Exemplo: Configuração da programação de rede SRv6 em redes IS-IS
Este exemplo mostra como configurar a programação de rede SRv6 em uma rede IS-IS. Esse recurso é útil para provedores de serviços cujas redes são predominantemente IPv6 e não implantaram o MPLS. Essas redes dependem apenas dos cabeçalhos IPv6 e extensões de cabeçalho para transmitir dados. A programação de rede SRv6 oferece flexibilidade para aproveitar o roteamento por segmentos sem implantar o MPLS.
Este exemplo usa os seguintes componentes de hardware e software:
Oito roteadores da Série MX com placas de linha MPC7E, MPC8E ou MPC9E
Versão Junos OS 20.3R1 ou posterior
Visão geral
A partir do Junos OS Release 20.3R1, você pode configurar o SRv6 sem MPLS em uma rede IPv6 de núcleo. A programação de rede SRv6 é a capacidade de uma rede para codificar um programa de rede em instruções de rede individuais que são então inseridas nos cabeçalhos de pacoteS IPv6. O pacote IPv6 que transporta as instruções da rede informa explicitamente à rede sobre os nós SRv6 precisos disponíveis para processamento de pacotes. A instrução de rede é o identificador de segmentos SRv6 (SID) representado por endereços IPv6 de 128 bits. Essas instruções são distribuídas pela rede nos cabeçalhos de pacoteS IPv6. Juntamente com o endereçamento, as instruções de rede definem uma tarefa ou função específica para cada nó com capacidade de SRv6 na rede SRv6. Esse recurso beneficia redes que precisam implantar tráfego SR por roteadores de trânsito que ainda não têm recursos de roteamento por segmentos.
Na Figura 1, o Roteador R0 e o Roteador R7 são roteadores de entrada e saída que oferecem suporte apenas aos dispositivos IPv4 CE1 e CE2. Os roteadores R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 e R6 compreendem uma rede de núcleo de provedor única IPv6. Todos os roteadores pertencem ao mesmo sistema autônomo. IS-IS é o protocolo de gateway interior no núcleo IPv6 e está configurado para oferecer suporte ao SRv6. Neste exemplo, o Roteador R2 é configurado como um refletor de rota IPv6 com sessões de peering do IBGP para R0 e R7. Nenhum outro roteador fala BGP neste exemplo.
Para demonstrar melhor o tunelamento SRv6, este exemplo é baseado em um núcleo de provedor IPv6 puro. O SRv6 é suportado com um núcleo de pilha dupla onde tanto o IPv6 quanto o IPv4 são implantados.
Os roteadores de borda que oferecem suporte a dispositivos IPv4 precisam transportar tráfego IPv4 usando o encapsulamento de túnel IPv6. Os túneis de encapsulamento são derivados de SIDs SRv6 configurados em roteadores habilitados para SRv6. O protocolo IS-IS processa esses SRv6 SIDs e atualiza a tabela inet6.3 com os endereços de próximo salto dos endpoints de túnel disponíveis. Quando uma rota IPv4 é aprendida através do BGP, o roteador tenta resolver o próximo salto associado através da tabela inet6.3. Quando uma entrada correspondente é encontrada, o resultado é um túnel IPv6 automático para o endpoint que anunciou a rota BGP.
Neste exemplo, os roteadores R0 e R7 anunciam sua sub-rede IPv4 anexada usando BGP. Isso resulta em túneis IPv6 entre os roteadores de borda. Os túneis são usados para transportar o tráfego IPv4 pelo núcleo do provedor IPv6. Na saída, os roteadores de borda desencapsulam o cabeçalho IPv6 externo e realizam uma busca de rota IPv4 para encaminhar o pacote até o seu destino.
Configuração rápida da CLI
Para configurar rapidamente este exemplo, copie os seguintes comandos, cole-os em um arquivo de texto, remova qualquer quebra de linha, altere todos os detalhes necessários para combinar com a configuração da sua rede, copiar e colar os comandos na CLI no nível de [edit]
hierarquia e, em seguida, inserir o commit a partir do modo de configuração.
