show interfaces
show interfaces ge-fpc/pic/port <brief | detail | extensive | terse> <descriptions> <media> <snmp-index snmp-index> <statistics>
语法(10 千兆以太网)
show interfaces xe-fpc/pic/port <brief | detail | extensive | terse> <descriptions> <media> <snmp-index snmp-index> <statistics>
show interfaces et-fpc/pic/port <brief | detail | extensive | terse> <descriptions> <media> <snmp-index snmp-index> <statistics>
语法 (QFX5130-32CD)
show interfaces et-fpc/pic/port <brief | detail | extensive | terse> <descriptions> <media> <snmp-index snmp-index> <statistics>
语法(SRX 系列防火墙和(vSRX 虚拟防火墙和 vSRX 虚拟防火墙 3.0 平台))
show interfaces ( <interface-name> <brief | detail | extensive | terse> <controller interface-name>| <descriptions interface-name>| <destination-class (all | destination-class-name logical-interface-name)>| <diagnostics optics interface-name>| <far-end-interval interface-fpc/pic/port>| <filters interface-name>| <flow-statistics interface-name>| <interval interface-name>| <load-balancing (detail | interface-name)>| <mac-database mac-address mac-address>| <mc-ae id identifier unit number revertive-info>| <media interface-name>| <policers interface-name>| <queue both-ingress-egress egress forwarding-class forwarding-class ingress l2-statistics>| <redundancy (detail | interface-name)>| <routing brief detail summary interface-name>| <routing-instance (all | instance-name)>| <snmp-index snmp-index>| <source-class (all | destination-class-name logical-interface-name)>| <statistics interface-name>| <switch-port switch-port number>| <transport pm (all | optics | otn) (all | current | currentday | interval | previousday) (all | interface-name)>| <zone interface-name>| <dsl-sfp-options (adsl-options | gfast-options | vdsl-options) > )
(仅限 M320、M120、MX 系列和 T 系列路由器)显示有关指定 10 千兆以太网接口的状态信息。
显示有关 MX 系列路由器的指定千兆以太网接口的 IPv6 接口流量统计信息。不显示 IFD 和本地流量的输入和输出字节 (bps) 和数据包 (pps) 速率。
显示有关运行 Junos OS 的 SRX 系列、vSRX 虚拟防火墙和 vSRX 虚拟防火墙 3.0 平台上的接口状态信息和统计信息。
SRX4600 仅在 PIC 模式下支持 40 千兆以太网分支。使用该 show interfaces extensive
在 SRX 系列设备上,在单个接口上配置相同的 IP 时,不会看到警告消息;相反,您将看到一条系统日志消息。
从 Junos OS 18.4R1 版开始,输出字段 Next-hop
并 vpls-status
显示在命令中 show interfaces interface name detail
,仅适用于 MX480 路由器上的第 2 层协议。
在 QFX5120-48Y 交换机上的 Junos OS 19.2R3、19.3R3、19.4R3、20.1R2 和 20.2R1 版本中,命令 show interfaces interface-name<media><extensive>
仅显示支持自动协商的接口的自动协商状态。这适用于交换机以 1 Gbps 速度运行时的情况。在早期的 Junos OS 版本中,即使禁用了自动协商,也会显示不正确的自动协商状态。
由于接口级过滤器统计信息相关的硬件限制,QFX5130-32CD 交换机在执行命令时show interfaces extensive
不显示。Filters statistics
请参阅显示接口扩展 (QFX5130-32CD)。
从 Junos OS 20.4R1 版开始,我们支持 和 Annex J 规范以及适用于 ADSL2/ADSL2+ 的 SFP xDSL 以及 SRX380、SRX300、SRX320、SRX340 和 SRX345 设备上的所有 VDSL2 配置文件。
ge-fpc/pic/port |
为了向后兼容,不同速度的接口统一命名为 ge-0/0/x。使用 |
brief | detail | extensive | terse |
(可选)显示指定的输出级别。 |
descriptions |
(可选)显示接口说明字符串。 |
media |
(可选)显示有关网络接口的介质特定信息。 |
snmp-index snmp-index |
(可选)显示接口的指定 SNMP 索引的信息。 |
statistics |
(可选)显示静态接口统计信息。 |
对于 10 千兆接口:
xe-fpc/pic/port |
显示有关指定 10 千兆以太网接口的标准信息。 |
brief | detail | extensive | terse |
(可选)显示指定的输出级别。 |
descriptions |
(可选)显示接口说明字符串。 |
media |
(可选)显示有关网络接口的介质特定信息。 |
snmp-index snmp-index |
(可选)显示接口的指定 SNMP 索引的信息。 |
statistics |
(可选)显示静态接口统计信息。 |
对于 SRX 接口:
interface-name |
(可选)显示有关指定接口的标准信息。以下是典型接口名称的列表。将 pim 替换为 PIM 插槽,将端口替换为端口号。
表 1 介绍了(千兆以太网)命令的 show interfaces
输出字段。输出字段按其出现的大致顺序列出。对于千兆以太网 IQ 和 IQE PIC,流量和 MAC 统计信息因接口类型而异。更多信息,请参见 表2。
字段名称 |
字段说明 |
输出级别 |
物理接口 | ||
物理接口的名称。 |
所有级别 |
接口的状态。通用 输出字段说明下的“已启用字段”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
所有级别 |
物理接口的索引号,反映其初始化顺序。 |
物理接口的 SNMP 索引号。 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
在物理接口上使用封装。 |
所有级别 |
物理接口上的最大传输单元大小。 |
所有级别 |
接口运行速度。 |
所有级别 |
环路状态: |
所有级别 |
源过滤状态: |
所有级别 |
在局域网物理层设备 (LAN PHY) 模式下运行的 10 千兆以太网接口。LAN PHY 允许 10 千兆以太网广域链路使用现有以太网应用程序。 |
所有级别 |
在广域网物理层设备 (WAN PHY) 模式下运行的 10 千兆以太网接口。WAN PHY 允许 10 千兆以太网广域链路使用光纤电缆和其他用于 SONET/SDH 的设备。 |
所有级别 |
10 千兆以太网接口 |
所有级别 |
流控制状态: |
所有级别 |
(千兆以太网接口)自动协商状态: |
所有级别 |
所有级别 |
有关物理设备的信息。通用 输出字段说明下的“设备标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
所有级别 |
有关接口的信息。通用 输出字段说明下的“接口标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
所有级别 |
有关链接的信息。通用 输出字段说明下的“链路标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
所有级别 |
(10 千兆以太网密集波分复用 [DWDM] 接口)显示配置的波长,以纳米 (nm) 为单位。 |
所有级别 |
(仅限 10 千兆以太网 DWDM 接口)显示与配置的波长相关的频率,以太赫兹 (THz) 为单位。 |
所有级别 |
配置的 CoS 队列数。 |
(仅限千兆以太网智能排队 2 [IQ2] 接口)配置的 CoS 调度程序数。 |
当前接口保持时间和停止保持时间,以毫秒 (ms) 为单位。 |
配置的 MAC 地址。 |
硬件 MAC 地址。 |
接口从下到上的日期、时间和前多久。格式为 |
输入速率,以位/秒 (bps) 和数据包/秒 (pps) 为单位。如果在 PIC 级别或逻辑接口级别启用第 2 层开销核算,则此字段中的值还包括以太网接口上入口流量的第 2 层开销字节。 |
没有 |
以 bps 和 pps 为单位的输出速率。如果在 PIC 级别或逻辑接口级别启用第 2 层开销核算,则此字段中的值还包括以太网接口上出口流量的第 2 层开销字节。 |
没有 |
上次将接口的统计信息设置为零的时间。 |
出口流量的接口统计信息中计算的第 2 层开销(以字节为单位)。 |
入口流量的接口统计信息中计算的第 2 层开销(以字节为单位)。 |
千兆以太网和 10 千兆以太网 IQ PIC 计算开销和 CRC 字节数。 对于千兆以太网 IQ PIC,输入字节计数因接口类型而异。有关更多信息,请参阅 show interfaces 命令下的表 31。 |
在不属于增强型的 DPC(如 DPC 40x 1GE R、DPCE 20x 1GE + 2x 10GE R 或 DPCE 40x 1GE R)中,您可能会注意到命令输出 |
CoS 队列号及其关联的用户配置的转发类名称。
指定接口上支持的入口队列总数。显示在 IQ2 接口上。 |
CoS 队列号及其关联的用户配置的转发类名称。显示在 IQ2 接口上。
特定于以太网的缺陷,可阻止接口传递数据包。当缺陷持续一段时间后,就会升级为报警。根据路由器配置,报警可能会在路由器上响起红色或黄色警铃,或者打开控制面板上的红色或黄色报警 LED。这些字段可以包含值
接口传输统计信息 |
(在 MX 系列设备上)配置的状态
前向纠错 (FEC) 计数器提供以下统计信息:
(10 千兆以太网接口)显示来自 WAN PHY 或 LAN PHY 设备的物理编码子层 (PCS) 故障情况。
显示伪随机二进制序列 (PRBS) 统计信息。 PRBS统计数据以广泛、详细、媒体和正常输出显示,但简洁除外。 输出按 serdes 通道显示。输出由错误的迭代总数、迭代总数和监视的秒数组成。错误迭代是指至少看到一个位错误的迭代。 |
指定模式类型,范围为 7 到 58。 |
显示物理链路的链路降级状态和估计的误码率 (BER)。此字段仅适用于支持物理链路监控功能的 PIC。
APS/PCC0: 0x02, APS/PCC1: 0x11, APS/PCC2: 0x47, APS/PCC3: 0x58 有效载荷类型: 0x08 |
APS/PCC0: 0x00, APS/PCC1: 0x00, APS/PCC2: 0x00, APS/PCC3: 0x00 有效载荷类型: 0x08 |
(10 千兆以太网接口,WAN PHY 模式)SONET 错误信息:
(10 千兆以太网接口,WAN PHY 模式)SONET 错误信息:
(10 千兆以太网接口,WAN PHY 模式)活动报警和缺陷,加上特定 SONET 错误计数及详细信息:
(10 千兆以太网接口,WAN PHY 模式)活动报警和缺陷,加上特定 SONET 错误计数及详细信息:
(10 千兆以太网接口,WAN PHY 模式)SONET/SDH 接口允许通过 SONET/SDH 链路在带内发送路径追踪字节。瞻博网络和其他路由器制造商使用这些字节,通过设置传输的路径追踪消息,使其包含系统主机名和物理接口名称,来帮助诊断配置错误和网络错误。收到的路径追踪值是从光纤另一端的路由器接收的消息。传输路径跟踪值是此路由器传输的消息。 |
有关物理接口的 CoS 队列的信息。
逻辑接口 | ||
逻辑接口的名称。 |
所有级别 |
逻辑接口的索引号,反映其初始化顺序。 |
逻辑接口的 SNMP 接口索引号。 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
有关逻辑接口的信息。 通用输出字段说明下的“逻辑接口标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
所有级别 |
重写配置文件适用于外部 (
如果此接口用作多路复用底层接口,则显示的 IP 多路分离 (demux) 值。输出为以下内容之一:
逻辑接口上的封装。 |
所有级别 |
如果配置了 ACI 接口集,则底层以太网接口能够基于 ACI 信息创建动态 VLAN 用户接口。
当用自动配置部分配置 |
线路标识 |
如果配置了 ALI 接口集,则底层以太网接口能够基于 ALI 信息创建动态 VLAN 用户接口。
当用自动配置部分配置 |
协议家族。通用 输出字段说明下的“协议字段”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
逻辑接口上的最大传输单元大小。 |
所有级别 |
用于创建配置了以太网点对点协议 (PPPoE) 家族的此接口的动态配置文件的名称。 |
配置了 PPPoE 家族的接口的服务名称表的名称。 |
可在底层接口上激活的最大 PPPoE 逻辑接口数。 |
PPPoE 重复保护的状态: |
直接连接 |
忽略 DSL 论坛 VSA 的配置状态: |
访问集中器的名称。 |
在逻辑接口上为 MPLS 协议家族配置的最大 MPLS 标签数。 |
如果启用了 IPv6 统计信息跟踪,则在逻辑接口上接收和传输的 IPv6 传输字节数和数据包数。 |
发送到路由器的字节和数据包的数量和速率。 |
对于千兆以太网智能排队 2 (IQ2) 接口,应用输出整形时,逻辑接口出口统计信息可能无法准确反映线路上的流量。流量管理输出整形可能会在数据包被 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
逻辑接口地址所在的路由表。例如, |
有关协议家族标志的信息。 通用输出字段说明下的“族标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
(未编号的以太网)未编号的以太网接口借用 IPv4 地址的接口。 |
(未编号的以太网)施主环路接口的辅助 IPv4 地址,用作未编号以太网接口的首选源地址。 |
应用于此接口的任何输入过滤器的名称。如果为动态配置文件中的任何过滤器指定优先级值,则过滤器优先级值将显示在所有接口旁边的括号内。 |
应用于此接口的任何输出过滤器的名称。如果为动态配置文件中的任何过滤器指定优先级值,则过滤器优先级值将显示在所有接口旁边的括号内。 |
数据包和字节的 MAC 地址验证失败次数。为逻辑接口启用 MAC 地址验证后,将显示此字段。 |
有关地址标志的信息。通用 输出字段说明下的“地址标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
在逻辑接口上配置的协议家族。如果协议为 |
有关地址标志的信息。通用 输出字段说明下的“地址标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
连接远程端的 IP 地址。 |
逻辑接口的 IP 地址。 |
逻辑接口的广播地址。 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
下表描述了(10-千兆以太网)命令的 show interfaces
字段名称 | 字段说明 | 输出级别 |
物理接口的名称。 |
所有级别 |
接口的状态。通用 输出字段说明下的“已启用字段”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
所有级别 |
物理接口的索引号,反映其初始化顺序。 |
物理接口的 SNMP 索引号。 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
在物理接口上使用封装。 |
所有级别 |
物理接口上的最大传输单元大小。 |
所有级别 |
接口运行速度。 |
所有级别 |
环路状态: |
所有级别 |
源过滤状态: |
所有级别 |
在局域网物理层设备 (LAN PHY) 模式下运行的 10 千兆以太网接口。LAN PHY 允许 10 千兆以太网广域链路使用现有以太网应用程序。 |
所有级别 |
在广域网物理层设备 (WAN PHY) 模式下运行的 10 千兆以太网接口。WAN PHY 允许 10 千兆以太网广域链路使用光纤电缆和其他用于 SONET/SDH 的设备。 |
所有级别 |
10 千兆以太网接口 |
所有级别 |
流控制状态: |
所有级别 |
(千兆以太网接口)自动协商状态: |
所有级别 |
所有级别 |
有关物理设备的信息。通用 输出字段说明下的“设备标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
所有级别 |
有关接口的信息。通用 输出字段说明下的“接口标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
