自定义裸机服务器的 JCNR 掌舵图
您可以在裸机服务器上以 L2、L3 或 L2-L3 模式部署和操作瞻博网络云原生路由器。您可以通过在部署之前编辑文件中的 values.yaml
密钥时,部署模式将为 L2。 -
密钥,则部署模式将为 L2-L3。 -
均未配置密钥,则部署模式将为 L3。
关键 | 附加密钥配置 | 说明 |
注册 表 | 为 vRouter、cRPD 和 jcnr-cni 容器映像定义 docker 注册表。默认值为 enterprise-hub.juniper.net 。压缩包中提供的映像使用默认注册表名称进行标记。如果选择将容器映像托管到专用注册表,请将默认值替换为注册表 URL。 |
存储 库 | (可选)定义 vRouter、cRPD 和 jcnr-cni 容器映像的存储库路径。这是一个全局键,优先于“通用”部分下的“存储库”路径。默认值为 jcnr-container-prod/ 。 |
imagePullSecret | (可选)定义注册表身份验证凭据。您可以将凭据配置为瞻博网络存储库或私有注册表。 | |
注册表凭据 | Docker 注册表凭据的 Base64 表示形式。有关更多信息,请查看 配置存储库凭据 主题。 | |
机密名称 | 将创建的机密对象的名称。 | |
常见 | 定义 vRouter、cRPD 和 jcnr-cni 容器映像的重复路径和标记。除非使用专用注册表,否则使用默认值。 | |
存储 库 | 定义存储库路径。默认值为 atom-docker/cn2/bazel-build/dev/ 。如果已定义,则全局存储库密钥优先。 |
标记 | 定义图像标记。默认值配置为 JCNR 发行版的相应标记号。 | |
副本 | (可选)指示 cRPD 的副本数。如果未指定该值,则考虑默认值 1。必须为多节点群集指定此键的值。该值必须等于必须将 JCNR 部署到的节点数。 | |
存储类 | 不适用于非云部署。 | |
awsregion | 不适用于非 EKS 部署。 | |
无本地交换 | (可选)防止桥接域中的接口传输和接收以太网帧副本。输入一个或多个逗号分隔的 VLAN ID,以确保属于这些 VLAN ID 的接口不会相互传输帧。此密钥特定于 L2 和 L2-L3 部署。启用此密钥可在所有接入接口上提供功能。要在中继接口上启用该功能,请在结构接口密钥中配置无本地交换密钥。 | |
结构接口 | 提供要绑定到 DPDK 的接口列表。您还可以提供子网而不是接口名称。如果同时指定了接口名称和子网,则接口名称优先于子网/网关组合。当多节点群集中的接口名称不同时,子网/网关组合非常有用。
例如: # L2 only - eth1: ddp: "auto" interface_mode: trunk vlan-id-list: [100, 200, 300, 700-705] storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 native-vlan-id: 100 no-local-switching: true # L3 only - eth1: ddp: "off" # L2L3 - eth1: ddp: "auto" - eth2: ddp: "auto" interface_mode: trunk vlan-id-list: [100, 200, 300, 700-705] storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 native-vlan-id: 100 no-local-switching: true |
子 | 接口名称的另一种输入模式。例如: - subnet: gateway: ddp: "off" 该 |
Ddp | (可选)指示接口级动态设备个性化 (DDP) 配置。DDP 在网卡上为 GTPU、SCTP 等流量提供数据路径优化。对于绑定接口,所有从属接口网卡都必须支持 DDP 才能启用 DDP 配置。 设置选项包括自动、开或关。默认设置为关闭。
接口级别 |
interface_mode | 设置为 L2 interface_mode: trunk |
VLAN-id-list | 提供与接口关联的 VLAN ID 列表。 |
风暴控制配置文件 | 用于 |
本机 VLAN ID | 使用 vlan-id 列表中的任一 VLAN ID 进行配置 fabricInterface: - bond0: interface_mode: trunk vlan-id-list: [100, 200, 300] storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 native-vlan-id: 100 |
无本地交换 | 如果配置了无本地交换语句,则防止接口直接相互通信。允许的值为真或假。 | |
交换矩阵工作负载接口 | (可选)定义不同工作负载连接到的接口。它们可以是基于软件或基于硬件的接口。 | |
log_level | 定义日志严重性。可用的值选项包括:“调试”、“信息”、“警告”和“错误”。
将log_level设置为默认 INFO,除非瞻博网络支持人员指示更改它。 |
log_path | 定义的目录存储各种与 JCNR 相关的描述性日志,例如contrail-vrouter-agent.log、contrail-vrouter-dpdk.log等。默认值为 /var/log/jcnr/。 |
syslog_notifications | 指示以 JSON 格式存储 syslog-ng 生成的通知的文件的绝对路径。默认值为 /var/log/jcnr/jcnr_notifications.json。 |
节点亲和力 | (可选)在节点上定义标签以确定放置 vRouter Pod 的位置。 默认情况下,vRouter Pod 部署到群集的所有工作器节点。 在下面的示例中,节点关联性标签定义为“key1=jcnr”。您必须将此标签应用于必须部署 JCNR 的每个节点: nodeAffinity: - key: key1 operator: In values: - jcnr
此项是全局设置。 |
关键 | 键值对,表示必须匹配才能应用节点相关性的节点标签。 | |
算子 | 定义节点标签与 Pod 规范中 matchExpression 参数中的值集之间的关系。此值可以是 In、NotIn、Exist、DoesNotExist、Lt 或 Gt。 | |
cni_bin_dir | (可选)默认路径为 /opt/cni/bin。您可以使用发行版中的路径覆盖默认的 cni 路径,例如 /var/opt/cni/bin。 | |
grpc遥测端口 | (可选)输入此参数的值以覆盖 cRPD 遥测 gRPC 服务器默认端口 50051。 |
grpcVrouterPort | (可选)输入此参数的值以覆盖 vRouter gRPC 服务器默认端口 50052。 | |
虚拟路由器部署程序端口 | (可选)默认值为 8081。配置为在默认端口不可用时覆盖。 | |
恢复接口 | 将此注册表项的值设置为 true 可在 vRouter Pod 崩溃或重新启动时将接口恢复到其原始状态。 | |
bondInterfaceConfigs | (可选)仅为 L2 或 L2-L3 部署启用绑定接口配置。 | |
名字 | 绑定接口的名称。 | |
模式 | 默认值为 1 (Active_Backup) | |
从属接口 | 要聚合的交换矩阵接口。 | |
Mtu | 所有物理接口(VF 和 PF)的最大传输单元 (MTU) 值。默认值为 9000。 | |
cpu_core_mask | 指示虚拟路由器转发核心掩码。如果启用了 qos,则需要分配 4 个 CPU 核心(主核和同级)。 |
storm 控制配置文件 | 为结构接口上的 BUM 流量配置速率限制配置文件(以字节/秒为单位)。 | |
Ddp | (可选)指示全局动态设备个性化 (DDP) 配置。DDP 在网卡上为 GTPU、SCTP 等流量提供数据路径优化。对于绑定接口,所有从属接口网卡都必须支持 DDP 才能启用 DDP 配置。 设置选项包括自动、开或关。默认设置为关闭。
接口级别 |
QoSEnable | 设置为 true 或 false 以启用或禁用 QoS。
QoS 在英特尔 X710 网卡上不受支持。 |
核心模式 | 指示核心模式以指示如何生成核心文件。如果将此配置留空,则 JCNR Pod 将不会覆盖默认模式。
在部署 JCNR 之前在主机上设置核心模式值。您可以更改 中的 |
核心文件路径 | 指示核心文件的路径。如果该值留空,则 vRouter 会将 /var/crashes 视为默认值。 | |
vrouter_dpdk_uio_driver | uio 驱动程序是 vfio-pci 。 |
仅 L2 部署的 Helm 图表
下面显示了仅工作 L2 的掌舵图示例。配置的部分以 粗体突出显示:
#################################################################### # Common Configuration (global vars) # #################################################################### global: registry: enterprise-hub.juniper.net/ # uncomment below if all images are available in the same path; it will # take precedence over "repository" paths under "common" section below repository: jcnr-container-prod/ # uncomment below if you are using a private registry that needs authentication # registryCredentials - Base64 representation of your Docker registry credentials # secretName - Name of the Secret object that will be created #imagePullSecret: #registryCredentials: <base64-encoded-credential> #secretName: regcreds common: vrouter: repository: atom-docker/cn2/bazel-build/dev/ tag: R23.3-183 crpd: repository: junos-docker-local/warthog/ tag: 23.3R1.8 jcnrcni: repository: junos-docker-local/warthog/ tag: 23.3-20230918-1b118ad # Number of replicas for cRPD; this option must be used for multinode clusters # JCNR will take 1 as default if replicas is not specified #replicas: "3" # storageClass: Name of the storage class for cRPD. This option is must for # cloud deployments such as AWS where gp2 can be used #storageClass: gp2 # Set AWS Region for AWS deployments #awsregion: us-east-1 #noLocalSwitching: [700] # fabricInterface: provide a list of interfaces to be bound to dpdk # You can also provide subnets instead of interface names. Interfaces name take precedence over # Subnet/Gateway combination if both specified (although there is no reason to specify both) # Subnet/Gateway combination comes handy when the interface names vary in a multi-node cluster fabricInterface: ######################### # L2 only - bond0: interface_mode: trunk vlan-id-list: [1110-1141] - ens2f2v0: interface_mode: trunk vlan-id-list: [1110-1141] - ens2f3v0: interface_mode: trunk vlan-id-list: [1110-1141] - ens1f0v0: interface_mode: trunk vlan-id-list: [1110-1141] ddp: "auto" interface_mode: trunk storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 native-vlan-id: 1110 no-local-switching: true ######################### # L3 only #- eth11: # ddp: "off" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off #- eth2: # ddp: "off" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off ######################## # L2L3 #- eth1: # ddp: "auto" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off #- eth2: # ddp: "auto" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off # interface_mode: trunk # vlan-id-list: [100, 200, 300, 700-705] # storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 # native-vlan-id: 100 # no-local-switching: true ################################## # Provide subnets instead of interface names # Interfaces will be auto-detected in each subnet # Only one of the interfaces or subnet range must # be configured. This form of input is particularly # helpful when the interface names vary in a multi-node # K8s cluster #- subnet: # gateway: # ddp: "off" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off #- subnet: # gateway: # ddp: "off" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off ################################## # fabricWorkloadInterface is applicable only for Pure L2 deployments # fabricWorkloadInterface: - ens1f1v0: interface_mode: access vlan-id-list: [1110] ######################### # defines the log severity. Possible options: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERR log_level: "INFO" # "log_path": this directory will contain various jcnr related descriptive logs # such as contrail-vrouter-agent.log, contrail-vrouter-dpdk.log etc. log_path: "/var/log/jcnr/" # "syslog_notifications": absolute path to the file that will contain syslog-ng # generated notifications in json format syslog_notifications: "/var/log/jcnr/jcnr_notifications.json" # nodeAffinity: Can be used to inject nodeAffinity for vRouter, cRPD and syslog-ng pods # You may label the nodes where we wish to deploy JCNR and inject affinity accodingly #nodeAffinity: #- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/worker # operator: Exists #- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master # operator: DoesNotExist #- key: kubernetes.io/hostname # operator: In # values: # - example-host-1 # cni_bin_dir: Path where the CNI binary will be put; default: /opt/cni/bin # this may be overriden in distributions other than vanilla K8s # e.g. OpenShift - you may use /var/lib/cni/bin or /etc/kubernetes/cni/net.d #cni_bin_dir: /var/lib/cni/bin # grpcTelemetryPort: use this parameter to override cRPD telemetry gRPC server default port of 50051 #grpcTelemetryPort: 50055 # grpcVrouterPort: use this parameter to override vRouter gRPC server default port of 50052 #grpcVrouterPort: 50060 # vRouterDeployerPort: use this parameter to override vRouter deployer port default port of 8081 #vRouterDeployerPort: 8082 jcnr-vrouter: # restoreInterfaces: setting this to true will restore the interfaces # back to their original state in case vrouter pod crashes or restarts restoreInterfaces: false # Enable bond interface configurations L2 only or L2 L3 deployment bondInterfaceConfigs: - name: "bond0" mode: 1 # ACTIVE_BACKUP MODE slaveInterfaces: - "ens2f0v0" - "ens2f1v0" # MTU for all physical interfaces( all VF’s and PF’s) mtu: "9000" # vrouter fwd core mask # if qos is enabled, you will need to allocate 4 CPU cores (primary and siblings) cpu_core_mask: "2,3,22,23" # rate limit profiles for bum traffic on fabric interfaces in bytes per second stormControlProfiles: rate_limit_pf1: bandwidth: level: 0 #rate_limit_pf2: # bandwidth: # level: 0 # Set ddp to enable Dynamic Device Personalization (DDP) # Provides datapath optimization at NIC for traffic like GTPU, SCTP etc. # Options include auto or on or off; default: off ddp: "auto" # Set true/false to Enable or Disable QOS, note: QOS is not supported on X710 NIC. qosEnable: false # core pattern to denote how the core file will be generated # if left empty, JCNR pods will not overwrite the default pattern corePattern: "" # path for the core file; vrouter considers /var/crashes as default value if not specified coreFilePath: /var/crash # uio driver will be vfio-pci vrouter_dpdk_uio_driver: "vfio-pci"
仅 L3 部署的掌舵图
仅工作 L3 掌舵图示例如下所示。配置的部分以 粗体突出显示:
#################################################################### # Common Configuration (global vars) # #################################################################### global: registry: enterprise-hub.juniper.net/ # uncomment below if all images are available in the same path; it will # take precedence over "repository" paths under "common" section below repository: jcnr-container-prod/ # uncomment below if you are using a private registry that needs authentication # registryCredentials - Base64 representation of your Docker registry credentials # secretName - Name of the Secret object that will be created #imagePullSecret: #registryCredentials: <base64-encoded-credential> #secretName: regcreds common: vrouter: repository: atom-docker/cn2/bazel-build/dev/ tag: R23.3-183 crpd: repository: junos-docker-local/warthog/ tag: 23.3R1.8 jcnrcni: repository: junos-docker-local/warthog/ tag: 23.3-20230918-1b118ad # Number of replicas for cRPD; this option must be used for multinode clusters # JCNR will take 1 as default if replicas is not specified #replicas: "3" # storageClass: Name of the storage class for cRPD. This option is must for # cloud deployments such as AWS where gp2 can be used #storageClass: gp2 # Set AWS Region for AWS deployments #awsregion: us-east-1 #noLocalSwitching: [700] # fabricInterface: provide a list of interfaces to be bound to dpdk # You can also provide subnets instead of interface names. Interfaces name take precedence over # Subnet/Gateway combination if both specified (although there is no