Roteador R0
set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 description To_R1 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:1::1/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 description To_R4 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:4::1/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 description To_CE1 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso address 49.0001.000a.0a0a.0a00 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:10:255::10/128 set policy-options policy-statement pplb then load-balance per-packet set routing-options source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc 2001:db8:0:a0::/64 set routing-options forwarding-table export pplb set routing-options router-id set policy-options policy-statement CE1_v4 term 1 from protocol direct set policy-options policy-statement CE1_v4 term 1 from route-filter exact set policy-options policy-statement CE1_v4 term 1 then next-hop 2001:db8:0:a0:d01:: set policy-options policy-statement CE1_v4 term 1 then accept set routing-options autonomous-system 65550 set protocols bgp group to-R2RRv6 type internal set protocols bgp group to-R2RRv6 export CE1_v4 set protocols bgp group to-R2RRv6 local-address 2001:db8:10:255::10 set protocols bgp group to-R2RRv6 neighbor 2001:db8:2:255::2 family inet unicast extended-nexthop set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a0:1a01:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a0:1a04:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface lo0.0 passive set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc end-sid 2001:db8:0:a0:d01:: flavor usd set protocols isis level 1 disable
Roteador R1
set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 description To_R0 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:1::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 description To_R2 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:12:1/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 description to-R4 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:14::1/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 description to-R5 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:15::1/64 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso address 49.0001.0001.0101.0100 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:1:255::1/128 set policy-options policy-statement pplb then load-balance per-packet set routing-options source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc 2001:db8:0:a1::/64 set routing-options forwarding-table export pplb set routing-options router-id set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a1:1a10:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a1:1a12:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.1 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a1:1a14:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a1:1a15:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface lo0.0 passive set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc end-sid 2001:db8:0:a1:d11:: flavor usd set protocols isis level 1 disable
Roteador R2
set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 description To_R1 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:12::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 description To_R3 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:23::1/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 description To_R4 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family inet6 address 2011:db8:24::1/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 description To_R5 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:25::1/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 description To_R6 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:26::1/64 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso address 49.0001.0002.0202.0200 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:2:255::2/128 set policy-options policy-statement pplb then load-balance per-packet set routing-options source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc 2001:db8:0:a2::/64 set routing-options forwarding-table export pplb set routing-options router-id set routing-options autonomous-system 65550 set protocols bgp group RRv6 type internal set protocols bgp group RRv6 local-address 2001:db8:2:255::2 set protocols bgp group RRv6 neighbor 2001:db8:10:255::10 family inet unicast extended-nexthop set protocols bgp group RRv6 neighbor 2001:db8:20:255::20 family inet unicast extended-nexthop set protocols bgp group RRv6 cluster set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a2:1a21:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a2:1a23:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a2:1a24:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a2:1a25:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a2:1a26:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface lo0.0 passive set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc end-sid 2001:db8:0:a2:d21:: flavor usd set protocols isis level 1 disable
Roteador R3
set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 description To_R2 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:23::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 description To_R5 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:35::1/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 description To_R6 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family inet6 address 36::1/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 description To_R7 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:37::1/64 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso address 49.0001.0003.0303.0300 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:3:255::3/128 set policy-options policy-statement pplb then load-balance per-packet set routing-options source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc 2001:db8:0:a3::/64 set routing-options forwarding-table export pplb set routing-options router-id set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a3:1a32:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a3:1a35:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a3:1a36:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a3:1a37:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface lo0.0 passive set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc end-sid 2001:db8:0:a3:d31:: flavor usd set protocols isis level 1 disable
Roteador R4
set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 description To_R0 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:4::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 description To_R1 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:14::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 description To_R2 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:24::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 description To_R5 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:25::1/64 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso address 49.0001.0004.0404.0400 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:4:255::4/128 set policy-options policy-statement pplb then load-balance per-packet set routing-options source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc 2001:db8:0:a4::/64 set routing-options forwarding-table export pplb set routing-options router-id set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a4:1a40:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a4:1a41:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a4:1a42:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a4:1a45:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface lo0.0 passive set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc end-sid 2001:db8:0:a4:d41:: flavor usd set protocols isis level 1 disable
Roteador R5
set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 description To_R1 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:15::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 description To_R2 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:25::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 description To_R3 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:35::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 description To_R4 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:45::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 description To_R6 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:56::1/64 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso address 49.0001.0005.0505.0500 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:5:255::5/128 set policy-options policy-statement pplb then load-balance per-packet set routing-options source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc 2001:db8:0:a5::/64 set routing-options forwarding-table export pplb set routing-options router-id set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a5:1a51:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a5:1a52:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a5:1a53:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a5:1a54:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a5:1a56:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface lo0.0 passive set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc end-sid 2001:db8:0:a5:d51:: flavor usd set protocols isis level 1 disable