所有级别 |
有关链接的信息。通用 输出字段说明下的“链路标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
所有级别 |
(10 千兆以太网密集波分复用 [DWDM] 接口)显示配置的波长,以纳米 (nm) 为单位。 |
所有级别 |
(仅限 10 千兆以太网 DWDM 接口)显示与配置的波长相关的频率,以太赫兹 (THz) 为单位。 |
所有级别 |
配置的 CoS 队列数。 |
(仅限千兆以太网智能排队 2 (IQ2) 接口)配置的 CoS 调度程序数。 |
当前接口保持时间和停止保持时间,以毫秒为单位。 |
配置的 MAC 地址。 |
硬件 MAC 地址。 |
接口从下到上的日期、时间和前多久。格式为 |
输入速率,以位/秒 (bps) 和数据包/秒 (pps) 为单位。如果在 PIC 级别或逻辑接口级别启用第 2 层开销核算,则此字段中的值还包括以太网接口上入口流量的第 2 层开销字节。 |
未指定 |
以 bps 和 pps 为单位的输出速率。如果在 PIC 级别或逻辑接口级别启用第 2 层开销核算,则此字段中的值还包括以太网接口上出口流量的第 2 层开销字节。 |
未指定 |
上次将接口的统计信息设置为零的时间。 |
出口流量的接口统计信息中计算的第 2 层开销(以字节为单位)。 |
入口流量的接口统计信息中计算的第 2 层开销(以字节为单位)。 |
在不属于增强型的 DPC(如 DPC 40x 1GE R、DPCE 20x 1GE + 2x 10GE R 或 DPCE 40x 1GE R)中,您可能会注意到命令输出 |
CoS 队列号及其关联的用户配置的转发类名称。
指定接口上支持的入口队列总数。显示在 IQ2 接口上。 |
CoS 队列号及其关联的用户配置的转发类名称。显示在 IQ2 接口上。
特定于以太网的缺陷,可阻止接口传递数据包。当缺陷持续一段时间后,就会升级为报警。根据路由设备配置,报警可能会在路由设备上响起红色或黄色警铃,或者打开控制面板上的红色或黄色报警 LED。这些字段可以包含值
接口上识别的活动 OTN 报警。 |
接口上收到的 OTN 缺陷。 |
接口上配置的 FEC 模式。
OTN 模式。
线路环回的状态(如果为 DWDM OTN PIC 配置)。其值可以是: |
DWDM OTN PIC 的前向纠错 (FEC) 计数器。
接口上触发的 OTN FEC 过多或降级错误报警。
接口上触发的 OTN OC 缺陷。
在接口上检测到 OTN OTU 缺陷
接收数据包的目标访问端口接口 (DAPI)。 |
接收数据包的源访问端口接口 (SAPI)。 |
数据包传输到的目标访问端口接口 (DAPI)。 |
数据包传输到的源访问端口接口 (SAPI)。 |
(10 千兆以太网接口)显示来自 WAN PHY 或 LAN PHY 设备的物理编码子层 (PCS) 故障情况。
APS/PCC0: 0x02, APS/PCC1: 0x11, APS/PCC2: 0x47, APS/PCC3: 0x58 有效载荷类型: 0x08 |
APS/PCC0: 0x00, APS/PCC1: 0x00, APS/PCC2: 0x00, APS/PCC3: 0x00 有效载荷类型: 0x08 |
(10 千兆以太网接口,WAN PHY 模式)SONET 错误信息:
(10 千兆以太网接口,WAN PHY 模式)SONET 错误信息:
(10 千兆以太网接口,WAN PHY 模式)活动报警和缺陷,以及特定 SONET 错误计数及详细信息。
(10 千兆以太网接口,WAN PHY 模式)活动报警和缺陷,以及特定 SONET 错误计数及详细信息。
(10 千兆以太网接口,WAN PHY 模式)SONET/SDH 接口允许通过 SONET/SDH 链路在带内发送路径追踪字节。瞻博网络和其他路由器制造商使用这些字节,通过设置传输的路径追踪消息,使其包含系统主机名和物理接口名称,来帮助诊断配置错误和网络错误。收到的路径追踪值是从光纤另一端的路由设备接收的消息。传输路径跟踪值是此路由设备传输的消息。 |
有关物理接口的 CoS 队列的信息。
逻辑接口 | ||
逻辑接口的名称。 |
所有级别 |
逻辑接口的索引号,反映其初始化顺序。 |
逻辑接口的 SNMP 接口索引号。 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
有关逻辑接口的信息。 通用输出字段说明下的“逻辑接口标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
所有级别 |
重写配置文件适用于外部 (
如果此接口用作多路复用底层接口,则显示的 IP 多路分离 (demux) 值。输出为以下内容之一:
逻辑接口上的封装。 |
所有级别 |
协议家族。通用 输出字段说明下的“协议字段”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
逻辑接口上的最大传输单元大小。 |
在逻辑接口上为 MPLS 协议家族配置的最大 MPLS 标签数。 |
如果启用了 IPv6 统计信息跟踪,则在逻辑接口上接收和传输的 IPv6 传输字节数和数据包数。 |
发送到路由设备的字节和数据包的数量和速率。 |
对于千兆以太网智能排队 2 (IQ2) 接口,应用输出整形时,逻辑接口出口统计信息可能无法准确反映线路上的流量。流量管理输出整形可能会在数据包被 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
逻辑接口地址所在的路由表。例如, |
有关协议家族标志的信息。 通用输出字段说明下的“族标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
(未编号的以太网)未编号的以太网接口借用 IPv4 地址的接口。 |
(未编号的以太网)施主环路接口的辅助 IPv4 地址,用作未编号以太网接口的首选源地址。 |
应用于此接口的任何输入过滤器的名称。如果为动态配置文件中的任何过滤器指定优先级值,则过滤器优先级值将显示在所有接口旁边的括号内。 |
应用于此接口的任何输出过滤器的名称。如果为动态配置文件中的任何过滤器指定优先级值,则过滤器优先级值将显示在所有接口旁边的括号内。 |
数据包和字节的 MAC 地址验证失败次数。为逻辑接口启用 MAC 地址验证后,将显示此字段。 |
有关地址标志的信息。通用 输出字段说明下的“地址标志”部分介绍了可能的值。 |
在逻辑接口上配置的协议家族。如果协议为 |
有关地址标志的信息(通用 输出字段说明下的“地址标志”部分介绍了可能的值)。 |
连接远程端的 IP 地址。 |
逻辑接口的 IP 地址。 |
逻辑隔行的广播地址。 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
对于千兆以太网 IQ PIC,流量和 MAC 统计信息输出各不相同。下表介绍了两个示例接口的流量和 MAC 统计信息,每个接口以 500 字节的数据包发送流量(包括第 3 层数据包 478 字节、第 2 层 VLAN 流量标头 18 字节和循环冗余校验 [CRC] 信息 4 字节)。接口 ge-0/3/0
是入站物理接口,接口 ge-0/0/0
是出站物理接口。在两个接口上,流量都在逻辑单元 .50
(VLAN 50) 上传输。
接口类型 |
示例命令 |
字节和八位位组计数包括 |
评论 |
入站物理接口 |
流量统计: 输入字节:每个数据包 496 个字节,表示第 2 层 数据包 MAC 统计信息: 接收的八位组:每个数据包 500 个字节,表示第 2 层 数据包 + 4 个字节 |
额外的 4 个字节用于 CRC。 |
入站逻辑接口 |
流量统计: 输入字节:每个数据包 478 个字节,表示第 3 层 数据包 |
出站物理接口 |
流量统计: 输入字节:每个数据包 490 个字节,表示第 3 层 数据包 + 12 个字节 MAC 统计信息: 接收的八位组:每个数据包 478 个字节,表示第 3 层 数据包 |
对于输入字节,额外的 12 个字节包括 6 个用于目标 MAC 地址的字节、4 个用于 VLAN 的字节以及用于以太网类型的 2 个字节。 |
出站逻辑接口 |
流量统计: 输入字节:每个数据包 478 个字节,表示第 3 层 数据包 |
表 3 列出了命令 show interfaces
字段名称 |
字段说明 |
输出级别 |
物理接口 | ||
物理接口的名称。 |
所有级别 |
接口的状态。 |
所有级别 |
物理接口的索引号,反映其初始化顺序。 |
物理接口的 SNMP 索引号。 |
在物理接口上使用封装。 |
所有级别 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
物理接口上的最大传输单元大小。 |
所有级别 |
链路模式:全双工或半双工。 |
接口运行速度。 |
所有级别 |
桥接协议数据单元 (BPDU) 错误:检测到或无 |
环路状态: |
所有级别 |
源过滤状态: |
所有级别 |
流控制状态: |
所有级别 |
(千兆以太网接口)自动协商状态: |
所有级别 |
所有级别 |
有关物理设备的信息。 |
所有级别 |
有关接口的信息。 |
所有级别 |
有关物理链路的信息。 |
所有级别 |
配置的 CoS 队列数。 |
配置的 MAC 地址。 |
接口从下到上的日期、时间和前多久。格式为 |
输入速率,以位/秒 (bps) 和数据包/秒 (pps) 为单位。 |
没有 |
以 bps 和 pps 为单位的输出速率。 |
没有 |
上次将接口的统计信息设置为零的时间。 |
指定接口上支持的入口队列总数。 |
CoS 队列号及其关联的用户配置的转发类名称。
由于端口拥塞而标有 CE(遇到拥塞)的数据包数。 |
extensive |
有关物理接口的 CoS 队列的信息。
配置的状态 |
CoS 队列号及其关联的用户配置的转发类名称。
逻辑接口 | ||
逻辑接口的名称。 |
所有级别 |
逻辑接口的索引号,反映其初始化顺序。 |
逻辑接口的 SNMP 接口索引号。 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
有关逻辑接口的信息。 |
所有级别 |
逻辑接口上的封装。 |
所有级别 |
发送到设备的字节和数据包的数量和速率。 |
对于千兆以太网智能排队 2 (IQ2) 接口,应用输出整形时,逻辑接口出口统计信息可能无法准确反映线路上的流量。流量管理输出整形可能会在数据包被 |
接口所属的安全区域。 |
流模块接收的数据包的统计信息。 |
流模块发送的数据包的统计信息。 |
流模块中错误的统计信息。 |
协议家族。 |
逻辑接口上的最大传输单元大小。 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
逻辑接口地址所在的路由表。例如, |
有关协议家族标志的信息。. |
有关地址标志的信息.. |
连接远程端的 IP 地址。 |
逻辑接口的 IP 地址。 |
逻辑接口的广播地址。 |
仅供瞻博网络技术支持使用的唯一编号。 |
| 和附录 J 支持的示例输出
- show interfaces(SRX380、SRX300、SRX320、SRX340 和 SRX345)
- show interfaces(有关 SRX380、SRX300、SRX320、SRX340 和 SRX345 的 相关信息)
- show interfaces tese(ACX5448、ACX5448-D、ACX710 通道化接口)
- show interfaces(千兆以太网)
- show interfaces(MX 系列路由器上的千兆 以太网)
- show interfaces(链路降级状态)
- show interfaces et-0/0/0(PTX 系列上用于默认 FEC 的 25 千兆以太网接口)(Junos OS 演进版)
- 显示接口扩展(链路降级状态)(PTX10001-36MR)
- show interfaces extensive(MX 系列路由器上的千兆以太网,显示接口传输统计信息配置)
- 显示接口扩展(MX960 路由器,带 MPC10E-10C-MRATE、MPC10E-15C-MRATE 线卡)
- show interfaces brief(千兆 以太网)
- show interfaces detail(千兆以太网)
- show interfaces extensive(千兆 以太网 IQ2)
- show interfaces(千兆 以太网未编号接口)
- show interfaces(已配置 ACI 接口集)
- show interfaces(ALI 接口集)
show interfaces(SRX380、SRX300、SRX320、SRX340 和 SRX345)
user@host> show interfaces ge-0/0/8 Physical interface: ge-0/0/8, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 146, SNMP ifIndex: 520 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Link-mode: Full-duplex, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, Ethernet-Switching Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Disabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online DSL SFP Status: Chip Type : xDSL Chip Firmware Version : 1_62_8463 Training Status : Showtime Training Mode : ADSL2PLUS Annex Type : Annex J Profile Type : NA Carrier Set : NA Line Status : No Defect DSL SFP Statistics: XTU-R (DS) XTU-C (US) Packet Count : 0 0 CRC Error Count : 0 0 Electrical Length (dB) : 0 0 Net Data Rate (Kbps) : 25737 3143 SNR Margin (dB) : 100 -2 CV Count : 0 0 ES Count : 0 0 SES Count : 0 0 UAS Count : 0 0 Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x0 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Current address: 4c:16:fc:de:30:89, Hardware address: 4c:16:fc:de:30:89 Last flapped : 2020-10-28 19:56:29 PDT (3d 23:07 ago) Input rate : 20544 bps (42 pps) Output rate : 20544 bps (42 pps) Active alarms : None Active defects : None PCS statistics Seconds Bit errors 0 Errored blocks 0 Ethernet FEC statistics Errors FEC Corrected Errors 0 FEC Uncorrected Errors 0 FEC Corrected Errors Rate 0 FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate 0 Interface transmit statistics: Disabled Logical interface ge-0/0/8.0 (Index 77) (SNMP ifIndex 538) Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x0 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.10 ] Encapsulation: ENET2 Input packets : 0 Output packets: 105040 Security: Zone: trust Allowed host-inbound traffic : bootp bfd bgp dns dvmrp igmp ldp msdp nhrp ospf ospf3 pgm pim rip ripng router-discovery rsvp sap vrrp dhcp finger ftp tftp ident-reset http https ike netconf ping reverse-telnet reverse-ssh rlogin rpm rsh snmp snmp-trap ssh telnet traceroute xnm-clear-text xnm-ssl lsping ntp sip dhcpv6 r2cp webapi-clear-text webapi-ssl tcp-encap sdwan-appqoe l3-ha Protocol inet, MTU: 1500 Max nh cache: 100000, New hold nh limit: 100000, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0 Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary Destination: 10.1.3/24, Local:, Broadcast:
show interfaces(有关 SRX380、SRX300、SRX320、SRX340 和 SRX345 的 相关信息)
user@host> show interfaces ge-0/0/8 Physical interface: ge-0/0/8, Enabled, Physical link is Up mode, DS Speed: 400Mbps, US Speed: 400Mbps Cont............................................. .................................................
