总结 您可以按照以下步骤执行不中断服务的软件重新启动 (ISSR)。
当您请求在独立设备上重新启动不中断服务的软件 (ISSR) 时:
管理进程 (MGD) 验证是否启用了平稳重启 (GR) 或不间断路由和平稳路由引擎切换 (GRES)。
ISSU 状态机使用现有软件版本生成备份路由引擎 (RE)。
ISSU 状态机检查备份 RE 是否已将所有数据与主 RE 同步。
ISSU 状态机请求路由协议进程 (RPD) 通知其切换就绪情况。
RPD 通过通知所有已注册的协议来启动 GR 或不间断路由过程。
RPD 通知 ISSU 状态机已准备好进行切换。
主要角色在 RE 之间切换,因此备份 RE 成为主 RE。
旧的主 RE 已关闭。
RPD 在新的主数据库上生成,并继续 GR 或不间断路由过程,并在协议状态同步后退出 GR 或不间断路由。
要执行 ISSR,请执行以下操作:
request system reboot in-service
user@switch> request system reboot in-service Reboot the system ? [yes,no] [Feb 22 02:37:04]:ISSU: Validating Image PRE ISSR CHECK: --------------- PFE Status : Online Member Id zero : Valid VC not in mixed or fabric mode : Valid Member is single node vc : Valid BFD minimum-interval check done : Valid GRES enabled : Valid NSR enabled : Valid drop-all-tcp not configured : Valid Ready for ISSR : Valid warning: Do NOT use /user during ISSR. Changes to /user during ISSR may get lost! Current image is jinstall-jcp-i386-flex-18.1.img [Feb 22 02:37:14]:ISSU: Preparing Backup RE Prepare for ISSR [Feb 22 02:37:19]:ISSU: Backup RE Prepare Done Spawning the backup RE Spawn backup RE, index 1 successful Starting secondary dataplane Second dataplane container started GRES in progress Waiting for backup RE switchover ready GRES operational Copying home directories Copying home directories successful Initiating Chassis In-Service-Upgrade for ISSR Chassis ISSU Started [Feb 22 02:42:55]:ISSU: Preparing Daemons [Feb 22 02:43:00]:ISSU: Daemons Ready for ISSU [Feb 22 02:43:05]:ISSU: Starting Upgrade for FRUs [Feb 22 02:43:15]:ISSU: FPC Warm Booting [Feb 22 02:44:16]:ISSU: FPC Warm Booted [Feb 22 02:44:27]:ISSU: Preparing for Switchover [Feb 22 02:44:31]:ISSU: Ready for Switchover Checking In-Service-Upgrade status Item Status Reason FPC 0 Online (ISSU) Send ISSR done to chassisd on backup RE Chassis ISSU Completed Removing dcpfe0 eth1 IP Bringing down bme00 Post Chassis ISSU processing done [Feb 22 02:44:33]:ISSU: IDLE Stopping primary dataplane Clearing ISSU states Console and management sessions will be disconnected. Please login again. device_handoff successful ret: 0 Shutdown NOW! [pid 14305] *** FINAL System shutdown message from root@sw-duckhorn-01 *** System going down IMMEDIATELY