Roteador R6
set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 description To_R2 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:26::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 description To_R3 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:36::2/128 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 description To_R5 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:56::2/128 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 description To_R7 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:3 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:67::1/128 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso address 49.0001.0006.0606.0600 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:6:255::6/128 set policy-options policy-statement pplb then load-balance per-packet set routing-options source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc 2001:db8:0:a6::/64 set routing-options forwarding-table export pplb set routing-options router-id set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a6:1a62:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a6:1a63:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a6:1a65:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a6:1a67:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:3.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface lo0.0 passive set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc end-sid 2001:db8:0:a6:d61:: flavor usd set protocols isis level 1 disable
Roteador R7
set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 description To_R3 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:37::2/64 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 description To_R6 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 mtu 4000 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 unit 0 family iso set interfaces xe-0/0/0:1 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:67::2/128 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 description To_CE2 set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family iso set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso address 49.0001.0007.0707.0700 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:20:255::20/32 set policy-options policy-statement pplb then load-balance per-packet set policy-options policy-statement CE2_v4 term 1 from protocol direct set policy-options policy-statement CE2_v4 term 1 from route-filter exact set policy-options policy-statement CE2_v4 term 1 then next-hop 2001:db8:0:a7::d71 set policy-options policy-statement CE2_v4 term 1 then accept set routing-options source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc 2001:db8:0:a7::/64 set routing-options forwarding-table export pplb set routing-options router-id set routing-options autonomous-system 65550 set protocols bgp group to-R2RRv6 type internal set protocols bgp group to-R2RRv6 local-address 2001:db8:20:255::20 set protocols bgp group to-R2RRv6 neighbor 2001:db8:2:255::2 family inet unicast extended-nexthop set protocols bgp group to-R2RRv6 export CE2_v4 set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a7:1a73:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a7:1a76:: flavor psp set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 node-link-protection set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:1.0 point-to-point set protocols isis interface lo0.0 passive set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc end-sid 2001:db8:0:a7:d71:: flavor usd set protocols isis level 1 disable
Configuração do roteador R0
O exemplo a seguir exige que você navegue por vários níveis na hierarquia de configuração. Para obter informações sobre como navegar na CLI, consulte Usando o Editor de CLI no modo de configuração no Guia do usuário da CLI.
Para configurar a programação de rede SRv6 para oferecer suporte a túneis IPv4 em um núcleo IPv6, execute as seguintes etapas no roteador R0:
Procedimento passo a passo
Configure as interfaces do dispositivo para permitir o transporte ip.
[edit] user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 description To_R1_1 user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 vlan-tagging user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 vlan-id 1 user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family inet address user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family iso user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:1001::1/32 user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 description To_R4_1 user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 vlan-tagging user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 vlan-id 1 user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family inet address user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family iso user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/0:2 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8:2021::1/32 user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 description to_RT user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 vlan-tagging user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 1 vlan-id 1 user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 1 family inet address user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 1 family iso user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 1 family inet6 address 2001:db8::20:1:1:1/120 user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 4 vlan-id 4 user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 4 family inet address user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 4 family iso user@R0# set interfaces xe-0/0/1:0 unit 4 family inet6 address 2001:db8::20:2:1:1/120
Configure a interface de loopback com endereços IPv4 e IPv6 que são usados como ID do roteador para sessões BGP.
[edit] user@R0# set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet address user@R0# set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso address 49.0001.000a.0a0a.0a00 user@R0# set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet6 address 2001:db8::10:10:10:10/32
Configure o número de ID e sistema autônomo (AS) do roteador para propagar informações de roteamento em um conjunto de dispositivos de roteamento que pertencem ao mesmo QUE.
[edit] user@R0# set routing-options router-id user@R0# set routing-options autonomous-system 65550
Habilite o SRv6 globalmente e o endereço localizador para indicar a capacidade de SRv6 do roteador. SRv6 SID é um endereço IPv6 que consiste no localizador e uma função. Os protocolos de roteamento anunciam os endereços do localizador.
[edit] user@R0# set routing-options source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc 2001:db8:0:a0::/64
Configure a função End-Sid para os segmentos de prefixo. Especifique um sabor, que é o comportamento da função End-SID conforme os requisitos de sua rede. Penúltimo Segment Pop (PSP), Ultimate Segment Pop (USP) e Ultimate Segment Decapsulation (USD) são os três sabores disponíveis para funções SRv6.
Nota:Certifique-se de que o localizador e o End-SID estejam na mesma sub-rede para evitar um erro de confirmação.
[edit] user@R0# set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc end-sid 2001:db8:0:a0:d01:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc1 end-sid 2001:db8:0:a10:d01:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc2 end-sid 2001:db8:0:a20:d01:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc3 end-sid 2001:db8:0:a30:d01:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc4 end-sid 2001:db8:0:a40:d01:: flavor usp user@R0# set protocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator myloc4 end-sid 2001:db8:0:a40:d01:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis level 1 disable
Configure a função End-X-SID na interface ponto a ponto (P2P) para os segmentos de adjacência. Especifique um ou mais sabor para o End-X-SID.