show interfaces tese(ACX5448、ACX5448-D、ACX710 通道化接口)
user@host> show interfaces terse et-0/1/2 Interface Admin Link Proto Local Remote et-0/1/2:0 up down et-0/1/2:1 up down et-0/1/2:2 up down et-0/1/2:3 up down
show interfaces(千兆以太网)
user@host> show interfaces ge-3/0/2 Physical interface: ge-3/0/2, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 167, SNMP ifIndex: 35 Link-level type: 52, MTU: 1522, Speed: 1000mbps, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled Remote fault: Online Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 CoS queues : 4 supported, 4 maximum usable queues Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:7c, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:7c Last flapped : 2006-08-10 17:25:10 PDT (00:01:08 ago) Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Ingress rate at Packet Forwarding Engine : 0 bps (0 pps) Ingress drop rate at Packet Forwarding Engine : 0 bps (0 pps) Active alarms : None Active defects : None Logical interface ge-3/0/2.0 (Index 72) (SNMP ifIndex 69) Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.512 0x8100.513 ] In(pop-swap 0x8100.530) Out(swap-push 0x8100.512 0x8100.513) Encapsulation: VLAN-CCC Egress account overhead: 100 Ingress account overhead: 90 Input packets : 0 Output packets: 0 Protocol ccc, MTU: 1522 Flags: Is-Primary
show interfaces(MX 系列路由器上的千兆 以太网)
user@host> show interfaces ge-2/2/2 Physical interface: ge-2/2/2, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 156, SNMP ifIndex: 188 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 1000mbps, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 4 maximum usable queues Schedulers : 0 Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:c0, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:76 Last flapped : 2008-09-05 16:44:30 PDT (3d 01:04 ago) Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Active alarms : None Active defects : None Logical interface ge-2/2/2.0 (Index 82) (SNMP ifIndex 219) Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 Encapsulation: ENET2 Input packets : 10232 Output packets: 10294 Protocol inet, MTU: 1500 Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary Destination: 203.0.113/24, Local:, Broadcast: Protocol inet6, MTU: 1500 Max nh cache: 4, New hold nh limit: 100000, Curr nh cnt: 4, Curr new hold cnt: 4, NH drop cnt: 0 Flags: Is-Primary Addresses, Flags: Is-Default Is-Preferred Is-Primary Destination: 2001:db8:/32, Local: 2001:db8::5 Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Destination: 2001:db8:1::/32, Local: 2001:db8:223:9cff:fe9f:3e78 Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited Flags: Is-Primary
show interfaces(链路降级状态)
user@host> show interfaces et-3/0/0 Physical interface: et-3/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down Interface index: 157, SNMP ifIndex: 537 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, MRU: 0, Speed: 100Gbps, BPDU Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled Device flags : Present Running Down Interface flags: Hardware-Down SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Current address: 54:e0:32:23:9d:38, Hardware address: 54:e0:32:23:9d:38 Last flapped : 2014-06-18 02:36:38 PDT (02:50:50 ago) Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Active alarms : LINK Active defects : LINK PCS statistics Seconds Bit errors 0 Errored blocks 0 Link Degrade* : Link Monitoring : Enable Link Degrade Set Threshold: : 1E-7 Link Degrade Clear Threshold: : 1E-12 Estimated BER : 1E-7 Link-degrade event : Seconds Count State 782 1 Defect Active
show interfaces et-0/0/0(PTX 系列上用于默认 FEC 的 25 千兆以太网接口)(Junos OS 演进版)
user@host> show interfaces et-0/0/0 Physical interface: et-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 1007, SNMP ifIndex: 503 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 25Gbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Media type: Fiber Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Current address: 84:03:28:eb:d4:44, Hardware address: 84:03:28:eb:d4:44 Last flapped : 2021-05-03 13:23:03 PDT (01:05:00 ago) Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Active alarms : None Active defects : None PCS statistics Seconds Bit errors 0 Errored blocks 0 Ethernet FEC Mode : FEC91 <<< Default FEC setting starting 21.1R1-EVO Ethernet FEC statistics Errors FEC Corrected Errors 0 FEC Uncorrected Errors 0 FEC Corrected Errors Rate 0 FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate 0 Interface transmit statistics: Disabled Link Degrade : Link Monitoring : Disable Logical interface et-0/0/0.16386 (Index 1003) (SNMP ifIndex 611) Flags: Up SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 Input packets : 0 Output packets: 0 Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited Flags: None
user@host> show interfaces et-0/0/1 extensive Physical interface: et-0/0/1, Enabled, Physical link is Down Interface index: 1017, SNMP ifIndex: 519, Generation: 712964572820 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 400Gbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Media type: Fiber Device flags : Present Running Down Interface flags: Hardware-Down SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x80 CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms Damping : half-life: 0 sec, max-suppress: 0 sec, reuse: 0, suppress: 0, state: unsuppressed Current address: 40:de:ad:28:7a:0a, Hardware address: 40:de:ad:28:7a:0a Last flapped : 2020-08-27 12:05:18 IST (00:50:56 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 2239638274139000 392152080440 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 2239638274049 49019008 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps Input errors: Errors: 1, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Output errors: Carrier transitions: 2, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Queue number: Mapped forwarding classes 0 best-effort 1 expedited-forwarding 2 assured-forwarding 3 network-control Active alarms : LINK Active defects : LINK, LOCAL-DEGRADE PCS statistics Seconds Bit errors 0 Errored blocks 0 Ethernet FEC Mode : FEC119 Ethernet FEC statistics Errors FEC Corrected Errors 166615427699 FEC Uncorrected Errors 12 FEC Corrected Errors Rate 3687323 FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate 0 MAC statistics: Receive Transmit Total octets 2239648398609518 0 Total packets 2239648398691 0 Unicast packets 2239648398036 0 Broadcast packets 0 0 Multicast packets 0 0 CRC/Align errors 0 0 FIFO errors 0 0 MAC control frames 0 0 MAC pause frames 0 0 Oversized frames 0 Jabber frames 0 Fragment frames 0 VLAN tagged frames 0 Code violations 0 Total errors 1 0 Filter statistics: Input packet count 0 Input packet rejects 0 Input DA rejects 0 Input SA rejects 0 Output packet count 0 Output packet pad count 0 Output packet error count 0 CAM destination filters: 0, CAM source filters: 0 Packet Forwarding Engine configuration: Destination slot: ( ) CoS information: Direction : Interface transmit statistics: Disabled Link Degrade : Link Monitoring : Enable Link Degrade Set Threshold : 1E-5 Link Degrade Clear Threshold : 1E-10 Link Degrade War Set Threshold : 1E-9 Link Degrade War Clear Threshold : 1E-11 Estimated BER : 1E-5 Link-degrade event : Seconds Count State 3054 1 Defect Active
show interfaces extensive(MX 系列路由器上的千兆以太网,显示接口传输统计信息配置)
user@host> show interfaces ge-2/1/2 extensive | match "output|interface" Physical interface: ge-2/1/2, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 151, SNMP ifIndex: 530, Generation: 154 Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Output bytes : 240614363944 772721536 bps Output packets: 3538446506 1420444 pps Direction : Output Interface transmit statistics: Enabled Logical interface ge-2/1/2.0 (Index 331) (SNMP ifIndex 955) (Generation 146) Output bytes : 195560312716 522726272 bps Output packets: 4251311146 1420451 pps user@host> show interfaces ge-5/2/0.0 statistics detail Logical interface ge-5/2/0.0 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 573) (Generation 135) Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 Encapsulation: ENET2 Egress account overhead: 100 Ingress account overhead: 90 Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 271524 Output bytes : 37769598 Input packets: 3664 Output packets: 885790 IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 16681118 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 362633 Local statistics: Input bytes : 271524 Output bytes : 308560 Input packets: 3664 Output packets: 3659 Transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 37461038 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 882131 0 pps IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 16681118 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 362633 0 pps
显示接口扩展(MX960 路由器,带 MPC10E-10C-MRATE、MPC10E-15C-MRATE 线卡)
user@host> show interfaces et-x/y/4 extensive Physical interface: et-1/0/4, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 240, SNMP ifIndex: 773, Generation: 271 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, MRU: 1522, Speed: 400Gbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, Ethernet-Switching Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled Wavelength : 1552.52 nm, Frequency: 193.10 THz Pad to minimum frame size: Disabled
show interfaces brief(千兆 以太网)
user@host> show interfaces ge-3/0/2 brief Physical interface: ge-3/0/2, Enabled, Physical link is Up Link-level type: 52, MTU: 1522, Speed: 1000mbps, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None Logical interface ge-3/0/2.0 Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.512 0x8100.513 ] In(pop-swap 0x8100.530) Out(swap-push 0x8100.512 0x8100.513) Encapsulation: VLAN-CCC ccc Logical interface ge-3/0/2.32767 Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x0000.0 ] Encapsulation: ENET2
show interfaces detail(千兆以太网)
user@host> show interfaces ge-3/0/2 detail Physical interface: ge-3/0/2, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 167, SNMP ifIndex: 35, Generation: 177 Link-level type: 52, MTU: 1522, Speed: 1000mbps, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None CoS queues : 4 supported, 4 maximum usable queues Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:7c, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:7c Last flapped : 2006-08-09 17:17:00 PDT (01:31:33 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps Ingress traffic statistics at Packet Forwarding Engine: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Drop bytes : 0 0 bps Drop packets: 0 0 pps Ingress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 best-effort 0 0 0 1 expedited-fo 0 0 0 2 assured-forw 0 0 0 3 network-cont 0 0 0 Egress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 best-effort 0 0 0 1 expedited-fo 0 0 0 2 assured-forw 0 0 0 3 network-cont 0 0 0 Active alarms : None Active defects : None Logical interface ge-3/0/2.0 (Index 72) (SNMP ifIndex 69) (Generation 140) Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [0x8100.512 0x8100.513 ] In(pop-swap 0x8100.530) Out(swap-push 0x8100.512 0x8100.513) Encapsulation: VLAN-CCC Egress account overhead: 100 Ingress account overhead: 90 Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Local statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps Protocol ccc, MTU: 1522, Generation: 149, Route table: 0 Flags: Is-Primary Logical interface ge-3/0/2.32767 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 70) (Generation 139) Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x0000.0 ] Encapsulation: ENET2 Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Local statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps
show interfaces extensive(千兆 以太网 IQ2)
user@host> show interfaces ge-7/1/3 extensive Physical interface: ge-7/1/3, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 170, SNMP ifIndex: 70, Generation: 171 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 1000mbps, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4004000 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 4 maximum usable queues Schedulers : 256 Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:74, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:74 Last flapped : 2007-11-07 21:31:41 PST (02:03:33 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 38910844056 7952 bps Output bytes : 7174605 8464 bps Input packets: 418398473 11 pps Output packets: 78903 12 pps IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Ingress traffic statistics at Packet Forwarding Engine: Input bytes : 38910799145 7952 bps Input packets: 418397956 11 pps Drop bytes : 0 0 bps Drop packets: 0 0 pps Input errors: Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Output errors: Carrier transitions: 1, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Ingress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 best-effort 418390823 418390823 0 1 expedited-fo 0 0 0 2 assured-forw 0 0 0 3 network-cont 7133 7133 0 Egress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 best-effort 1031 1031 0 1 expedited-fo 0 0 0 2 assured-forw 0 0 0 3 network-cont 77872 77872 0 Active alarms : None Active defects : None MAC statistics: Receive Transmit Total octets 38910844056 7174605 Total packets 418398473 78903 Unicast packets 408021893366 1026 Broadcast packets 10 12 Multicast packets 418398217 77865 CRC/Align errors 0 0 FIFO errors 0 0 MAC control frames 0 0 MAC pause frames 0 0 Oversized frames 0 Jabber frames 0 Fragment frames 0 VLAN tagged frames 0 Code violations 0 OTN Received Overhead Bytes: APS/PCC0: 0x02, APS/PCC1: 0x11, APS/PCC2: 0x47, APS/PCC3: 0x58 Payload Type: 0x08 OTN Transmitted Overhead Bytes: APS/PCC0: 0x00, APS/PCC1: 0x00, APS/PCC2: 0x00, APS/PCC3: 0x00 Payload Type: 0x08 Filter statistics: Input packet count 418398473 Input packet rejects 479 Input DA rejects 479 Input SA rejects 0 Output packet count 78903 Output packet pad count 0 Output packet error count 0 CAM destination filters: 0, CAM source filters: 0 Autonegotiation information: Negotiation status: Complete Link partner: Link mode: Full-duplex, Flow control: Symmetric/Asymmetric, Remote fault: OK Local resolution: Flow control: Symmetric, Remote fault: Link OK Packet Forwarding Engine configuration: Destination slot: 7 CoS information: Direction : Output CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit % bps % usec 0 best-effort 95 950000000 95 0 low none 3 network-control 5 50000000 5 0 low none Direction : Input CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit % bps % usec 0 best-effort 95 950000000 95 0 low none 3 network-control 5 50000000 5 0 low none Logical interface ge-7/1/3.0 (Index 70) (SNMP ifIndex 85) (Generation 150) Flags: SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 812400 Output bytes : 1349206 Input packets: 9429 Output packets: 9449 IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Local statistics: Input bytes : 812400 Output bytes : 1349206 Input packets: 9429 Output packets: 9449 Transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 7440 bps Output bytes : 0 7888 bps Input packets: 0 10 pps Output packets: 0 11 pps IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 169, Route table: 0 Flags: Is-Primary, Mac-Validate-Strict Mac-Validate Failures: Packets: 0, Bytes: 0 Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary Input Filters: F1-ge-3/0/1.0-in, F3-ge-3/0/1.0-in Output Filters: F2-ge-3/0/1.0-out (53) Destination: 203.0.113/24, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 196 Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 170, Route table: 0 Flags: Is-Primary Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__
对于千兆以太网智能排队 2 (IQ2) 接口,应用输出整形时,命令输出中显示的show interfaces
逻辑接口出口统计信息可能无法准确反映线路上的流量。流量管理输出整形可能会在数据包被接口计数器记录后丢弃数据包。有关详细信息,请参阅表 1 中逻辑接口Transit statistics
show interfaces(千兆 以太网未编号接口)
user@host> show interfaces ge-3/2/0 Physical interface: ge-3/2/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 148, SNMP ifIndex: 50 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 1000mbps, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 4 maximum usable queues Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:f8, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:f8 Last flapped : 2006-10-27 04:42:23 PDT (08:01:52 ago) Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 624 bps (1 pps) Active alarms : None Active defects : None Logical interface ge-3/2/0.0 (Index 67) (SNMP ifIndex 85) Flags: SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 Input packets : 0 Output packets: 6 Protocol inet, MTU: 1500 Flags: Unnumbered Donor interface: lo0.0 (Index 64) Preferred source address:
show interfaces(已配置 ACI 接口集)
user@host> show interfaces ge-1/0/0.4001 Logical interface ge-1/0/0.4001 (Index 340) (SNMP ifIndex 548) Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.4001 ] Encapsulation: PPP-over- Ethernet ACI VLAN: Dynamic Profile: aci-vlan-set-profile PPPoE: Dynamic Profile: aci-vlan-pppoe-profile, Service Name Table: None, Max Sessions: 32000, Max Sessions VSA Ignore: Off, Duplicate Protection: On, Short Cycle Protection: Off, Direct Connect: Off, AC Name: nbc Input packets : 9 Output packets: 8 Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited
show interfaces(ALI 接口集)