reason to specify both) # Subnet/Gateway combination comes handy when the interface names vary in a multi-node cluster fabricInterface: ######################### # L2 only #- eth1: # ddp: "auto" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off # interface_mode: trunk # vlan-id-list: [100, 200, 300, 700-705] # storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 # native-vlan-id: 100 # no-local-switching: true #- eth2: # ddp: "auto" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off # interface_mode: trunk # vlan-id-list: [700] # storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 # native-vlan-id: 100 # no-local-switching: true #- bond0: # ddp: "auto" # auto/on/off # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off # interface_mode: trunk # vlan-id-list: [100, 200, 300, 700-705] # storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 # #native-vlan-id: 100 # #no-local-switching: true ######################### # L3 only - ens2f2: ddp: "auto" - ens1f1: ddp: "auto" ######################## # L2L3 #- eth1: # ddp: "auto" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off #- eth2: # ddp: "auto" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off # interface_mode: trunk # vlan-id-list: [100, 200, 300, 700-705] # storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 # native-vlan-id: 100 # no-local-switching: true ################################## # Provide subnets instead of interface names # Interfaces will be auto-detected in each subnet # Only one of the interfaces or subnet range must # be configured. This form of input is particularly # helpful when the interface names vary in a multi-node # K8s cluster #- subnet: # gateway: # ddp: "off" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off #- subnet: # gateway: # ddp: "off" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off ################################## # fabricWorkloadInterface is applicable only for Pure L2 deployments # #fabricWorkloadInterface: #- enp59s0f1v0: # interface_mode: access # vlan-id-list: [700] #- enp59s0f1v1: # interface_mode: trunk # vlan-id-list: [800, 900] ######################### # defines the log severity. Possible options: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERR log_level: "INFO" # "log_path": this directory will contain various jcnr related descriptive logs # such as contrail-vrouter-agent.log, contrail-vrouter-dpdk.log etc. log_path: "/var/log/jcnr/" # "syslog_notifications": absolute path to the file that will contain syslog-ng # generated notifications in json format syslog_notifications: "/var/log/jcnr/jcnr_notifications.json" # nodeAffinity: Can be used to inject nodeAffinity for vRouter, cRPD and syslog-ng pods # You may label the nodes where we wish to deploy JCNR and inject affinity accodingly #nodeAffinity: #- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/worker # operator: Exists #- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master # operator: DoesNotExist #- key: kubernetes.io/hostname # operator: In # values: # - example-host-1 # cni_bin_dir: Path where the CNI binary will be put; default: /opt/cni/bin # this may be overriden in distributions other than vanilla K8s # e.g. OpenShift - you may use /var/lib/cni/bin or /etc/kubernetes/cni/net.d #cni_bin_dir: /var/lib/cni/bin # grpcTelemetryPort: use this parameter to override cRPD telemetry gRPC server default port of 50051 #grpcTelemetryPort: 50055 # grpcVrouterPort: use this parameter to override vRouter gRPC server default port of 50052 #grpcVrouterPort: 50060 # vRouterDeployerPort: use this parameter to override vRouter deployer port default port of 8081 #vRouterDeployerPort: 8082 jcnr-vrouter: # restoreInterfaces: setting this to true will restore the interfaces # back to their original state in case vrouter pod crashes or restarts restoreInterfaces: false # Enable bond interface configurations L2 only