Nota:Certifique-se de que o Localizador e o End-X-SID estejam na mesma sub-rede para evitar um erro de confirmação. Você deve habilitar o SRv6 e configurar o localizador antes de mapear os
Sempre que você configurar um[edit routing-options]
localizadores para interfaces.srv6-adjacency-segment
, você também deve configurar o localizador relacionado sob aprotocols isis source-packet-routing srv6 locator
hierarquia, conforme mostrado na etapa 5.[edit] user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a0:1a01:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc1 end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a10:1a01:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc2 end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a20:1a01:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc3 end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a30:1a01:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 level 2 srv6-adjacency-segment protected locator myloc4 end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a40:1a01:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 node-link-protection user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 point-to-point
Configure as opções de SRv6 para o segmento de adjacência da interface LAN xe-0/0/0:2.0. Especifique um sabor conforme os requisitos de sua rede. Penúltimo Segment Pop (PSP), Ultimate Segment Pop (USP) e Ultimate Segment Decapsulation (USP) são os três sabores disponíveis para o segmento de adjacência SRv6.
Nota:Certifique-se de que o Localizador e o End-X-Sid estejam na mesma sub-rede para evitar um erro de confirmação. Você deve habilitar o SRv6 e configurar o localizador antes de mapear os
[edit routing-options]
localizadores para interfaces.[edit] user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 lan-neighbor 0100.0404.0404 srv6-adjacency-segment unprotected locator myloc end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a0:1a04:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 lan-neighbor 0100.0404.0404 srv6-adjacency-segment unprotected locator myloc1 end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a10:1a04:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 lan-neighbor 0100.0404.0404 srv6-adjacency-segment unprotected locator myloc2 end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a20:1a04:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 lan-neighbor 0100.0404.0404 srv6-adjacency-segment unprotected locator myloc3 end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a30:1a04:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 level 2 lan-neighbor 0100.0404.0404 srv6-adjacency-segment unprotected locator myloc4 end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a40:1a04:: flavor usd user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 node-link-protection user@R0# set protocols isis interface xe-0/0/1:0.1 user@R0# set protocols isis interface fxp0.0 disable user@R0# set protocols isis interface lo0.0 passive
Configure o BGP na interface voltada para o núcleo para estabelecer sessões internas de peering.
[edit] user@R0# set protocols bgp group to-PEv6 type internal user@R0# set protocols bgp group to-PEv6 local-address abcd::10:10:10:10 user@R0# set protocols bgp group to-PEv6 neighbor abcd::2:2:2:2 family inet unicast extended-nexthop user@R0# set protocols bgp group to-PE2 type internal user@R0# set protocols bgp group to-PE2 local-address user@R0# set protocols bgp group to-PE2 neighbor family inet6 unicast user@R0# set protocols bgp group to-PE2 neighbor family inet6-vpn unicast
Defina uma política para carregar pacotes de equilíbrio.
[edit] user@R0# set policy-options policy-statement pplb then load-balance per-packet
Aplique a política por pacote para permitir o balanceamento de carga do tráfego.
[edit] user@R0# set routing-options forwarding-table export pplb
A partir do modo de configuração, confirme sua configuração entrando noshow interfaces
, show protocols
show policy-options
e show routing-options
comandos. Se a saída não exibir a configuração pretendida, repita as instruções neste exemplo para corrigir a configuração.
[edit] user@R0# show interfaces xe-0/0/0:0 { description To_R1; mtu 4000; unit 0 { family iso; family inet6 { address 2001:db8:1::1/64; } } } xe-0/0/0:2 { description To_R4; mtu 4000; unit 0 { family iso; family inet6 { address 2001:db8:4::1/64; } } } xe-0/0/1:0 { description To_CE1; unit 0 { family inet { address; } family iso; } } lo0 { unit 0 { family iso { address 49.0001.000a.0a0a.0a00; } family inet6 { address 2001:db8:10:255::10/128; } } }
[edit] user@R0# show protocols bgp { group to-R2RRv6 { type internal; local-address 2001:db8:10:255::10; export CE1_v4; neighbor 2001:db8:2:255::2 { family inet { unicast { extended-nexthop; } } } } } isis { interface xe-0/0/0:0.0 { level 2 { srv6-adjacency-segment { protected { locator myloc { end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a0:1a01:: { flavor psp; } } } } } node-link-protection; point-to-point; } interface xe-0/0/0:2.0 { level 2 { srv6-adjacency-segment { protected { locator myloc { end-x-sid 2001:db8:0:a0:1a04:: { flavor psp; } } } } } node-link-protection; point-to-point; } interface lo0.0 { passive; } source-packet-routing { srv6 { locator myloc { end-sid 2001:db8:0:a0:d01:: { flavor { usd; } } } } } level 1 disable; }
[edit] user@R0# show policy-options policy-statement CE1_v4 { term 1 { from { protocol direct; route-filter exact; } then { next-hop 2001:db8:0:a0:d01::; accept; } } } policy-statement pplb { then { load-balance per-packet; } }
[edit] user@R0# show routing-options source-packet-routing { srv6 { locator myloc 2001:db8:0:a0::/64; } } forwarding-table { export pplb; } router-id; autonomous-system 65550;
Quando feito a configuração do dispositivo, entre no commit
modo de configuração.
Confirme se a configuração está funcionando corretamente.