user@host> show interfaces ge-1/0/0.10 Logical interface ge-1/0/0.10 (Index 346) (SNMP ifIndex 554) (Generation 155) Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.10 ] Encapsulation: ENET2 Line Identity: Dynamic Profile: ali-set-profile Circuit-id Remote-id Accept-no-ids PPPoE: Dynamic Profile: ali-vlan-pppoe-profile, Service Name Table: None, Max Sessions: 32000, Max Sessions VSA Ignore: Off, Duplicate Protection: On, Short Cycle Protection: Off, Direct Connect: Off, AC Name: nbc Input packets : 9 Output packets: 8 Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited
- 显示接口扩展(10 千兆 以太网,LAN PHY 模式,IQ2)
- show interfaces extensive(10 千兆 以太网,WAN PHY 模式)
- show interfaces extensive(10 千兆 以太网,DWDM OTN PIC)
- show interfaces extensive(10 千兆以太网、LAN PHY 模式、单向模式)
- show interfaces extensive(10 千兆以太网、LAN PHY 模式、单向模式、仅传输)
- show interfaces extensive(10 千兆以太网、LAN PHY 模式、单向模式、仅接收)
- show interfaces media(千兆以太网,100GE)
- show interfaces extensive(千兆以太网,100GE)
显示接口扩展(10 千兆 以太网,LAN PHY 模式,IQ2)
user@host> show interfaces xe-5/0/0 extensive Physical interface: xe-5/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 177, SNMP ifIndex: 630, Generation: 178 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1518, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 10Gbps, Loopback: None, Source filtering: Enabled, Flow control: Enabled Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 4 maximum usable queues Schedulers : 1024 Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:f6, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:f6 Last flapped : Never Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 6970332384 0 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 81050506 0 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Ingress traffic statistics at Packet Forwarding Engine: Input bytes : 6970299398 0 bps Input packets: 81049992 0 pps Drop bytes : 0 0 bps Drop packets: 0 0 pps Input errors: Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Output errors: Carrier transitions: 0, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Ingress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 best-effort 81049992 81049992 0 1 expedited-fo 0 0 0 2 assured-forw 0 0 0 3 network-cont 0 0 0 Egress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 best-effort 0 0 0 1 expedited-fo 0 0 0 2 assured-forw 0 0 0 3 network-cont 0 0 0 Active alarms : None Active defects : None PCS statistics Seconds Bit errors 0 Errored blocks 0 MAC statistics: Receive Transmit Total octets 6970332384 0 Total packets 81050506 0 Unicast packets 81050000 0 Broadcast packets 506 0 Multicast packets 0 0 CRC/Align errors 0 0 FIFO errors 0 0 MAC control frames 0 0 MAC pause frames 0 0 Oversized frames 0 Jabber frames 0 Fragment frames 0 VLAN tagged frames 0 Code violations 0 Filter statistics: Input packet count 81050506 Input packet rejects 506 Input DA rejects 0 Input SA rejects 0 Output packet count 0 Output packet pad count 0 Output packet error count 0 CAM destination filters: 0, CAM source filters: 0 Packet Forwarding Engine configuration: Destination slot: 5 CoS information: Direction : Output CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit % bps % usec 0 best-effort 95 950000000 95 0 low none 3 network-control 5 50000000 5 0 low none Direction : Input CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit % bps % usec 0 best-effort 95 950000000 95 0 low none 3 network-control 5 50000000 5 0 low none Logical interface xe-5/0/0.0 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 95) (Generation 195) Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4000 VLAN-Tag [ 0x8100.100 ] Encapsulation: ENET2 Egress account overhead: 100 Ingress account overhead: 90 Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 46 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 1 IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Local statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 46 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 1 Transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 253, Route table: 0 Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary Destination: 192.0.2/24, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 265 Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 254, Route table: 0 Flags: None Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__
show interfaces extensive(10 千兆 以太网,WAN PHY 模式)
user@host> show interfaces xe-1/0/0 extensive Physical interface: xe-1/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 141, SNMP ifIndex: 630, Generation: 47 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 9.294GbpsGbps, Loopback: Disabled WAN-PHY mode Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled Speed Configuration: Auto Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps 16384 Link flags : None CoS queues : 4 supported Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:9d, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:9d Last flapped : 2005-07-07 11:22:34 PDT (3d 12:28 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps Input errors: Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, HS Link CRC errors: 0, HS Link FIFO overflows: 0, Resource errors: 0 Output errors: Carrier transitions: 1, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 best-effort 0 0 0 1 expedited-fo 0 0 0 2 assured-forw 0 0 0 3 network-cont 0 0 0 Active alarms : LOL, LOS, LBL Active defects: LOL, LOS, LBL, SEF, AIS-L, AIS-P PCS statistics Seconds Count Bit errors 0 0 Errored blocks 0 0 MAC statistics: Receive Transmit Total octets 0 0 Total packets 0 0 Unicast packets 0 0 Broadcast packets 0 0 Multicast packets 0 0 CRC/Align errors 0 0 FIFO errors 0 0 MAC control frames 0 0 MAC pause frames 0 0 Oversized frames 0 Jabber frames 0 Fragment frames 0 VLAN tagged frames 0 Code violations 0 Filter statistics: Input packet count 0 Input packet rejects 0 Input DA rejects 0 Input SA rejects 0 Output packet count 0 Output packet pad count 0 Output packet error count 0 CAM destination filters: 0, CAM source filters: 0 PMA PHY: Seconds Count State PLL lock 0 0 OK PHY light 63159 1 Light Missing WIS section: BIP-B1 0 0 SEF 434430 434438 Defect Active LOS 434430 1 Defect Active LOF 434430 1 Defect Active ES-S 434430 SES-S 434430 SEFS-S 434430 WIS line: BIP-B2 0 0 REI-L 0 0 RDI-L 0 0 OK AIS-L 434430 1 Defect Active BERR-SF 0 0 OK BERR-SD 0 0 OK ES-L 434430 SES-L 434430 UAS-L 434420 ES-LFE 0 SES-LFE 0 UAS-LFE 0 WIS path: BIP-B3 0 0 REI-P 0 0 LOP-P 0 0 OK AIS-P 434430 1 Defect Active RDI-P 0 0 OK UNEQ-P 0 0 OK PLM-P 0 0 OK ES-P 434430 SES-P 434430 UAS-P 434420 ES-PFE 0 SES-PFE 0 UAS-PFE 0 Received path trace: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ Transmitted path trace: orissa so-1/0/0 6f 72 69 73 73 61 20 73 6f 2d 31 2f 30 2f 30 00 orissa so-1/0/0. Packet Forwarding Engine configuration: Destination slot: 1 CoS information: CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit % bps % bytes 0 best-effort 95 950000000 95 0 low none 3 network-control 5 50000000 5 0 low none
show interfaces extensive(10 千兆 以太网,DWDM OTN PIC)
user@host> show interfaces ge-7/0/0 extensive Physical interface: ge-7/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down Interface index: 143, SNMP ifIndex: 508, Generation: 208 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 10Gbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled Device flags : Present Running Down Interface flags: Hardware-Down SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None Wavelength : 1550.12 nm, Frequency: 193.40 THz CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:72, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:72 Last flapped : 2011-04-20 15:48:54 PDT (18:39:49 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Input errors: Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Output errors: Carrier transitions: 2, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 best-effort 0 0 0 1 expedited-fo 0 0 0 2 assured-forw 0 0 0 3 network-cont Queue number: Mapped forwarding classes 0 best-effort 1 expedited-forwarding 2 assured-forwarding 3 network-control Active alarms : LINK Active defects : LINK MAC statistics: Receive Transmit Total octets 0 0 Total packets 0 0 Unicast packets 0 0 Broadcast packets 0 0 Multicast packets 0 0 CRC/Align errors 0 0 FIFO errors 0 0 MAC control frames 0 0 MAC pause frames 0 0 Oversized frames 0 Jabber frames 0 Fragment frames 0 VLAN tagged frames 0 Code violations 0 Total octets 0 0 Total packets 0 0 Unicast packets 0 0 Broadcast packets 0 0 Multicast packets 0 0 CRC/Align errors 0 0 FIFO errors 0 0 MAC control frames 0 0 MAC pause frames 0 0 Oversized frames 0 Jabber frames 0 Fragment frames 0 VLAN tagged frames 0 Code violations 0 OTN alarms : None OTN defects : None OTN FEC Mode : GFEC OTN Rate : Fixed Stuff Bytes 11.0957Gbps OTN Line Loopback : Enabled OTN FEC statistics : Corrected Errors 0 Corrected Error Ratio ( 0 sec average) 0e-0 OTN FEC alarms: Seconds Count State FEC Degrade 0 0 OK FEC Excessive 0 0 OK OTN OC: Seconds Count State LOS 2 1 OK LOF 67164 2 Defect Active LOM 67164 71 Defect Active Wavelength Lock 0 0 OK OTN OTU: AIS 0 0 OK BDI 65919 4814 Defect Active IAE 67158 1 Defect Active TTIM 7 1 OK SF 67164 2 Defect Active SD 67164 3 Defect Active TCA-ES 0 0 OK TCA-SES 0 0 OK TCA-UAS 80 40 OK TCA-BBE 0 0 OK BIP 0 0 OK BBE 0 0 OK ES 0 0 OK SES 0 0 OK UAS 587 0 OK Received DAPI: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ Received SAPI: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ Transmitted DAPI: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ Transmitted SAPI: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ OTN Received Overhead Bytes: APS/PCC0: 0x02, APS/PCC1: 0x42, APS/PCC2: 0xa2, APS/PCC3: 0x48 Payload Type: 0x03 OTN Transmitted Overhead Bytes: APS/PCC0: 0x00, APS/PCC1: 0x00, APS/PCC2: 0x00, APS/PCC3: 0x00 Payload Type: 0x03 Filter statistics: Input packet count 0 Input packet rejects 0 Input DA rejects 0 Input SA rejects 0 Output packet count 0 Output packet pad count 0 Output packet error count 0 CAM destination filters: 0, CAM source filters: 0 Packet Forwarding Engine configuration: Destination slot: 7 CoS information: Direction : Output CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit % bps % usec 0 best-effort 95 9500000000 95 0 low none 3 network-control 5 500000000 5 0 low none ...
show interfaces extensive(10 千兆以太网、LAN PHY 模式、单向模式)
user@host> show interfaces xe-7/0/0 extensive Physical interface: xe-7/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 173, SNMP ifIndex: 212, Generation: 174 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 10Gbps, Unidirectional: Enabled, Loopback: None, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled Device flags : Present Running ...
show interfaces extensive(10 千兆以太网、LAN PHY 模式、单向模式、仅传输)
user@host> show interfaces xe-7/0/0–tx extensive Physical interface: xe-7/0/0-tx, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 176, SNMP ifIndex: 137, Generation: 177 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 10Gbps, Unidirectional: Tx-Only Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:83, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:83 Last flapped : 2007-06-01 09:08:19 PDT (3d 02:31 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 322891152287160 9627472888 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 328809727380 1225492 pps ... Filter statistics: Output packet count 328810554250 Output packet pad count 0 Output packet error count 0 ... Logical interface xe-7/0/0-tx.0 (Index 73) (SNMP ifIndex 138) (Generation 139) Flags: SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 Egress account overhead: 100 Ingress account overhead: 90 Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 322891152287160 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 328809727380 IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Local statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 322891152287160 9627472888 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 328809727380 1225492 pps IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 147, Route table: 0 Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary Destination: 10.11.12/24, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 141 Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 148, Route table: 0 Flags: None Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__
show interfaces extensive(10 千兆以太网、LAN PHY 模式、单向模式、仅接收)
user@host> show interfaces xe-7/0/0–rx extensive Physical interface: xe-7/0/0-rx, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 174, SNMP ifIndex: 118, Generation: 175 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 10Gbps, Unidirectional: Rx-Only Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:83, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:83 Last flapped : 2007-06-01 09:08:22 PDT (3d 02:31 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 322857456303482 9627496104 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 328775413751 1225495 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps ... Filter statistics: Input packet count 328775015056 Input packet rejects 1 Input DA rejects 0 ... Logical interface xe-7/0/0-rx.0 (Index 72) (SNMP ifIndex 120) (Generation 138) Flags: SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 322857456303482 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 328775413751 Output packets: 0 IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Local statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Transit statistics: Input bytes : 322857456303482 9627496104 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 328775413751 1225495 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps IPv6 transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 145, Route table: 0 Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary Destination: 192.0.2/24, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 139 Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited, Generation: 146, Route table: 0 Flags: None Policer: Input: __default_arp_policer__
show interfaces media(千兆以太网,100GE)
user@host show interfaces et-8/0/6 media Physical interface: et-8/0/6, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 150, SNMP ifIndex: 821 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, MRU: 1522, Speed: 100Gbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled Pad to minimum frame size: Disabled Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Schedulers : 0 Current address: 64:64:9b:b0:6e:60, Hardware address: 64:64:9b:b0:6e:60 Last flapped : 2020-07-02 06:35:32 IST (00:12:10 ago) Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Active alarms : None Active defects : None PCS statistics Seconds Bit errors 0 Errored blocks 0 Ethernet FEC Mode : FEC91 Ethernet FEC statistics Errors FEC Corrected Errors 0 FEC Uncorrected Errors 0 FEC Corrected Errors Rate 0 FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate 0 MAC statistics: Input bytes: 0, Input packets: 0, Output bytes: 0, Output packets: 0 Filter statistics: Filtered packets: 0, Padded packets: 0, Output packet errors: 0 Interface transmit statistics: Disabled
show interfaces extensive(千兆以太网,100GE)
user@host show interfaces et-0/0/0 extensive Physical interface: et-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 1067, SNMP ifIndex: 548, Generation: 962072676083 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1560, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 100Gbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Media type: Fiber Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms Damping : half-life: 0 sec, max-suppress: 0 sec, reuse: 0, suppress: 0, state: unsuppressed Current address: 1c:9c:8c:a0:e2:f4, Hardware address: 1c:9c:8c:a0:e2:f4 Last flapped : 2021-04-21 14:29:36 JST (1d 00:37 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 5675584 512 bps Output bytes : 5702400 512 bps Input packets: 88681 1 pps Output packets: 89100 1 pps Input errors: Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Output errors: Carrier transitions: 1, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 89098 89098 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Queue number: Mapped forwarding classes 0 best-effort 1 expedited-forwarding 2 assured-forwarding 3 network-control Active alarms : None Active defects : None PCS statistics Seconds Bit errors 0 Errored blocks 0 Ethernet FEC Mode : FEC91 Ethernet FEC statistics Errors FEC Corrected Errors 11 FEC Uncorrected Errors 1 FEC Corrected Errors Rate 0 FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate 0 MAC statistics: Receive Transmit Total octets 5675648 5702464 Total packets 88682 89101 Unicast packets 0 0 Broadcast packets 0 0 Multicast packets 88682 89101 CRC/Align errors 0 0 FIFO errors 0 0 MAC control frames 0 0 MAC pause frames 0 0 Oversized frames 0 Jabber frames 0 Fragment frames 0 VLAN tagged frames 0 Code violations 0 Total errors 0 0 Priority Flow Control Watchdog Statistics: Queue Detected Recovered LastPacketDropCount TotalPacketDropCount 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 Filter statistics: Input packet count 0 Input packet rejects 0 Input DA rejects 0 Input SA rejects 0 Output packet count 0 Output packet pad count 0 Output packet error count 0 CAM destination filters: 0, CAM source filters: 0 Packet Forwarding Engine configuration: Destination slot: ( ) CoS information: Direction : Output CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit % bps % usec 0 best-effort 95 95000000000 95 0 low none 3 network-control 5 5000000000 5 0 low none PRBS Mode : Disabled Interface transmit statistics: Disabled Link Degrade : Link Monitoring : Disable
- 示例输出 SRX 千兆以太网
- 示例输出 SRX 千兆以太网
