在 FIPS 的评估配置上配置 SSH
评估配置中允许通过远程管理接口进行 SSH。本主题介绍如何通过远程管理配置 SSH。
需要配置以下算法来验证 FIPS 的 SSH。
要配置 DUT 上的 SSH:
为系统服务指定允许的 SSH 主机密钥算法。
[edit] user@host#set system services ssh hostkey-algorithm ssh-ecdsa user@host#set system services ssh hostkey-algorithm no-ssh-dss user@host#set system services ssh hostkey-algorithm ssh-rsa
为系统服务指定 Diffie-Hellman 密钥的 SSH 密钥交换。
[edit] user@host#set system services ssh key-exchange ecdh-sha2-nistp256 user@host#set system services ssh key-exchange ecdh-sha2-nistp384 user@host#set system services ssh key-exchange ecdh-sha2-nistp521
指定 SSHv2 的所有允许的消息身份验证代码算法
[edit] user@host#set system services ssh macs hmac-sha1 user@host#set system services ssh macs hmac-sha2-256 user@host#set system services ssh macs hmac-sha2-512
指定协议版本 2 所允许的密码。
[edit] user@host#set system services ssh ciphers aes128-cbc user@host#set system services ssh ciphers aes256-cbc user@host#set system services ssh ciphers aes128-ctr user@host#set system services ssh ciphers aes256-ctr user@host#set system services ssh ciphers aes192-cbc user@host#set system services ssh ciphers aes192-ctr
支持的 SSH 主机密钥算法:
ssh-ecdsa Allow generation of ECDSA host-key ssh-rsa Allow generation of RSA host-key
支持的 SSH 密钥交换算法:
ecdh-sha2-nistp256 The EC Diffie-Hellman on nistp256 with SHA2-256 ecdh-sha2-nistp384 The EC Diffie-Hellman on nistp384 with SHA2-384 ecdh-sha2-nistp521 The EC Diffie-Hellman on nistp521 with SHA2-512
支持的 MAC 算法:
hmac-sha1 Hash-based MAC using Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA1) hmac-sha2-256 Hash-based MAC using Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2) hmac-sha2-512 Hash-based MAC using Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA2)
支持的 SSH 密码算法:
aes128-cbc 128-bit AES with Cipher Block Chaining aes128-ctr 128-bit AES with Counter Mode aes192-cbc 192-bit AES with Cipher Block Chaining aes192-ctr 192-bit AES with Counter Mode aes256-cbc 256-bit AES with Cipher Block Chaining aes256-ctr 256-bit AES with Counter Mode 3des-cbc Triple Data Encryption Standard in Cipher Block Chaining