- Verificação da adjacência IS-IS e sessão do IBGP
- Verifique se o SRv6 está habilitado
- Verifique a configuração SRv6 End-X-SID
- A verificação da rota do localizador está instalada
- A verificação da rota End-X-SID está instalada
- A verificação da rota end-SID está instalada
- Verifique a configuração do SRv6 no banco de dados IS-IS
- Verificar a rota para o CE2 usa um túnel SRv6
- Teste a conectividade IPv4 entre CE1 e CE2
Verificação da adjacência IS-IS e sessão do IBGP
Verifique as adjacências is-IS e a sessão do IBGP no R2. O R2 é escolhido para esta tarefa porque tem 5 adjacências e também serve como refletor de roteador para o plano de controle BGP.
É uma boa ideia confirmar as adjacências IS-IS em todos os roteadores antes de prosseguir para as etapas de verificação restantes. Uma implantação SRv6 bem-sucedida exige que o protocolo de gateway interior esteja operacional em todos os nós.
A partir do modo operacional, execute o show isis adjacency comando no roteador R2.
user@R2> show isis adjacency Interface System L State Hold (secs) SNPA xe-0/0/0:0.0 R1 2 Up 26 xe-0/0/0:1.0 R3 2 Up 25 xe-0/0/0:2.0 R4 2 Up 25 xe-0/0/0:3.0 R5 2 Up 24 xe-0/0/1:0.0 R6 2 Up 18
A partir do modo operacional, execute o show bgp summary comando no roteador R2.
user@R2> show bgp summary Threading mode: BGP I/O Default eBGP mode: advertise - accept, receive - accept Groups: 1 Peers: 2 Down peers: 0 Table Tot Paths Act Paths Suppressed History Damp State Pending inet.0 2 2 0 0 0 0 inet6.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peer AS InPkt OutPkt OutQ Flaps Last Up/Dwn State|#Active/Received/Accepted/Damped... 2001:db8:10:255::10 65550 3101 3092 0 0 23:14:18 Establ inet.0: 1/1/1/0 2001:db8:20:255::20 65550 3091 3080 0 0 23:10:10 Establ inet.0: 1/1/1/0
A saída confirma a contagem de adjacências IS-IS esperada para o roteador R2. Ele também confirma que o R2 estabeleceu sessões BGP baseadas em IPv6 para os roteadores R0 e R7.
Verifique se o SRv6 está habilitado
Verifique se o SRv6 está habilitado com um localizador, End-SID e sabor no Roteador R0.
A partir do modo operacional, execute o show isis overview comando no Roteador R0.
user@R0> show isis overview Instance: master Router ID: IPv6 Router ID: 2001:db8:1::1 Hostname: R0 Sysid: 0100.0a0a.0a0a Areaid: 49.00 Adjacency holddown: enabled Maximum Areas: 3 LSP life time: 1200 Attached bit evaluation: enabled SPF delay: 200 msec, SPF holddown: 5000 msec, SPF rapid runs: 3 IPv4 is enabled, IPv6 is enabled Traffic engineering: enabled Restart: Disabled Helper mode: Enabled Layer2-map: Disabled Source Packet Routing (SPRING): Enabled Node Segments: Disabled SRv6: Enabled Locator: 2001:db8:0:a0::/64, Algorithm: 0 END-SID: 2001:db8:0:a0:d01::, Flavor: USD Post Convergence Backup: Disabled Level 1 Internal route preference: 15 External route preference: 160 Prefix export count: 0 Wide metrics are enabled, Narrow metrics are enabled Source Packet Routing is enabled Level 2 Internal route preference: 18 External route preference: 165 Prefix export count: 0 Wide metrics are enabled, Narrow metrics are enabled Source Packet Routing is enabled
O localizador SRv6: Enabled Locator: 2001:db8:0:a0::/64, Algorithm: 0
SRv6 configurado e o End-SID e o sabor END-SID: 2001:db8:0:a0:d01::, Flavor: USD
são exibidos na saída.
Verifique a configuração SRv6 End-X-SID
Verifique se uma função e sabor End-X-SID estão configurados no R0.
A partir do modo operacional, execute o show isis adjacency detail comando no Roteador R0.