- show interfaces(用于 vSRX 虚拟防火墙和 vSRX 虚拟防火墙 3.0 的千兆以太网)
- show interfaces detail(千兆以太网)
- 显示接口统计信息 st0.0 详细信息
- show interfaces extensive(千兆以太网)
- 显示接口简洁
- show interfaces terse(vSRX 虚拟防火墙和 vSRX 虚拟防火墙 3.0)
- show interfaces controller(带逻辑 E1 的通道化 E1 IQ)
- show interfaces controller(带逻辑 DS0 的通道化 E1 IQ)
- 显示接口说明
- 显示接口目标类全部
- 显示接口诊断光学器件
- show interfaces far-end-interval coc12-5/2/0
- 显示接口远端间隔 COC1-5/2/1:1
- 显示接口过滤器
- show interfaces flow-statistics(千兆以太网)
- show interfaces interval(通道化 OC12)
- show interfaces interval (E3)
- show interfaces interval (SONET/SDH)(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces load-balance(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces load-balancing detail(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces mac-database(端口 SRX 系列防火墙上的所有 MAC 地址)
- show interfaces mac-database(服务 SRX 系列防火墙上的所有 MAC 地址)
- show interfaces mac-database mac-address
- show interfaces mc-ae(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces media (SONET/SDH)
- show interfaces policers(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces policers interface-name(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces queue(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces redundancy(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces redundancy(聚合以太网 SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces redundancy detail(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces routing brief(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces routing detail(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces routing-instance all(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces snmp-index(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces source-class all(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces statistics(快速 以太网 SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces switch-port(SRX 系列防火墙)
- show interfaces transport pm(SRX 系列防火墙)
- 显示安全区域(SRX 系列防火墙)
- 显示接口扩展 (QFX5130-32CD)
- show interfaces (PTX10001-36MR)(400G ZR 和 400G ZR-M 光学器件)
- show interfaces (MX304)
示例输出 SRX 千兆以太网
user@host> show interfaces ge-0/0/1 Physical interface: ge-0/0/1, Enabled, Physical link is Down Interface index: 135, SNMP ifIndex: 510 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Link-mode: Full-duplex, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online Device flags : Present Running Down Interface flags: Hardware-Down SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x0 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:01, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:01 Last flapped : 2015-05-12 08:36:59 UTC (1w1d 22:42 ago) Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Active alarms : LINK Active defects : LINK Interface transmit statistics: Disabled Logical interface ge-0/0/1.0 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 514) Flags: Device-Down SNMP-Traps 0x0 Encapsulation: ENET2 Input packets : 0 Output packets: 0 Security: Zone: public Protocol inet, MTU: 1500 Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re Addresses, Flags: Dest-route-down Is-Preferred Is-Primary Destination: 10.1.1/24, Local:, Broadcast:
示例输出 SRX 千兆以太网
user@host> show interfaces ge-0/0/1 Physical interface: ge-0/0/1, Enabled, Physical link is Down Interface index: 135, SNMP ifIndex: 510 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Link-mode: Full-duplex, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online Device flags : Present Running Down Interface flags: Hardware-Down SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x0 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:01, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:01 Last flapped : 2015-05-12 08:36:59 UTC (1w1d 22:42 ago) Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Active alarms : LINK Active defects : LINK Interface transmit statistics: Disabled Logical interface ge-0/0/1.0 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 514) Flags: Device-Down SNMP-Traps 0x0 Encapsulation: ENET2 Input packets : 0 Output packets: 0 Security: Zone: public Protocol inet, MTU: 1500 Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re Addresses, Flags: Dest-route-down Is-Preferred Is-Primary Destination: 10.1.1/24, Local:, Broadcast:
show interfaces(用于 vSRX 虚拟防火墙和 vSRX 虚拟防火墙 3.0 的千兆以太网)
user@host> show interfaces ge-0/0/0 Physical interface: ge-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 136, SNMP ifIndex: 510 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1518, LAN-PHY mode, Link-mode: Half-duplex, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, Ethernet-Switching Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Current address: 00:50:56:93:ef:25, Hardware address: 00:50:56:93:ef:25 Last flapped : 2019-03-29 01:57:45 UTC (00:00:41 ago) Input rate : 1120 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Active alarms : None
show interfaces detail(千兆以太网)
user@host> show interfaces ge-0/0/1 detail
Physical interface: ge-0/0/1, Enabled, Physical link is Down
Interface index: 135, SNMP ifIndex: 510, Generation: 138
Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Link-mode: Full-duplex, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled,
Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online
Device flags : Present Running Down
Interface flags: Hardware-Down SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x0
Link flags : None
CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues
Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:01, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:01
Last flapped : 2015-05-12 08:36:59 UTC (1w2d 00:00 ago)
Statistics last cleared: Never
Traffic statistics:
Input bytes : 0 0 bps
Output bytes : 0 0 bps
Input packets: 0 0 pps
Output packets: 0 0 pps
Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use
Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets
0 best-effort 0 0 0
1 expedited-fo 0 0 0
2 assured-forw 0 0 0
3 network-cont 0 0 0
Queue number: Mapped forwarding classes
0 best-effort
1 expedited-forwarding
2 assured-forwarding
3 network-control
Active alarms : LINK
Active defects : LINK
Interface transmit statistics: Disabled
Logical interface ge-0/0/1.0 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 514) (Generation 136)
Flags: Device-Down SNMP-Traps 0x0 Encapsulation: ENET2
Traffic statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Local statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0 0 bps
Output bytes : 0 0 bps
Input packets: 0 0 pps
Output packets: 0 0 pps
Security: Zone: public
Flow Statistics :
Flow Input statistics :
Self packets : 0
ICMP packets : 0
VPN packets : 0
Multicast packets : 0
Bytes permitted by policy : 0
Connections established : 0
Flow Output statistics:
Multicast packets : 0
Bytes permitted by policy : 0
Flow error statistics (Packets dropped due to):
Address spoofing: 0
Authentication failed: 0
Incoming NAT errors: 0
Invalid zone received packet: 0
Multiple user authentications: 0
Multiple incoming NAT: 0
No parent for a gate: 0
No one interested in self packets: 0
No minor session: 0
No more sessions: 0
No NAT gate: 0
No route present: 0
No SA for incoming SPI: 0
No tunnel found: 0
No session for a gate: 0
No zone or NULL zone binding 0
Policy denied: 0
Security association not active: 0
TCP sequence number out of window: 0
Syn-attack protection: 0
User authentication errors: 0
Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 150, Route table: 0
Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
Addresses, Flags: Dest-route-down Is-Preferred Is-Primary
Destination: 10.1.1/24, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 150
显示接口统计信息 st0.0 详细信息
user@host> show interfaces statistics st0.0 detail Logical interface st0.0 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 609) (Generation 136) Flags: Up Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: Secure-Tunnel Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 528152756774 Output bytes : 575950643520 Input packets: 11481581669 Output packets: 12520666095 Local statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 121859888 bps Output bytes : 0 128104112 bps Input packets: 0 331141 pps Output packets: 0 348108 pps Security: Zone: untrust Allowed host-inbound traffic : any-service bfd bgp dvmrp igmp ldp msdp nhrp ospf ospf3 pgm pim rip ripng router-discovery rsvp sap vrrp Flow Statistics : Flow Input statistics : Self packets : 0 ICMP packets : 0 VPN packets : 0 Multicast packets : 0 Bytes permitted by policy : 525984295844 Connections established : 7 Flow Output statistics: Multicast packets : 0 Bytes permitted by policy : 576003290222 Flow error statistics (Packets dropped due to): Address spoofing: 0 Authentication failed: 0 Incoming NAT errors: 0 Invalid zone received packet: 0 Multiple user authentications: 0 Multiple incoming NAT: 0 No parent for a gate: 0 No one interested in self packets: 0 No minor session: 0 No more sessions: 0 No NAT gate: 0 No route present: 2000280 No SA for incoming SPI: 0 No tunnel found: 0 No session for a gate: 0 No zone or NULL zone binding 0 Policy denied: 0 Security association not active: 0 TCP sequence number out of window: 0 Syn-attack protection: 0 User authentication errors: 0 Protocol inet, MTU: 9192 Max nh cache: 0, New hold nh limit: 0, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0 Generation: 155, Route table: 0 Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
show interfaces extensive(千兆以太网)
user@host> show interfaces ge-0/0/1.0 extensive Physical interface: ge-0/0/1, Enabled, Physical link is Down Interface index: 135, SNMP ifIndex: 510, Generation: 138 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Link-mode: Full-duplex, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Online Device flags : Present Running Down Interface flags: Hardware-Down SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x0 Link flags : None CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms Current address: 00:00:5e:00:53:01, Hardware address: 00:00:5e:00:53:01 Last flapped : 2015-05-12 08:36:59 UTC (1w1d 22:57 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps Input errors: Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Output errors: Carrier transitions: 0, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 best-effort 0 0 0 1 expedited-fo 0 0 0 2 assured-forw 0 0 0 3 network-cont 0 0 0 Queue number: Mapped forwarding classes 0 best-effort 1 expedited-forwarding 2 assured-forwarding 3 network-control Active alarms : LINK Active defects : LINK MAC statistics: Receive Transmit Total octets 0 0 Total packets 0 0 Unicast packets 0 0 Broadcast packets 0 0 Multicast packets 0 0 CRC/Align errors 0 0 FIFO errors 0 0 MAC control frames 0 0 MAC pause frames 0 0 Oversized frames 0 Jabber frames 0 Fragment frames 0 VLAN tagged frames 0 Code violations 0 Filter statistics: Input packet count 0 Input packet rejects 0 Input DA rejects 0 Input SA rejects 0 Output packet count 0 Output packet pad count 0 Output packet error count 0 CAM destination filters: 2, CAM source filters: 0 Autonegotiation information: Negotiation status: Incomplete Packet Forwarding Engine configuration: Destination slot: 0 CoS information: Direction : Output CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit % bps % usec 0 best-effort 95 950000000 95 0 low none 3 network-control 5 50000000 5 0 low none Interface transmit statistics: Disabled Logical interface ge-0/0/1.0 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 514) (Generation 136) Flags: Device-Down SNMP-Traps 0x0 Encapsulation: ENET2 Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Local statistics: Input bytes : 0 Output bytes : 0 Input packets: 0 Output packets: 0 Transit statistics: Input bytes : 0 0 bps Output bytes : 0 0 bps Input packets: 0 0 pps Output packets: 0 0 pps Security: Zone: public Flow Statistics : Flow Input statistics : Self packets : 0 ICMP packets : 0 VPN packets : 0 Multicast packets : 0 Bytes permitted by policy : 0 Connections established : 0 Flow Output statistics: Multicast packets : 0 Bytes permitted by policy : 0 Flow error statistics (Packets dropped due to): Address spoofing: 0 Authentication failed: 0 Incoming NAT errors: 0 Invalid zone received packet: 0 Multiple user authentications: 0 Multiple incoming NAT: 0 No parent for a gate: 0 No one interested in self packets: 0 No minor session: 0 No more sessions: 0 No NAT gate: 0 No route present: 0 No SA for incoming SPI: 0 No tunnel found: 0 No session for a gate: 0 No zone or NULL zone binding 0 Policy denied: 0 Security association not active: 0 TCP sequence number out of window: 0 Syn-attack protection: 0 User authentication errors: 0 Protocol inet, MTU: 1500, Generation: 150, Route table: 0 Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re Addresses, Flags: Dest-route-down Is-Preferred Is-Primary Destination: 10.1.1/24, Local:, Broadcast:, Generation: 150
user@host> show interfaces terse Interface Admin Link Proto Local Remote ge-0/0/0 up up ge-0/0/0.0 up up inet gr-0/0/0 up up ip-0/0/0 up up st0 up up st0.1 up ready inet ls-0/0/0 up up lt-0/0/0 up up mt-0/0/0 up up pd-0/0/0 up up pe-0/0/0 up up e3-1/0/0 up up t3-2/0/0 up up e1-3/0/0 up up se-4/0/0 up down t1-5/0/0 up up br-6/0/0 up up dc-6/0/0 up up dc-6/0/0.32767 up up bc-6/0/0:1 down up bc-6/0/0:1.0 up down dl0 up up dl0.0 up up inet dsc up up gre up up ipip up up lo0 up up lo0.16385 up up inet --> 0/0 --> 0/0 lsi up up mtun up up pimd up up pime up up pp0 up up
show interfaces terse(vSRX 虚拟防火墙和 vSRX 虚拟防火墙 3.0)
user@host> show interfaces terse Interface Admin Link Proto Local Remote ge-0/0/0 up up ge-0/0/0.0 up up inet ge-0/0/1 up up ge-0/0/2 up up e-0/0/3 up up ge-0/0/4 up up
show interfaces controller(带逻辑 E1 的通道化 E1 IQ)
user@host> show interfaces controller ce1-1/2/6 Controller Admin Link ce1-1/2/6 up up e1-1/2/6 up up
show interfaces controller(带逻辑 DS0 的通道化 E1 IQ)
user@host> show interfaces controller ce1-1/2/3 Controller Admin Link ce1-1/2/3 up up ds-1/2/3:1 up up ds-1/2/3:2 up up
user@host> show interfaces descriptions Interface Admin Link Description so-1/0/0 up up M20-3#1 so-2/0/0 up up GSR-12#1 ge-3/0/0 up up SMB-OSPF_Area300 so-3/3/0 up up GSR-13#1 so-3/3/1 up up GSR-13#2 ge-4/0/0 up up T320-7#1 ge-5/0/0 up up T320-7#2 so-7/1/0 up up M160-6#1 ge-8/0/0 up up T320-7#3 ge-9/0/0 up up T320-7#4 so-10/0/0 up up M160-6#2 so-13/0/0 up up M20-3#2 so-14/0/0 up up GSR-12#2 ge-15/0/0 up up SMB-OSPF_Area100 ge-15/0/1 up up GSR-13#3
user@host> show interfaces destination-class all Logical interface so-4/0/0.0 Packets Bytes Destination class (packet-per-second) (bits-per-second) gold 0 0 ( 0) ( 0) silver 0 0 ( 0) ( 0) Logical interface so-0/1/3.0 Packets Bytes Destination class (packet-per-second) (bits-per-second) gold 0 0 ( 0) ( 0) silver 0 0 ( 0) ( 0)
user@host> show interfaces diagnostics optics ge-2/0/0 Physical interface: ge-2/0/0 Laser bias current : 7.408 mA Laser output power : 0.3500 mW / -4.56 dBm Module temperature : 23 degrees C / 73 degrees F Module voltage : 3.3450 V Receiver signal average optical power : 0.0002 mW / -36.99 dBm Laser bias current high alarm : Off Laser bias current low alarm : Off Laser bias current high warning : Off Laser bias current low warning : Off Laser output power high alarm : Off Laser output power low alarm : Off Laser output power high warning : Off Laser output power low warning : Off Module temperature high alarm : Off Module temperature low alarm : Off Module temperature high warning : Off Module temperature low warning : Off Module voltage high alarm : Off Module voltage low alarm : Off Module voltage high warning : Off Module voltage low warning : Off Laser rx power high alarm : Off Laser rx power low alarm : On Laser rx power high warning : Off Laser rx power low warning : On Laser bias current high alarm threshold : 17.000 mA Laser bias current low alarm threshold : 1.000 mA Laser bias current high warning threshold : 14.000 mA Laser bias current low warning threshold : 2.000 mA Laser output power high alarm threshold : 0.6310 mW / -2.00 dBm Laser output power low alarm threshold : 0.0670 mW / -11.74 dBm Laser output power high warning threshold : 0.6310 mW / -2.00 dBm Laser output power low warning threshold : 0.0790 mW / -11.02 dBm Module temperature high alarm threshold : 95 degrees C / 203 degrees F Module temperature low alarm threshold : -25 degrees C / -13 degrees F Module temperature high warning threshold : 90 degrees C / 194 degrees F Module temperature low warning threshold : -20 degrees C / -4 degrees F Module voltage high alarm threshold : 3.900 V Module voltage low alarm threshold : 2.700 V Module voltage high warning threshold : 3.700 V Module voltage low warning threshold : 2.900 V Laser rx power high alarm threshold : 1.2590 mW / 1.00 dBm Laser rx power low alarm threshold : 0.0100 mW / -20.00 dBm Laser rx power high warning threshold : 0.7940 mW / -1.00 dBm Laser rx power low warning threshold : 0.0158 mW / -18.01 dBm
show interfaces far-end-interval coc12-5/2/0
user@host> show interfaces far-end-interval coc12-5/2/0 Physical interface: coc12-5/2/0, SNMP ifIndex: 121 05:30-current: ES-L: 1, SES-L: 1, UAS-L: 0 05:15-05:30: ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0 05:00-05:15: ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0 04:45-05:00: ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0 04:30-04:45: ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0 04:15-04:30: ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0 04:00-04:15: ...
