; } } } } } services { user-identification { logical-domain-identity-management { active { invalid-authentication-entry-timeout 1; ip-query { query-delay-time 30; } } } } }
完成设备配置后,请从配置模式进入 commit
要验证配置是否工作正常,请输入 show services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management status
user@host>show services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management status
Query server name :jims1
Primary server :
Address :
Port : 443
Connection method : HTTPS
Connection status : Online
Last received status message : OK (200)
Access token : isdHIbl8BXwxFftMRubGVsELRukYXtW3rtKmHiL
Token expire time : 2017-11-27 23:45:22
Secondary server :
Address : Not configured
输出显示有关高级用户查询功能批次查询和 IP 查询的统计数据,或显示瞻博网络身份管理服务服务器上的状态。
要验证配置是否工作正常,请输入 show services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management counters
user@host>show services user-identification logical-domain-identity-management counters
Query server name :jims1
Primary server :
Address :
Batch query sent number : 65381
Batch query total response number : 64930
Batch query error response number : 38
Batch query last response time : 2018-08-14 15:10:52
IP query sent number : 10
IP query total response number : 10
IP query error response number : 0
IP query last response time : 2018-08-13 12:41:56
Secondary server :
Address : Not configured
输出显示有关高级用户查询功能批次查询和 IP 查询的统计数据,或显示瞻博网络身份管理服务服务器上的计数器。
要验证配置是否工作正常,请输入 show services user-identification authentication-table authentication-source all tenant TSYS1
user@host>show services user-identification authentication-table authentication-source all tenant TSYS1
Tenant System: TSYS1
Domain: ad03.net
Total entries: 4
Source IP Username groups(Ref by policy) state administrator posture-healthy Valid administrator posture-healthy Valid
2001:db8:3000::5 N/A posture-healthy Valid
fe80::342c:302b N/A posture-healthy Valid
输出根据用户名显示指定身份验证源的身份验证表或者特定域、组或用户的全部内容。根据用户设备的 IP 地址显示用户的身份信息。