user@R0> show isis adjacency detail R1 Interface: xe-0/0/0:0.0, Level: 2, State: Up, Expires in 19 secs Priority: 0, Up/Down transitions: 1, Last transition: 03:51:48 ago Circuit type: 2, Speaks: IP, IPv6 Topologies: Unicast Restart capable: Yes, Adjacency advertisement: Advertise IP addresses: IPv6 addresses: fe80::2e6b:f5ff:fedb:e800 IPv6 Global Interface Address: 2001:db8:1::2 Level 2 SRv6 protected END-X-SID: 2001:db8:0:a0:1a01:: Flavor: PSP, Flags: B-P, Algorithm: 0 R4 Interface: xe-0/0/0:2.0, Level: 2, State: Up, Expires in 20 secs Priority: 0, Up/Down transitions: 1, Last transition: 03:48:04 ago Circuit type: 2, Speaks: IP, IPv6 Topologies: Unicast Restart capable: Yes, Adjacency advertisement: Advertise IP addresses: IPv6 addresses: fe80::2e6b:f5ff:feb4:4000 IPv6 Global Interface Address: 2001:db8:4::2 Level 2 SRv6 protected END-X-SID: 2001:db8:0:a0:1a04:: Flavor: PSP, Flags: B-P, Algorithm: 0
O campo SRv6 protected END-X-SID: 2001:db8:0:a0:1a01::
indica que a função End-X-SID com Flavor PSP
foi configurada no roteador R0 para a interface usada para anexar ao R1. Saída semelhante é confirmada para a interface conectada ao R4, que usa um End-X-SID diferente.
A verificação da rota do localizador está instalada
Verifique se a rota do localizador foi instalada.
A partir do modo operacional, execute o show route 2001:db8:0:a0::/64 detail comando no roteador R0.
user@R0> show route 2001:db8:0:a0::/64 detail inet6.0: 75 destinations, 75 routes (75 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both 2001:db8:0:a0::/64*[IS-IS/18] 3d 19:03:16, metric 0 Reject user@R0> show route 2001:db8:0:a0::/64 detail inet6.0: 45 destinations, 45 routes (45 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) 2001:db8:0:a0::/64 (1 entry, 1 announced) *IS-IS Preference: 18 Level: 2 Next hop type: Reject, Next hop index: 0 Address: 0xc54526c Next-hop reference count: 2 State: <Active Int OpaqueData> Local AS: 65550 Age: 22:15:32 Metric: 0 Validation State: unverified ORR Generation-ID: 0 Task: IS-IS Announcement bits (2): 0-KRT 5-Resolve tree 5 AS path: I . . .
A saída confirma que a rota 2001:db8:0:a0::/64*[IS-IS/18]
do localizador está instalada na inet6.0
A verificação da rota End-X-SID está instalada
Para exibir as informações de rota End-X-SID configuradas que são aplicadas na interface.
A partir do modo operacional, execute o show route 2001:db8:0:a0:1a01:: comando no Roteador R0.
user@R0> show route 2001:db8:0:a0:1a01:: inet6.0: 45 destinations, 45 routes (45 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both 2001:db8:0:a0::1a01/128 *[IS-IS/18] 04:33:42, metric 0 > to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:fedb:e800 via xe-0/0/0:0.0
A saída confirma que a rota 2001:db8:0:a0::1a01/128
End-X-SID está instalada na inet.6.0
tabela de roteamento.
A verificação da rota end-SID está instalada
Verifique se as rotas End-SID para todos os roteadores no domínio SRv6 estão instaladas na tabela do inet6.3
Roteador R0.
Desde o modo operacional, execute o show route table inet6.3 protocol isis comando no Roteador R0 para ver todos os End-SIDs que o roteador aprendeu. Em seguida, exibir informações detalhadas sobre o End-SID associado ao roteador R7.
user@R0> show route table inet6.3 protocol isis inet6.3: 7 destinations, 7 routes (7 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both 2001:db8:0:a1::d11/128 *[SRV6-ISIS/14] 04:39:22, metric 10 > to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:fedb:e800 via xe-0/0/0:0.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a1:d11:: 2001:db8:0:a2::d21/128 *[SRV6-ISIS/14] 04:35:38, metric 20 to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:fedb:e800 via xe-0/0/0:0.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a2:d21:: > to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:feb4:4000 via xe-0/0/0:2.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a2:d21:: 2001:db8:0:a3::d31/128 *[SRV6-ISIS/14] 04:35:38, metric 30 to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:fedb:e800 via xe-0/0/0:0.