显示接口远端间隔 COC1-5/2/1:1
user@host> run show interfaces far-end-interval coc1-5/2/1:1 Physical interface: coc1-5/2/1:1, SNMP ifIndex: 342 05:30-current: ES-L: 1, SES-L: 1, UAS-L: 0, ES-P: 0, SES-P: 0, UAS-P: 0 05:15-05:30: ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0, ES-P: 0, SES-P: 0, UAS-P: 0 05:00-05:15: ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0, ES-P: 0, SES-P: 0, UAS-P: 0 04:45-05:00: ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0, ES-P: 0, SES-P: 0, UAS-P: 0 04:30-04:45: ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0, ES-P: 0, SES-P: 0, UAS-P: 0 04:15-04:30: ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0, ES-P: 0, SES-P: 0, UAS-P: 0 04:00-04:15:
user@host> show interfaces filters Interface Admin Link Proto Input Filter Output Filter ge-0/0/0 up up ge-0/0/0.0 up up inet iso ge-5/0/0 up up ge-5/0/0.0 up up any f-any inet f-inet multiservice gr-0/3/0 up up ip-0/3/0 up up mt-0/3/0 up up pd-0/3/0 up up pe-0/3/0 up up vt-0/3/0 up up at-1/0/0 up up at-1/0/0.0 up up inet iso at-1/1/0 up down at-1/1/0.0 up down inet iso ....
show interfaces flow-statistics(千兆以太网)
user@host> show interfaces flow-statistics ge-0/0/1.0 Logical interface ge-0/0/1.0 (Index 70) (SNMP ifIndex 49) Flags: SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 Input packets : 5161 Output packets: 83 Security: Zone: zone2 Allowed host-inbound traffic : bootp bfd bgp dns dvmrp ldp msdp nhrp ospf pgm pim rip router-discovery rsvp sap vrrp dhcp finger ftp tftp ident-reset http https ike netconf ping rlogin rpm rsh snmp snmp-trap ssh telnet traceroute xnm-clear-text xnm-ssl lsping Flow Statistics : Flow Input statistics : Self packets : 0 ICMP packets : 0 VPN packets : 2564 Bytes permitted by policy : 3478 Connections established : 1 Flow Output statistics: Multicast packets : 0 Bytes permitted by policy : 16994 Flow error statistics (Packets dropped due to): Address spoofing: 0 Authentication failed: 0 Incoming NAT errors: 0 Invalid zone received packet: 0 Multiple user authentications: 0 Multiple incoming NAT: 0 No parent for a gate: 0 No one interested in self packets: 0 No minor session: 0 No more sessions: 0 No NAT gate: 0 No route present: 0 No SA for incoming SPI: 0 No tunnel found: 0 No session for a gate: 0 No zone or NULL zone binding 0 Policy denied: 0 Security association not active: 0 TCP sequence number out of window: 0 Syn-attack protection: 0 User authentication errors: 0 Protocol inet, MTU: 1500 Flags: None Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary Destination:, Local:, Broadcast:
show interfaces interval(通道化 OC12)
user@host> show interfaces interval t3-0/3/0:0 Physical interface: t3-0/3/0:0, SNMP ifIndex: 23 17:43-current: LCV: 0, PCV: 0, CCV: 0, LES: 0, PES: 0, PSES: 0, CES: 0, CSES: 0, SEFS: 0, UAS: 0 17:28-17:43: LCV: 0, PCV: 0, CCV: 0, LES: 0, PES: 0, PSES: 0, CES: 0, CSES: 0, SEFS: 0, UAS: 0 17:13-17:28: LCV: 0, PCV: 0, CCV: 0, LES: 0, PES: 0, PSES: 0, CES: 0, CSES: 0, SEFS: 0, UAS: 0 16:58-17:13: LCV: 0, PCV: 0, CCV: 0, LES: 0, PES: 0, PSES: 0, CES: 0, CSES: 0, SEFS: 0, UAS: 0 16:43-16:58: LCV: 0, PCV: 0, CCV: 0, LES: 0, PES: 0, PSES: 0, CES: 0, CSES: 0, ... Interval Total: LCV: 230, PCV: 1145859, CCV: 455470, LES: 0, PES: 230, PSES: 230, CES: 230, CSES: 230, SEFS: 230, UAS: 238
show interfaces interval (E3)
user@host> show interfaces interval e3-0/3/0 Physical interface: e3-0/3/0, SNMP ifIndex: 23 17:43-current: LCV: 0, PCV: 0, CCV: 0, LES: 0, PES: 0, PSES: 0, CES: 0, CSES: 0, SEFS: 0, UAS: 0 17:28-17:43: LCV: 0, PCV: 0, CCV: 0, LES: 0, PES: 0, PSES: 0, CES: 0, CSES: 0, SEFS: 0, UAS: 0 17:13-17:28: LCV: 0, PCV: 0, CCV: 0, LES: 0, PES: 0, PSES: 0, CES: 0, CSES: 0, SEFS: 0, UAS: 0 16:58-17:13: LCV: 0, PCV: 0, CCV: 0, LES: 0, PES: 0, PSES: 0, CES: 0, CSES: 0, SEFS: 0, UAS: 0 16:43-16:58: LCV: 0, PCV: 0, CCV: 0, LES: 0, PES: 0, PSES: 0, CES: 0, CSES: 0, .... Interval Total: LCV: 230, PCV: 1145859, CCV: 455470, LES: 0, PES: 230, PSES: 230, CES: 230, CSES: 230, SEFS: 230, UAS: 238
show interfaces interval (SONET/SDH)(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces interval so-0/1/0 Physical interface: so-0/1/0, SNMP ifIndex: 19 20:02-current: ES-S: 0, SES-S: 0, SEFS-S: 0, ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0, ES-P: 0, SES-P: 0, UAS-P: 0 19:47-20:02: ES-S: 267, SES-S: 267, SEFS-S: 267, ES-L: 267, SES-L: 267, UAS-L: 267, ES-P: 267, SES-P: 267, UAS-P: 267 19:32-19:47: ES-S: 56, SES-S: 56, SEFS-S: 56, ES-L: 56, SES-L: 56, UAS-L: 46, ES-P: 56, SES-P: 56, UAS-P: 46 19:17-19:32: ES-S: 0, SES-S: 0, SEFS-S: 0, ES-L: 0, SES-L: 0, UAS-L: 0, ES-P: 0, SES-P: 0, UAS-P: 0 19:02-19:17: .....
show interfaces load-balance(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces load-balancing Interface State Last change Member count ams0 Up 1d 00:50 2 ams1 Up 00:00:59 2
show interfaces load-balancing detail(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host>show interfaces load-balancing detail Load-balancing interfaces detail Interface : ams0 State : Up Last change : 1d 00:51 Member count : 2 Members : Interface Weight State mams-2/0/0 10 Active mams-2/1/0 10 Active
show interfaces mac-database(端口 SRX 系列防火墙上的所有 MAC 地址)
user@host> show interfaces mac-database xe-0/3/3 Physical interface: xe-0/3/3, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 372, SNMP ifIndex: 788 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 10Gbps, Loopback: None, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None Logical interface xe-0/3/3.0 (Index 364) (SNMP ifIndex 829) Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 Encapsulation: ENET2 MAC address Input frames Input bytes Output frames Output bytes 00:00:00:00:00:00 1 56 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:02 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:03 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:04 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:05 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:06 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:07 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:08 7023809 323095214 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:09 7023809 323095214 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:0a 7023809 323095214 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:0b 7023809 323095214 0 0 00:00:c8:01:01:02 30424784 1399540064 37448598 1722635508 00:00:c8:01:01:03 30424784 1399540064 37448598 1722635508 00:00:c8:01:01:04 30424716 1399536936 37448523 1722632058 00:00:c8:01:01:05 30424789 1399540294 37448598 1722635508 00:00:c8:01:01:06 30424788 1399540248 37448597 1722635462 00:00:c8:01:01:07 30424783 1399540018 37448597 1722635462 00:00:c8:01:01:08 30424783 1399540018 37448596 1722635416 00:00:c8:01:01:09 8836796 406492616 8836795 406492570 00:00:c8:01:01:0a 30424712 1399536752 37448521 1722631966 00:00:c8:01:01:0b 30424715 1399536890 37448523 1722632058 Number of MAC addresses : 21
show interfaces mac-database(服务 SRX 系列防火墙上的所有 MAC 地址)
user@host> show interfaces mac-database xe-0/3/3 Logical interface xe-0/3/3.0 (Index 364) (SNMP ifIndex 829) Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 Encapsulation: ENET2 MAC address Input frames Input bytes Output frames Output bytes 00:00:00:00:00:00 1 56 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:02 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:03 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:04 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:05 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:06 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:07 7023810 323095260 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:08 7023809 323095214 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:09 7023809 323095214 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:0a 7023809 323095214 0 0 00:00:c0:01:01:0b 7023809 323095214 0 0 00:00:c8:01:01:02 31016568 1426762128 38040381 1749857526 00:00:c8:01:01:03 31016568 1426762128 38040382 1749857572 00:00:c8:01:01:04 31016499 1426758954 38040306 1749854076 00:00:c8:01:01:05 31016573 1426762358 38040381 1749857526 00:00:c8:01:01:06 31016573 1426762358 38040381 1749857526 00:00:c8:01:01:07 31016567 1426762082 38040380 1749857480 00:00:c8:01:01:08 31016567 1426762082 38040379 1749857434 00:00:c8:01:01:09 9428580 433714680 9428580 433714680 00:00:c8:01:01:0a 31016496 1426758816 38040304 1749853984 00:00:c8:01:01:0b 31016498 1426758908 38040307 1749854122
show interfaces mac-database mac-address
user@host> show interfaces mac-database xe-0/3/3 mac-address (SRX devices) 00:00:c8:01:01:09 Physical interface: xe-0/3/3, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 372, SNMP ifIndex: 788 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 10Gbps, Loopback: None, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 Link flags : None Logical interface xe-0/3/3.0 (Index 364) (SNMP ifIndex 829) Flags: SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 Encapsulation: ENET2 MAC address: 00:00:c8:01:01:09, Type: Configured, Input bytes : 202324652 Output bytes : 202324560 Input frames : 4398362 Output frames : 4398360 Policer statistics: Policer type Discarded frames Discarded bytes Output aggregate 3992386 183649756
show interfaces mc-ae(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces mc-ae ae0 unit 512 Member Links : ae0 Local Status : active Peer Status : active Logical Interface : ae0.512 Core Facing Interface : Label Ethernet Interface ICL-PL : Label Ethernet Interface
show interfaces media (SONET/SDH)
以下示例显示 SONET 接口的命令所 show interfaces media
user@host> show interfaces media so-4/1/2 Physical interface: so-4/1/2, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 168, SNMP ifIndex: 495 Link-level type: PPP, MTU: 4474, Clocking: Internal, SONET mode, Speed: OC48, Loopback: None, FCS: 16, Payload scrambler: Enabled Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps 16384 Link flags : Keepalives Keepalive settings: Interval 10 seconds, Up-count 1, Down-count 3 Keepalive: Input: 1783 (00:00:00 ago), Output: 1786 (00:00:08 ago) LCP state: Opened NCP state: inet: Not-configured, inet6: Not-configured, iso: Not-configured, mpls: Not-configured CHAP state: Not-configured CoS queues : 8 supported Last flapped : 2005-06-15 12:14:59 PDT (04:31:29 ago) Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps) SONET alarms : None SONET defects : None SONET errors: BIP-B1: 121, BIP-B2: 916, REI-L: 0, BIP-B3: 137, REI-P: 16747, BIP-BIP2: 0 Received path trace: routerb so-1/1/2 Transmitted path trace: routera so-4/1/2
show interfaces policers(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces policers Interface Admin Link Proto Input Policer Output Policer ge-0/0/0 up up ge-0/0/0.0 up up inet iso gr-0/3/0 up up ip-0/3/0 up up mt-0/3/0 up up pd-0/3/0 up up pe-0/3/0 up up ... so-2/0/0 up up so-2/0/0.0 up up inet so-2/0/0.0-in-policer so-2/0/0.0-out-policer iso so-2/1/0 up down ...