or L2 L3 deployment #bondInterfaceConfigs: # - name: "bond0" # mode: 1 # ACTIVE_BACKUP MODE # slaveInterfaces: # - "enp59s0f0v0" # - "enp59s0f0v1" # MTU for all physical interfaces( all VF’s and PF’s) mtu: "9000" # vrouter fwd core mask # if qos is enabled, you will need to allocate 4 CPU cores (primary and siblings) cpu_core_mask: "2,3,22,23" # rate limit profiles for bum traffic on fabric interfaces in bytes per second stormControlProfiles: rate_limit_pf1: bandwidth: level: 0 #rate_limit_pf2: # bandwidth: # level: 0 # Set ddp to enable Dynamic Device Personalization (DDP) # Provides datapath optimization at NIC for traffic like GTPU, SCTP etc. # Options include auto or on or off; default: off ddp: "auto" # Set true/false to Enable or Disable QOS, note: QOS is not supported on X710 NIC. qosEnable: false # core pattern to denote how the core file will be generated # if left empty, JCNR pods will not overwrite the default pattern corePattern: "" # path for the core file; vrouter considers /var/crashes as default value if not specified coreFilePath: /var/crash # uio driver will be vfio-pci vrouter_dpdk_uio_driver: "vfio-pci"
L2-L3 部署的掌舵图
工作 L2-L3 掌舵图示例如下所示。配置的部分以 粗体突出显示:
#################################################################### # Common Configuration (global vars) # #################################################################### global: registry: enterprise-hub.juniper.net/ # uncomment below if all images are available in the same path; it will # take precedence over "repository" paths under "common" section below repository: jcnr-container-prod/ # uncomment below if you are using a private registry that needs authentication # registryCredentials - Base64 representation of your Docker registry credentials # secretName - Name of the Secret object that will be created #imagePullSecret: #registryCredentials: <base64-encoded-credential> #secretName: regcreds common: vrouter: repository: atom-docker/cn2/bazel-build/dev/ tag: R23.3-183 crpd: repository: junos-docker-local/warthog/ tag: 23.3R1.8 jcnrcni: repository: junos-docker-local/warthog/ tag: 23.3-20230918-1b118ad # Number of replicas for cRPD; this option must be used for multinode clusters # JCNR will take 1 as default if replicas is not specified #replicas: "3" # storageClass: Name of the storage class for cRPD. This option is must for # cloud deployments such as AWS where gp2 can be used #storageClass: gp2 # Set AWS Region for AWS deployments #awsregion: us-east-1 #noLocalSwitching: [700] # fabricInterface: provide a list of interfaces to be bound to dpdk # You can also provide subnets instead of interface names. Interfaces name take precedence over # Subnet/Gateway combination if both specified (although there is no reason to specify both) # Subnet/Gateway combination comes handy when the interface names vary in a multi-node cluster fabricInterface: ######################### # L2 only #- eth1: # ddp: "auto" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off # interface_mode: trunk # vlan-id-list: [100, 200, 300, 700-705] # storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 # native-vlan-id: 100 # no-local-switching: true #- eth2: # ddp: "auto" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off # interface_mode: trunk # vlan-id-list: [700] # storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 # native-vlan-id: 100 # no-local-switching: true #- bond0: # ddp: "auto" # auto/on/off # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off # interface_mode: trunk # vlan-id-list: [100, 200, 300, 700-705] # storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 # #native-vlan-id: 100 # #no-local-switching: true ######################### # L3 only #- eth11: # ddp: "off" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off #- eth2: # ddp: "off" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off ######################## # L2L3 - bond0: interface_mode: trunk vlan-id-list: [1110-1141] storm-control-profile: rate_limit_pf1 ddp: "auto" - ens2f0v1: ddp: "auto" - enp179s0f1v0: interface_mode: trunk vlan-id-list: [1110-1141] ddp: "auto" - enp179s0f1v1: ddp: "auto" ################################## # Provide subnets instead of interface names # Interfaces will be auto-detected in each subnet # Only one of the interfaces or subnet range must # be configured. This form of input is particularly # helpful when the interface names vary in a multi-node # K8s cluster #- subnet: # gateway: # ddp: "off" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off #- subnet: # gateway: # ddp: "off" # ddp parameter is optional; options include auto or on or off; default: off ################################## # fabricWorkloadInterface is applicable only for Pure L2 deployments # #fabricWorkloadInterface: #- enp59s0f1v0: # interface_mode: access # vlan-id-list: [700] #- enp59s0f1v1: # interface_mode: trunk # vlan-id-list: [800, 900] ######################### # defines the log severity. Possible options: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERR log_level: "INFO" # "log_path": this directory will contain various jcnr related descriptive logs # such as contrail-vrouter-agent.log, contrail-vrouter-dpdk.log etc. log_path: "/var/log/jcnr/" # "syslog_notifications": absolute path to the file that will contain syslog-ng # generated notifications in json format syslog_notifications: "/var/log/jcnr/jcnr_notifications.json" # nodeAffinity: Can be used to inject nodeAffinity for vRouter, cRPD and syslog-ng pods # You may label the nodes where we wish to deploy JCNR and inject affinity accodingly #nodeAffinity: #- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/worker # operator: Exists #- key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master # operator: DoesNotExist #- key: kubernetes.io/hostname # operator: In # values: # - example-host-1 # cni_bin_dir: Path where the CNI binary will be put; default: /opt/cni/bin # this may be overriden in distributions other than vanilla K8s # e.g. OpenShift - you may use /var/lib/cni/bin or /etc/kubernetes/cni/net.d #cni_bin_dir: /var/lib/cni/bin # grpcTelemetryPort: use this parameter to override cRPD telemetry gRPC server default port of 50051 #grpcTelemetryPort: 50055 # grpcVrouterPort: use this parameter to override vRouter gRPC server default port of 50052 #grpcVrouterPort: 50060 # vRouterDeployerPort: use this parameter to override vRouter deployer port default port of 8081 #vRouterDeployerPort: 8082 jcnr-vrouter: # restoreInterfaces: setting this to true will restore the interfaces # back to their original state in case vrouter pod crashes or restarts restoreInterfaces: false # Enable bond interface configurations L2 only or L2 L3 deployment bondInterfaceConfigs: - name: "bond0" mode: 1 # ACTIVE_BACKUP MODE slaveInterfaces: - "ens2f0v0" - "ens2f1v0" # MTU for all physical interfaces( all VF’s and PF’s) mtu: "9000" # vrouter fwd core mask # if qos is enabled, you will need to allocate 4 CPU cores (primary and siblings) cpu_core_mask: "2,3,22,23" # rate limit profiles for bum traffic on fabric interfaces in bytes per second stormControlProfiles: rate_limit_pf1: bandwidth: level: 0 #rate_limit_pf2: # bandwidth: # level: 0 # Set ddp to enable Dynamic Device Personalization (DDP) # Provides datapath optimization at NIC for traffic like GTPU, SCTP etc. # Options include auto or on or off; default: off ddp: "auto" # Set true/false to Enable or Disable QOS, note: QOS is not supported on X710 NIC. qosEnable: false # core pattern to denote how the core file will be generated # if left empty, JCNR pods will not overwrite the default pattern corePattern: "" # path for the core file; vrouter considers /var/crashes as default value if not specified coreFilePath: /var/crash # uio driver will be vfio-pci vrouter_dpdk_uio_driver: "vfio-pci"