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a3:d31:: > to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:feb4:4000 via xe-0/0/0:2.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a3:d31:: 2001:db8:0:a4::d41/128 *[SRV6-ISIS/14] 04:35:38, metric 10 > to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:feb4:4000 via xe-0/0/0:2.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a4:d41:: 2001:db8:0:a5::d51/128 *[SRV6-ISIS/14] 04:35:01, metric 20 to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:fedb:e800 via xe-0/0/0:0.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a5:d51:: > to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:feb4:4000 via xe-0/0/0:2.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a5:d51:: 2001:db8:0:a6::d61/128 *[SRV6-ISIS/14] 04:34:32, metric 30 to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:fedb:e800 via xe-0/0/0:0.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a6:d61:: > to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:feb4:4000 via xe-0/0/0:2.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a6:d61:: 2001:db8:0:a7::d71/128 *[SRV6-ISIS/14] 04:33:00, metric 40 to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:fedb:e800 via xe-0/0/0:0.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a7:d71:: > to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:feb4:4000 via xe-0/0/0:2.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a7:d71:: user@R0> show route 2001:db8:0:a7::d71/128 detail inet6.3: 7 destinations, 7 routes (7 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) 2001:db8:0:a7::d71/128 (1 entry, 1 announced) *SRV6-ISIS Preference: 14 Level: 2 Next hop type: List, Next hop index: 1048577 Address: 0xdb8deb4 Next-hop reference count: 6 Next hop: ELNH Address 0xc5462d4 weight 0x1 Next hop type: Chain, Next hop index: 582 Address: 0xc5462d4 Next-hop reference count: 1 Next hop: ELNH Address 0xc545bcc SRV6-Tunnel: Reduced-SRH Encap-mode Src: 2001:db8:1::1 Dest: 2001:db8:0:a7::d71 Segment-list[0] 2001:db8:0:a7:d71:: Next hop type: Router, Next hop index: 580 Address: 0xc545bcc Next-hop reference count: 9 Next hop: fe80::2e6b:f5ff:fedb:e800 via xe-0/0/0:0.0 weight 0x1 Next hop: ELNH Address 0xc546338 weight 0x1, selected Next hop type: Chain, Next hop index: 583 Address: 0xc546338 Next-hop reference count: 1 Next hop: ELNH Address 0xc545f50 SRV6-Tunnel: Reduced-SRH Encap-mode Src: 2001:db8:1::1 Dest: 2001:db8:0:a7:d71:: Segment-list[0] 2001:db8:0:a7:d71:: Next hop type: Router, Next hop index: 581 Address: 0xc545f50 Next-hop reference count: 9 Next hop: fe80::2e6b:f5ff:feb4:4000 via xe-0/0/0:2.0 weight 0x1 State: <Active NoReadvrt Int OpaqueData> Local AS: 65550 Age: 4:35:43 Metric: 40 Validation State: unverified ORR Generation-ID: 0 Task: IS-IS Announcement bits (3): 0-Resolve tree 2 1-Resolve tree 5 2-Resolve_IGP_FRR task AS path: I Session-IDs associated: Session-id: 322 Version: 0
A saída confirma que o Roteador R0 aprendeu end-SIDs, ou seja, 2001:db8:0:a1::d11/128
de 2001:db8:0:a2::d21/128
todos os outros roteadores da topologia. Observe que os END-SIDs foram instalados na inet6.3
tabela. A saída detalhada para o End-SID anunciado pela R7 2001:db8:0:a7:d71::
confirma que um túnel SRv6 foi estabelecido entre o Roteador R0 e o Roteador R7.
Observe que a lista de segmentos é povoada com o valor end-SID configurado no Roteador R7. Lembre-se que todos os End-SIDs neste exemplo estão configurados com o sabor de descapsulado por segmentos finais (USD). É a combinação de um End-SID local e o sabor USD associado que diz r7 que é a saída do túnel IPv6. Após o recebimento, o R7 descapsula o pacote IPv4 e o roteia de acordo com o endereço de destino IPv4.
Verifique a configuração do SRv6 no banco de dados IS-IS
Exibir o banco de dados IS-IS para verificar o End-SID e o sabor configurados no Roteador R7. Neste exemplo, o comando é executado no Roteador R0. Uma saída semelhante é esperada em todos os roteadores porque o banco de dados IS-IS é replicado para todos os nós.
A partir do modo operacional, execute o show isis database R7.00-00 extensive comando no Roteador R0.