show interfaces policers interface-name(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces policers so-2/1/0 Interface Admin Link Proto Input Policer Output Policer so-2/1/0 up down so-2/1/0.0 up down inet so-2/1/0.0-in-policer so-2/1/0.0-out-policer iso inet6
show interfaces queue(SRX 系列防火墙)
以下截断示例显示了队列 0、1 和 3 的 CoS 队列大小。队列 1 的队列缓冲区大小(保证分配的内存)为 9192 字节。
user@host> show interfaces queue Physical interface: ge-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 134, SNMP ifIndex: 509 Forwarding classes: 8 supported, 8 in use Egress queues: 8 supported, 8 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: class0 Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue Buffer Usage: Reserved buffer : 118750000 bytes Queue-depth bytes : Current : 0 .. .. Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: class1 .. .. Queue Buffer Usage: Reserved buffer : 9192 bytes Queue-depth bytes : Current : 0 .. .. Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: class3 Queued: .. .. Queue Buffer Usage: Reserved buffer : 6250000 bytes Queue-depth bytes : Current : 0 .. ..
show interfaces redundancy(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces redundancy Interface State Last change Primary Secondary Current status rsp0 Not present sp-1/0/0 sp-0/2/0 both down rsp1 On secondary 1d 23:56 sp-1/2/0 sp-0/3/0 primary down rsp2 On primary 10:10:27 sp-1/3/0 sp-0/2/0 secondary down rlsq0 On primary 00:06:24 lsq-0/3/0 lsq-1/0/0 both up
show interfaces redundancy(聚合以太网 SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces redundancy Interface State Last change Primary Secondary Current status rlsq0 On secondary 00:56:12 lsq-4/0/0 lsq-3/0/0 both up ae0 ae1 ae2 ae3 ae4
show interfaces redundancy detail(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces redundancy detail Interface : rlsq0 State : On primary Last change : 00:45:47 Primary : lsq-0/2/0 Secondary : lsq-1/2/0 Current status : both up Mode : hot-standby Interface : rlsq0:0 State : On primary Last change : 00:45:46 Primary : lsq-0/2/0:0 Secondary : lsq-1/2/0:0 Current status : both up Mode : warm-standby
show interfaces routing brief(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces routing brief Interface State Addresses so-5/0/3.0 Down ISO enabled so-5/0/2.0 Up MPLS enabled ISO enabled INET INET enabled so-5/0/1.0 Up MPLS enabled ISO enabled INET INET enabled at-1/0/0.3 Up CCC enabled at-1/0/0.2 Up CCC enabled at-1/0/0.0 Up ISO enabled INET INET enabled lo0.0 Up ISO 47.0005.80ff.f800.0000.0108.0001.1921.6800.5061.00 ISO enabled INET fxp1.0 Up fxp0.0 Up INET
show interfaces routing detail(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces routing detail so-5/0/3.0 Index: 15, Refcount: 2, State: Up <Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast> Change:<> Metric: 0, Up/down transitions: 0, Full-duplex Link layer: HDLC serial line Encapsulation: PPP Bandwidth: 155Mbps ISO address (null) State: <Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast> Change: <> Preference: 0 (120 down), Metric: 0, MTU: 4470 bytes so-5/0/2.0 Index: 14, Refcount: 7, State: <Up Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast> Change:<> Metric: 0, Up/down transitions: 0, Full-duplex Link layer: HDLC serial line Encapsulation: PPP Bandwidth: 155Mbps MPLS address (null) State: <Up Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast> Change: <> Preference: 0 (120 down), Metric: 0, MTU: 4458 bytes ISO address (null) State: <Up Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast> Change: <> Preference: 0 (120 down), Metric: 0, MTU: 4470 bytes INET address State: <Up Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast Localup> Change: <> Preference: 0 (120 down), Metric: 0, MTU: 4470 bytes Local address: Destination: INET address (null) State: <Up Broadcast PointToPoint Multicast> Change: <> Preference: 0 (120 down), Metric: 0, MTU: 4470 bytes ...
show interfaces routing-instance all(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces terse routing-instance all Interface Admin Link Proto Local Remote Instance at-0/0/1 up up inet ge-0/0/0.0 up up inet sample-a at-0/1/0.0 up up inet6 fe80::a:0:0:4/64 sample-b so-0/0/0.0 up up inet
show interfaces snmp-index(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces snmp-index 33 Physical interface: so-2/1/1, Enabled, Physical link is Down Interface index: 149, SNMP ifIndex: 33 Link-level type: PPP, MTU: 4474, Clocking: Internal, SONET mode, Speed: OC48, Loopback: None, FCS: 16, Payload scrambler: Enabled Device flags : Present Running Down Interface flags: Hardware-Down Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps 16384 Link flags : Keepalives CoS queues : 8 supported Last flapped : 2005-06-15 11:45:57 PDT (05:38:43 ago) Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps) SONET alarms : LOL, PLL, LOS SONET defects : LOL, PLL, LOF, LOS, SEF, AIS-L, AIS-P
show interfaces source-class all(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces source-class all Logical interface so-0/1/0.0 Packets Bytes Source class (packet-per-second) (bits-per-second) gold 1928095 161959980 ( 889) ( 597762) bronze 0 0 ( 0) ( 0) silver 0 0 ( 0) ( 0) Logical interface so-0/1/3.0 Packets Bytes Source class (packet-per-second) (bits-per-second) gold 0 0 ( 0) ( 0) bronze 0 0 ( 0) ( 0) silver 116113 9753492 ( 939) ( 631616)
show interfaces statistics(快速 以太网 SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces fe-1/3/1 statistics Physical interface: fe-1/3/1, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 144, SNMP ifIndex: 1042 Description: ford fe-1/3/1 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, Speed: 100mbps, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000 CoS queues : 4 supported, 4 maximum usable queues Current address: 00:90:69:93:04:dc, Hardware address: 00:90:69:93:04:dc Last flapped : 2006-04-18 03:08:59 PDT (00:01:24 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps) Input errors: 0, Output errors: 0 Active alarms : None Active defects : None Logical interface fe-1/3/1.0 (Index 69) (SNMP ifIndex 50) Flags: SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2 Protocol inet, MTU: 1500 Flags: Is-Primary, DCU, SCU-in Packets Bytes Destination class (packet-per-second) (bits-per-second) silver1 0 0 ( 0) ( 0) silver2 0 0 ( 0) ( 0) silver3 0 0 ( 0) ( 0) Addresses, Flags: Is-Default Is-Preferred Is-Primary Destination: 10.27.245/24, Local:, Broadcast: Protocol iso, MTU: 1497 Flags: Is-Primary
show interfaces switch-port(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host# show interfaces ge-slot/0/0 switch-port port-number Port 0, Physical link is Up Speed: 100mbps, Auto-negotiation: Enabled Statistics: Receive Transmit Total bytes 28437086 21792250 Total packets 409145 88008 Unicast packets 9987 83817 Multicast packets 145002 0 Broadcast packets 254156 4191 Multiple collisions 23 10 FIFO/CRC/Align errors 0 0 MAC pause frames 0 0 Oversized frames 0 Runt frames 0 Jabber frames 0 Fragment frames 0 Discarded frames 0 Autonegotiation information: Negotiation status: Complete Link partner: Link mode: Full-duplex, Flow control: None, Remote fault: OK, Link partner Speed: 100 Mbps Local resolution: Flow control: None, Remote fault: Link OK
show interfaces transport pm(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show interfaces transport pm all current et-0/1/0 Physical interface: et-0/1/0, SNMP ifIndex 515 14:45-current Elapse time:900 Seconds Near End Suspect Flag:False Reason:None PM COUNT THRESHOLD TCA-ENABLED TCA-RAISED OTU-BBE 0 800 No No OTU-ES 0 135 No No OTU-SES 0 90 No No OTU-UAS 427 90 No No Far End Suspect Flag:True Reason:Unknown PM COUNT THRESHOLD TCA-ENABLED TCA-RAISED OTU-BBE 0 800 No No OTU-ES 0 135 No No OTU-SES 0 90 No No OTU-UAS 0 90 No No Near End Suspect Flag:False Reason:None PM COUNT THRESHOLD TCA-ENABLED TCA-RAISED ODU-BBE 0 800 No No ODU-ES 0 135 No No ODU-SES 0 90 No No ODU-UAS 427 90 No No Far End Suspect Flag:True Reason:Unknown PM COUNT THRESHOLD TCA-ENABLED TCA-RAISED ODU-BBE 0 800 No No ODU-ES 0 135 No No ODU-SES 0 90 No No ODU-UAS 0 90 No No FEC Suspect Flag:False Reason:None PM COUNT THRESHOLD TCA-ENABLED TCA-RAISED FEC-CorrectedErr 2008544300 0 NA NA FEC-UncorrectedWords 0 0 NA NA BER Suspect Flag:False Reason:None PM MIN MAX AVG THRESHOLD TCA-ENABLED TCA-RAISED BER 3.6e-5 5.8e-5 3.6e-5 10.0e-3 No Yes Physical interface: et-0/1/0, SNMP ifIndex 515 14:45-current Suspect Flag:True Reason:Object Disabled PM CURRENT MIN MAX AVG THRESHOLD TCA-ENABLED TCA-RAISED (MIN) (MAX) (MIN) (MAX) (MIN) (MAX) Lane chromatic dispersion 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA Lane differential group delay 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA q Value 120 120 120 120 0 0 NA NA NA NA SNR 28 28 29 28 0 0 NA NA NA NA Tx output power(0.01dBm) -5000 -5000 -5000 -5000 -300 -100 No No No No Rx input power(0.01dBm) -3642 -3665 -3626 -3637 -1800 -500 No No No No Module temperature(Celsius) 46 46 46 46 -5 75 No No No No Tx laser bias current(0.1mA) 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA NA NA Rx laser bias current(0.1mA) 1270 1270 1270 1270 0 0 NA NA NA NA Carrier frequency offset(MHz) -186 -186 -186 -186 -5000 5000 No No No No
显示安全区域(SRX 系列防火墙)
user@host> show security zones Functional zone: management Description: This is the management zone. Policy configurable: No Interfaces bound: 1 Interfaces: ge-0/0/0.0 Security zone: Host Description: This is the host zone. Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off Policy configurable: Yes Interfaces bound: 1 Interfaces: fxp0.0 Security zone: abc Description: This is the abc zone. Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off Policy configurable: Yes Interfaces bound: 1 Interfaces: ge-0/0/1.0 Security zone: def Description: This is the def zone. Send reset for non-SYN session TCP packets: Off Policy configurable: Yes Interfaces bound: 1 Interfaces: ge-0/0/2.0
显示接口扩展 (QFX5130-32CD)
user@host> show interfaces et-0/0/29 extensive | no-more Physical interface: et-0/0/29, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 1086, SNMP ifIndex: 549, Generation: 618475300929 Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 400Gbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Media type: Copper Device flags : Present Running Interface flags: SNMP-Traps CoS queues : 12 supported, 12 maximum usable queues Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms Damping : half-life: 0 sec, max-suppress: 0 sec, reuse: 0, suppress: 0, state: unsuppressed Current address: 0c:59:9c:81:fb:12, Hardware address: 0c:59:9c:81:fb:12 Last flapped : 2020-09-14 06:27:45 PDT (1d 01:34 ago) Statistics last cleared: Never Traffic statistics: Input bytes : 130245061850190 0 bps Output bytes : 132765627331264 0 bps Input packets: 86830042098 0 pps Output packets: 88510419103 0 pps Input errors: Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0, FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Output errors: Carrier transitions: 4, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, MTU errors: 0, Resource errors: 0 Egress queues: 12 supported, 5 in use Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 7 88510418098 88510418098 0 8 0 0 0 Queue number: Mapped forwarding classes 0 best-effort 3 fcoe 4 no-loss 7 network-control 8 mcast Active alarms : None Active defects : None PCS statistics Seconds Bit errors 0 Errored blocks 0 Ethernet FEC Mode : FEC119 Ethernet FEC statistics Errors FEC Corrected Errors 5796771110 FEC Uncorrected Errors 0 FEC Corrected Errors Rate 0 FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate 0 MAC statistics: Receive Transmit Total octets 130245061850190 132765627331264 Total packets 86830042098 88510419103 Unicast packets 86830041265 88510418256 Broadcast packets 179 190 Multicast packets 654 657 CRC/Align errors 0 0 FIFO errors 0 0 MAC control frames 0 0 MAC pause frames 0 0 Oversized frames 0 Jabber frames 0 Fragment frames 0 VLAN tagged frames 0 Code violations 0 Total errors 0 0 MAC Priority Flow Control Statistics: Priority : 0 0 0 Priority : 1 0 0 Priority : 2 0 0 Priority : 3 0 0 Priority : 4 0 0 Priority : 5 0 0 Priority : 6 0 0 Priority : 7 0 0 Filter statistics: Input packet count 0 Input packet rejects 0 Input DA rejects 0 Input SA rejects 0 Output packet count 0 Output packet pad count 0 Output packet error count 0 CAM destination filters: 0, CAM source filters: 0 Packet Forwarding Engine configuration: Destination slot: ( ) CoS information: Direction : Interface transmit statistics: Disabled Link Degrade : Link Monitoring : Disable
show interfaces (PTX10001-36MR)(400G ZR 和 400G ZR-M 光学器件)
user@host> show interfaces et-0/0/10
Physical interface: et-0/0/10, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Interface index: 1016, SNMP ifIndex: 519
Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 400Gbps,
BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None,
Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled,
Auto-negotiation: Disabled, Media type: Fiber
Wavelength : 1550.12 nm, Frequency: 193.40 THz
Optic-loopback : Disabled
Device flags : Present Running
Interface flags: SNMP-Traps
CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues
Current address: 40:de:ad:8c:ca:22, Hardware address: 40:de:ad:8c:ca:22
Last flapped : 2022-02-28 07:32:26 UTC (03:58:05 ago)
Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Active alarms : None
Active defects : None
PCS statistics Seconds
Bit errors 0
Errored blocks 0
Ethernet FEC Mode : FEC119
Ethernet FEC statistics Errors
FEC Corrected Errors 179957
FEC Uncorrected Errors 0
FEC Corrected Errors Rate 18
FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate 0
Optic FEC Mode : OFEC
Optic FEC statistics:
Corrected Errors 2695089428427
Uncorrected Words 0
Corrected Error rate 194566696
Uncorrected Error rate 0
Corrected Error Ratio ( 14407 seconds average) 4.08e-04
PRBS Mode : Disabled
Interface transmit statistics: Disabled
Link Degrade :
Link Monitoring : Disable
show interfaces (MX304)
user@host>show interfaces ge-0/2/12
Physical interface: ge-0/2/12, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Interface index: 209, SNMP ifIndex: 746
Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, MRU: 1522, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, Ethernet-Switching Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled,
Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Disabled, Remote fault: Online
Device flags : Present Running
Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
Link flags : None
CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues
Schedulers : 0
Current address: 68:f3:8e:7a:1c:67, Hardware address: 68:f3:8e:7a:1c:67
Last flapped : 2023-03-09 16:04:18 IST (00:04:17 ago)
Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Active alarms : None
Active defects : None
PCS statistics Seconds
Bit errors 1
Errored blocks 1
Ethernet FEC Mode : NONE
FEC Codeword size 0
FEC Codeword rate 0.000
Ethernet FEC statistics Errors
FEC Corrected Errors 0
FEC Uncorrected Errors 0
FEC Corrected Errors Rate 0
FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate 0
PRBS Mode : Disabled
Interface transmit statistics: Disabled
Logical interface ge-0/2/12.0 (Index 356) (SNMP ifIndex 748)
Flags: Up SNMP-Traps 0x4004000 Encapsulation: ENET2
Input packets : 0
Output packets: 0
Protocol inet, MTU: 1500
Max nh cache: 100000, New hold nh limit: 100000, Curr nh cnt: 1, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred Is-Primary
Destination: 21.1.1/24, Local:, Broadcast:
Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited
- show interfaces (PTX10001-36MR) (Junos OS 演化版)
- show interfaces(为 IP 隧道接口配置了 IPv4 源接口的 SRX 设备)
- show interfaces(为 IP 隧道接口配置了 IPv4 源主机名和指定主机名的 SRX 设备)
- show interfaces(为 IP 隧道接口配置了 IPv6 源接口的 SRX 设备)
- show interfaces(为 IP 隧道接口配置了 IPv6 源主机名和指定主机名的 SRX 设备)
- 显示接口广泛(ACX5448、ACX5448-D、ACX5448-M 和 ACX710)
show interfaces (PTX10001-36MR) (Junos OS 演化版)
user@host> show interfaces et-0/1/0 media
Physical interface: et-0/1/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down
Interface index: 1017, SNMP ifIndex: 554
Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 400Gbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled,
Flow control: Enabled, Media type: Copper
Device flags : Present Running Down
Interface flags: Hardware-Down SNMP-Traps
CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues
Current address: 88:d9:8f:08:46:57, Hardware address: 88:d9:8f:08:46:57
Last flapped : 2021-08-30 02:45:11 PDT (00:00:34 ago)
Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Active alarms : LINK
Active defects : LINK, REMOTE-FAULT
Ethernet FEC Mode : FEC119
Ethernet FEC statistics Errors
FEC Corrected Errors 545479262
FEC Uncorrected Errors 24
FEC Corrected Errors Rate 7942
FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate 0
MAC statistics:
Input bytes: 0, Input packets: 0, Output bytes: 0, Output packets: 0
Filter statistics:
Filtered packets: 0, Padded packets: 0, Output packet errors: 0
PRBS Mode : Enabled
PRBS Pattern : 7
PRBS Statistics
Lane 0 : Number of iterations in error : 4538027 Total iterations : 4538027 Monitored Seconds: 2
Lane 1 : Number of iterations in error : 2269036 Total iterations : 2269036 Monitored Seconds: 1
Lane 2 : Number of iterations in error : 2269247 Total iterations : 2269247 Monitored Seconds: 1
Lane 3 : Number of iterations in error : 4538551 Total iterations : 4538551 Monitored Seconds: 2
Lane 4 : Number of iterations in error : 4537975 Total iterations : 4537975 Monitored Seconds: 2
Lane 5 : Number of iterations in error : 4538053 Total iterations : 4538053 Monitored Seconds: 2
Lane 6 : Number of iterations in error : 4538555 Total iterations : 4538555 Monitored Seconds: 2
Lane 7 : Number of iterations in error : 4538433 Total iterations : 4538433 Monitored Seconds: 2
Interface transmit statistics: Disabled
Link Degrade :
Link Monitoring : Disable
Logical interface et-0/1/0.16386 (Index 7003) (SNMP ifIndex 560)
Flags: Up SNMP-Traps Encapsulation: ENET2
Input packets : 0
Output packets: 0
Protocol multiservice, MTU: Unlimited
Flags: Is-Primary
show interfaces(为 IP 隧道接口配置了 IPv4 源接口的 SRX 设备)
user@host> show interfaces ip-0/0/0
Physical interface: ip-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Interface index: 156, SNMP ifIndex: 533
Type: IPIP, Link-level type: IP-over-IP, MTU: Unlimited, Speed: 800mbps
Link flags : Keepalives DTE
Device flags : Present Running
Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Logical interface ip-0/0/0.0 (Index 113) (SNMP ifIndex 556)
Flags: Up Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps 0x0 IP-Header Encapsulation: IPIP-NULL
Input packets : 0
Output packets: 0
Security: Zone: untrust
Allowed host-inbound traffic : bootp bfd bgp dns dvmrp igmp ldp msdp nhrp ospf ospf3 pgm pim rip ripng router-discovery rsvp sap vrrp dhcp finger ftp tftp
ident-reset http https ike netconf ping reverse-telnet reverse-ssh rlogin rpm rsh snmp snmp-trap ssh telnet traceroute xnm-clear-text xnm-ssl lsping
lsselfping ntp sip dhcpv6 r2cp webapi-clear-text webapi-ssl tcp-encap sdwan-appqoe high-availability
Protocol inet, MTU: 1480
Max nh cache: 0, New hold nh limit: 0, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
Protocol inet6, MTU: 1480
Max nh cache: 0, New hold nh limit: 0, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
Flags: None
Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred 0x0
Destination: fe80::/64, Local: fe80::3a4f:4900:94:a601
show interfaces(为 IP 隧道接口配置了 IPv4 源主机名和指定主机名的 SRX 设备)
user@host> show interfaces ip-0/0/0
Physical interface: ip-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Interface index: 156, SNMP ifIndex: 533
Type: IPIP, Link-level type: IP-over-IP, MTU: Unlimited, Speed: 800mbps
Link flags : Keepalives DTE
Device flags : Present Running
Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Logical interface ip-0/0/0.0 (Index 115) (SNMP ifIndex 556)
Flags: Up Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps 0x0 IP-Header Encapsulation: IPIP-NULL
Input packets : 0
Output packets: 0
Security: Zone: untrust
Allowed host-inbound traffic : bootp bfd bgp dns dvmrp igmp ldp msdp nhrp ospf ospf3 pgm pim rip ripng router-discovery rsvp sap vrrp dhcp finger ftp tftp
ident-reset http https ike netconf ping reverse-telnet reverse-ssh rlogin rpm rsh snmp snmp-trap ssh telnet traceroute xnm-clear-text xnm-ssl lsping
lsselfping ntp sip dhcpv6 r2cp webapi-clear-text webapi-ssl tcp-encap sdwan-appqoe high-availability
Protocol inet, MTU: 1480
Max nh cache: 0, New hold nh limit: 0, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
Protocol inet6, MTU: 1480
Max nh cache: 0, New hold nh limit: 0, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
Flags: None
Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred 0x0
Destination: fe80::/64, Local: fe80::3a4f:4900:94:a601
show interfaces(为 IP 隧道接口配置了 IPv6 源接口的 SRX 设备)
user@host> show interfaces ip-0/0/0
Physical interface: ip-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Interface index: 145, SNMP ifIndex: 519
Type: IPIP, Link-level type: IP-over-IP, MTU: Unlimited, Speed: 800mbps
Link flags : Keepalives DTE
Device flags : Present Running
Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Logical interface ip-0/0/0.0 (Index 71) (SNMP ifIndex 550)
Flags: Up Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps 0x4000 IP-Header 2000::2-2000::1-41-64-0-0-00000000 Encapsulation: IPIP-NULL
Input packets : 0
Output packets: 0
Security: Zone: untrust
Allowed host-inbound traffic : bootp bfd bgp dns dvmrp igmp ldp msdp nhrp ospf ospf3 pgm pim rip ripng router-discovery rsvp sap vrrp dhcp finger ftp tftp
ident-reset http https ike netconf ping reverse-telnet reverse-ssh rlogin rpm rsh snmp snmp-trap ssh telnet traceroute xnm-clear-text xnm-ssl lsping
lsselfping ntp sip dhcpv6 r2cp webapi-clear-text webapi-ssl tcp-encap sdwan-appqoe high-availability
Protocol inet, MTU: 1460
Max nh cache: 0, New hold nh limit: 0, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
Protocol inet6, MTU: 1460
Max nh cache: 0, New hold nh limit: 0, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
Flags: None
Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred
Destination: fe80::/64, Local: fe80::250:5600:93:3ea9
show interfaces(为 IP 隧道接口配置了 IPv6 源主机名和指定主机名的 SRX 设备)
user@host> show interfaces ip-0/0/0
Physical interface: ip-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Interface index: 145, SNMP ifIndex: 519
Type: IPIP, Link-level type: IP-over-IP, MTU: Unlimited, Speed: 800mbps
Link flags : Keepalives DTE
Device flags : Present Running
Input rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Output rate : 0 bps (0 pps)
Logical interface ip-0/0/0.0 (Index 67) (SNMP ifIndex 550)
Flags: Up Point-To-Point SNMP-Traps 0x4000 IP-Header 2000::2-2000::1-41-64-0-0-00000000 Encapsulation: IPIP-NULL
Input packets : 0
Output packets: 0
Security: Zone: untrust
Allowed host-inbound traffic : bootp bfd bgp dns dvmrp igmp ldp msdp nhrp ospf ospf3 pgm pim rip ripng router-discovery rsvp sap vrrp dhcp finger ftp tftp
ident-reset http https ike netconf ping reverse-telnet reverse-ssh rlogin rpm rsh snmp snmp-trap ssh telnet traceroute xnm-clear-text xnm-ssl lsping
lsselfping ntp sip dhcpv6 r2cp webapi-clear-text webapi-ssl tcp-encap sdwan-appqoe high-availability
Protocol inet, MTU: 1460
Max nh cache: 0, New hold nh limit: 0, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
Flags: Sendbcast-pkt-to-re
Protocol inet6, MTU: 1460
Max nh cache: 0, New hold nh limit: 0, Curr nh cnt: 0, Curr new hold cnt: 0, NH drop cnt: 0
Flags: None
Addresses, Flags: Is-Preferred
Destination: fe80::/64, Local: fe80::250:5600:93:3ea9
显示接口广泛(ACX5448、ACX5448-D、ACX5448-M 和 ACX710)
user@host> show interfaces xe-0/0/18 extensive
Physical interface: xe-0/0/18, Enabled, Physical link is Up
Interface index: 154, SNMP ifIndex: 525, Generation: 185
Link-level type: Ethernet, MTU: 1514, LAN-PHY mode, Speed: 1000mbps, BPDU Error: None, Loop Detect PDU Error: None, Ethernet-Switching Error: None,
MAC-REWRITE Error: None, Loopback: Disabled, Source filtering: Disabled, Flow control: Enabled, Auto-negotiation: Enabled, Remote fault: Offline,
Media type: Fiber
Device flags : Present Running
Interface flags: SNMP-Traps Internal: 0x4000
Link flags : None
CoS queues : 8 supported, 8 maximum usable queues
Schedulers : 0
Hold-times : Up 0 ms, Down 0 ms
Damping : half-life: 0 sec, max-suppress: 0 sec, reuse: 0, suppress: 0, state: unsuppressed
Current address: 98:a4:04:79:50:14, Hardware address: 98:a4:04:79:50:14
Last flapped : 2021-06-29 09:33:22 PDT (13:43:07 ago)
Statistics last cleared: Never
Traffic statistics:
Input bytes : 0 0 bps
Output bytes : 0 0 bps
Input packets: 0 0 pps
Output packets: 0 0 pps
IPv6 transit statistics:
Input bytes : 0
Output bytes : 0
Input packets: 0
Output packets: 0
Input errors:
Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Framing errors: 0, Runts: 0, Policed discards: 0, L3 incompletes: 0, L2 channel errors: 0, L2 mismatch timeouts: 0,
FIFO errors: 0, Resource errors: 0
Output errors:
Carrier transitions: 1, Errors: 0, Drops: 0, Collisions: 0, Aged packets: 0, FIFO errors: 0, HS link CRC errors: 0, MTU errors: 0,
Resource errors: 0
Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use
Queue counters: Queued packets Transmitted packets Dropped packets
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
Queue number: Mapped forwarding classes
0 best-effort
1 expedited-forwarding
2 assured-forwarding
3 network-control
Active alarms : None
Active defects : None
PCS statistics Seconds
Bit errors 0
Errored blocks 0
Ethernet FEC statistics Errors
FEC Corrected Errors 0
FEC Uncorrected Errors 0
FEC Corrected Errors Rate 0
FEC Uncorrected Errors Rate 0
MAC statistics: Receive Transmit
Total octets 0 0
Total packets 0 0
Unicast packets 0 0
Broadcast packets 0 0
Multicast packets 0 0
CRC/Align errors 0 0
FIFO errors 0 0
MAC control frames 0 0
MAC pause frames 0 0
Oversized frames 0
Jabber frames 0
Fragment frames 0
VLAN tagged frames 0
Code violations 0
PRBS Mode : Disabled
Filter statistics:
Input packet count 0
Input packet rejects 0
Input DA rejects 0
Input SA rejects 0
Output packet count 0
Output packet pad count 0
Output packet error count 0
CAM destination filters: 0, CAM source filters: 0
Autonegotiation information:
Negotiation status: Complete
Link partner:
Link mode: Full-duplex, Flow control: Symmetric/Asymmetric, Remote fault: OK, Link partner Speed: 1000 Mbps
Local resolution:
Flow control: Symmetric, Remote fault: Link OK, Local link Speed: 1000 Mbps, Link mode: Full-duplex
Packet Forwarding Engine configuration:
Destination slot: 0 (0x00)
CoS information:
Direction : Output
CoS transmit queue Bandwidth Buffer Priority Limit
% bps % usec
0 best-effort 95 950000000 95 0 low none
3 network-control 5 50000000 5 0 low none
Interface transmit statistics: Disabled
在 Junos OS 7.4 版之前引入的命令。
在 Junos OS 9.5 版中为 SRX 系列防火墙修改的命令。
在 Junos OS 19.3R1 版中为 MX 系列路由器修改的命令。
从 Junos OS 19.3R1 版开始,所有 MX 系列路由器上的输出字段 Ifindex
和 speed
命令中 show interfaces interface name extensive
WAN-PHY 接口的默认行为保持不变。新
选项反映了在支持的线卡上配置的新速度 (9.294-Gbps)。 -
WAN-PHY 成帧模式仅在 MPC5E 和 MPC6E 线卡上受支持。
从 Junos OS 19.3R1 版开始,可以在物理接口上以 1 Gbps、10 Gbps、40 Gbps 和 100 Gbps 的速度速率配置服务等级 (CoS) 功能,以便为使用不同速度在拥塞期间处理流量提供更好的带宽。
功能支持由您使用的平台和版本决定。使用 功能资源管理器 确定您的平台是否支持某个功能。
show interfaces interface-name<media><extensive>
show interfaces interface name detail
,仅适用于 MX480 路由器上的第 2 层协议。