user@R0> show isis database R.00-00 extensive IS-IS level 1 link-state database: IS-IS level 2 link-state database: R7.00-00 Sequence: 0x31f, Checksum: 0x2ce6, Lifetime: 904 secs IS neighbor: R3.00 Metric: 10 Two-way fragment: R3.00-00, Two-way first fragment: R3.00-00 IS neighbor: R6.00 Metric: 10 Two-way fragment: R6.00-00, Two-way first fragment: R6.00-00 V6 prefix: 2001:db8::/32 Metric: 0 Internal Up V6 prefix: 2001:db8:0:a7::/64 Metric: 0 Internal Up V6 prefix: 2001:db8:20:255::20/128 Metric: 0 Internal Up V6 prefix: 2001:db8:37::/64 Metric: 10 Internal Up V6 prefix: 2001:db8:67::2/128 Metric: 10 Internal Up Header: LSP ID: R7.00-00, Length: 445 bytes Allocated length: 746 bytes, Router ID: Remaining lifetime: 904 secs, Level: 2, Interface: 360 Estimated free bytes: 0, Actual free bytes: 301 Aging timer expires in: 904 secs Protocols: IP, IPv6 Packet: LSP ID: R7.00-00, Length: 445 bytes, Lifetime : 1192 secs Checksum: 0x2ce6, Sequence: 0x31f, Attributes: 0x3 <L1 L2> NLPID: 0x83, Fixed length: 27 bytes, Version: 1, Sysid length: 0 bytes Packet type: 20, Packet version: 1, Max area: 0 TLVs: Area address: 49.00 (2) LSP Buffer Size: 1492 Speaks: IP Speaks: IPV6 IP router id: IP address: IPv6 TE Router ID: 2001:db8:20:255::20 Hostname: R7 SRv6 Locator: 2001:db8:0:a7::/64, Metric: 0, MTID: 0, Flags: 0x0, Algorithm: 0 SRv6 SID: 2001:db8:0:a7:d71::, Flavor: USD IPv6 prefix: 2001:db8:20:255::20/128 Metric 0 Up IPv6 prefix: 2001:db8::/32 Metric 0 Up IPv6 prefix: 2001:db8:0:a7::/64 Metric 0 Up IPv6 prefix: 2001:db8:37::/64 Metric 10 Up IPv6 prefix: 2001:db8:67::2/128 Metric 10 Up Router Capability: Router ID, Flags: 0x00 SPRING Algorithm - Algo: 0 SRv6 Capability - Flags: 0 Node MSD Advertisement Sub-TLV:Type: 23, Length: 10 SRv6 Maximum Segments Left MSD:Type: 41, Value: 6 SRv6 Maximum Pop MSD:Type: 42, Value: 7 SRv6 Maximum Insert MSD:Type: 43, Value: 5 SRv6 Maximum Encap MSD:Type: 44, Value: 6 SRv6 Maximum End D MSD:Type: 45, Value: 6 IPv6 TE Router Id: 2001:db8:20:255::20 IS neighbor: R6.00, Internal, Metric: default 10 IS neighbor: R3.00, Internal, Metric: default 10 Extended IS Reachability TLV, Type: 22, Length: 174 IS extended neighbor: R6.00, Metric: default 10 SubTLV len: 76 IPv6 address: 2001:db8:67::2 Neighbor's IP address: Neighbor's IPv6 address: 2001:db8:67::1 Local interface index: 361, Remote interface index: 364 P2P SRV6 END-X-SID:2001:db8:0:a7:1a76:: , Flags:B-P, Weight:0, Algorithm:0 Flags:0xa0(B:1,S:0,P:1), Flavor: PSP IS extended neighbor: R3.00, Metric: default 10 SubTLV len: 76 IPv6 address: 2001:db8:37::2 Neighbor's IP address: Neighbor's IPv6 address: 2001:db8:37::1 Local interface index: 360, Remote interface index: 336 P2P SRV6 END-X-SID:2001:db8:0:a7:1a73:: , Flags:B-P, Weight:0, Algorithm:0 Flags:0xa0(B:1,S:0,P:1), Flavor: PSP No queued transmissions
A presença de SRv6 SID: 2001:db8:0:a7:d71::
com Flavor: USD
confirmação de que o SRv6 está habilitado com um sabor descapsulado DE SID no roteador R7. A saída também mostra que as interfaces no R7 foram configuradas para proteção TI-LFA usando um sabor PSP.
Verificar a rota para o CE2 usa um túnel SRv6
Exibir a rota para a sub-rede IPv4 no R7 para confirmar os próximos pontos de salto para um túnel SRv6.
A partir do modo operacional, execute o show route comando no roteador R0.
user@R0> show route inet.0: 36 destinations, 36 routes (36 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both *[BGP/170] 05:20:58, localpref 100, from 2001:db8:2:255::2 AS path: I, validation-state: unverified to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:fedb:e800 via xe-0/0/0:0.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a7:d71:: > to fe80::2e6b:f5ff:feb4:4000 via xe-0/0/0:2.0, SRV6-Tunnel, Dest: 2001:db8:0:a7:d71::
A saída confirma que a R0 aprendeu a rota para a
sub-rede através de sua sessão BGP para R2, que o recall é configurado como um refletor de rota neste exemplo. Os próximos saltos confirmam que um túnel SRv6 para o roteador R7 foi instalado para esta rota. Dois próximos saltos estão disponíveis de acordo com dois caminhos de custo igual entre os roteadores R0 e R7 na topologia de exemplo.
Teste a conectividade IPv4 entre CE1 e CE2
Gere pings para verificar a conectividade IPv4 entre os dispositivos CE pelo núcleo do provedor IPv6.
A partir do modo operacional, execute o ping source count 2 comando no roteador R0.
user@R0> ping source count 2 PING ( 56 data bytes 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=114.922 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=89.558 ms --- ping statistics --- 2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 89.558/102.240/114.922/12.682 ms
A saída confirma que a conectividade IPv4 está funcionando entre as redes de dispositivos CE. Isso fornece a verificação de que o tunelamento SRv6 em um núcleo de provedor IPv6 está funcionando corretamente neste exemplo.