show interfaces queue
show interfaces queue <aggregate> <both-ingress-egress> <buffer-occupancy> <egress> <forwarding-class forwarding-class> <ingress> <interface-name> <l2-statistics> <remaining-traffic> <slice slice-name>
Exibir informações de fila de classe de serviço (CoS) para interfaces físicas.
Este tópico lista todas as opções possíveis para o comando de fila de interfaces de show. As opções que aparecem variam dependendo da plataforma, versão de software e sistema operacional (Junos OS ou Junos OS Evolved).
none | Mostre estatísticas detalhadas da fila de CoS para todas as interfaces físicas. |
aggregate | Exibir as estatísticas agregadas de filas de todas as interfaces lógicas que têm perfis de controle de tráfego configurados. |
both-ingress-egress | Exibir estatísticas de fila de entrada e saída. |
buffer-occupancy | Exibe a ocupação de buffer máximo para cada fila enquanto |
egress | Exibir estatísticas de fila de saída. |
forwarding-class forwarding-class | Encaminhamento de nome de classe para esta fila. Mostra estatísticas detalhadas de CoS para a fila associada à classe de encaminhamento especificada. |
ingress | Exibir estatísticas de fila de entrada. |
interface-name | Mostre estatísticas detalhadas da fila de CoS para a interface especificada. As outras opções listadas estão disponíveis para a interface especificada. |
l2-statistics | Exibir estatísticas de Camada 2 para pacotes MLPPP, FRF.15 e FRF.16 |
remaining-traffic | Exibir as estatísticas de fila de todas as interfaces lógicas que não têm perfis de controle de tráfego configurados. |
slice slice-name | Exibir as estatísticas hierárquicas de CoS na interface para a fatia especificada. |
Sobrecarga para estatísticas de camada 2
Pacotes transmitidos e contagens de byte transmitidos são exibidos para o nível de Camada 2 com a adição de sobrecargas de encapsulamento aplicadas para fragmentação, conforme mostrado na Tabela 1. Outros contadores, como pacotes e bytes enfileirados (entrada) e contadores de quedas, são exibidos no nível de Camada 3. No caso da fragmentação e interlecação de enlaces (LFI) para os quais a fragmentação não é aplicada, são adicionadas as sobrecargas de Camada 2 correspondentes, conforme mostrado na Tabela 1.
Protocolo |
Fragmentação |
Primeira fragmentação |
Segundo para n fragmentações |
Bytes |
Bytes |
MLPPP (longo) |
13 |
12 |
8 |
MLPPP (curto) |
11 |
10 |
8 |
MLFR (FRF15) |
12 |
10 |
8 |
MFR (FRF16) |
10 |
8 |
- |
MCMLPPP(Longo) |
13 |
12 |
- |
MCMLPPP(Curto) |
11 |
10 |
- |
Estatísticas da camada 2 — cálculo de sobrecarga de fragmentação
MLPPP/MC-MLPPP Overhead details: =============================== Fragment 1: Outer PPP header : 4 bytes Long or short sequence MLPPP header : 4 bytes or 2 bytes Inner PPP header : 1 byte HDLC flag and FCS bytes : 4 bytes Fragments 2 .. n : Outer PPP header : 4 bytes Long or short sequence MLPPP header : 4 bytes or 2 bytes HDLC flag and FCS bytes : 4 bytes MLFR (FRF15) Overhead details: ============================= Fragment 1: Framerelay header : 2 bytes Control,NLPID : 2 bytes Fragmentaion header : 2 bytes Inner proto : 2 bytes HDLC flag and FCS : 4 bytes Fragments 2 ...n : Framerelay header : 2 bytes Control,NLPID : 2 bytes Fragmentaion header : 2 bytes HDLC flag and FCS : 4 bytes MFR (FRF16) Overhead details: ============================== Fragment 1: Fragmentaion header : 2 bytes Framerelay header : 2 bytes Inner proto : 2 bytes HDLC flag and FCS : 4 bytes Fragments 2 ...n : Fragmentaion header : 2 bytes Framerelay header : 2 bytes HDLC flag and FCS : 4 bytes
Sobrecarga com LFI
MLPPP(Long & short sequence): ============================ Outer PPP header : 4 bytes HDLC flag and FCS : 4 bytes MLFR (FRF15): ============= Framerelay header : 2 bytes Control,NLPID : 2 bytes HDLC flag and FCS : 4 bytes
Os exemplos a seguir mostram sobrecarga para diferentes casos:
Um pacote de 1000 byte é enviado para um pacote de mlppp sem qualquer fragmentação. No nível de Camada 2, bytes transmitidos são 1013 em 1 pacote. Essa sobrecarga é para a encapência de sequência longa do MLPPP.
Um pacote de 1000 byte é enviado para um pacote de mlppp com um limiar de fragmento de 250byte. No nível de Camada 2, bytes transmitidos são 1061 bytes em 5 pacotes.
Um pacote LFI de 1000 byte é enviado para um pacote de mlppp. No nível de Camada 2, os bytes transmitidos são 1008 em 1 pacote.
Informações adicionais
Para interfaces limitadas por taxa hospedadas em placas de interface modular (MICs), concentradores modulares de portas (MPCs) ou DPCs de fila aprimorada, as operações de queda de pacotes com limite de taxa ocorrem antes que os pacotes sejam enfileirados para agendamento de transmissão. Para essas interfaces, as estatísticas para tráfego em fila não incluem os pacotes que já foram descartados devido à limitação da taxa e, consequentemente, as estatísticas exibidas para tráfego em fila são as mesmas que as estatísticas exibidas para tráfego transmitido.
Para interfaces limitadas por taxa hospedadas em outros tipos de hardware, as operações de queda de pacotes com limite de taxa ocorrem após a fila de pacotes para agendamento de transmissão. Para esses outros tipos de interface, as estatísticas para tráfego em fila incluem os pacotes que mais tarde são descartados devido à limitação da taxa e, consequentemente, as estatísticas exibidas para tráfego na fila são iguais à soma das estatísticas para tráfego transmitido e limitado por taxa.
Nos roteadores da Série M (com exceção dos roteadores M320 e M120), este comando é válido apenas para um PIC instalado em um concentrador PIC flexível (FPC) aprimorado.
As estatísticas de fila para interfaces agregadas são suportadas apenas nos roteadores série M e T. As estatísticas para uma interface agregada são a soma das estatísticas de fila dos links infantis dessa interface agregada. Você pode ver as estatísticas de uma interface infantil usando o show interfaces statistics
comando dessa interface infantil.
Quando você configura a marcação tricolor em um PIC Ethernet de 10 portas de 1 Gigabit, para filas de 6 e 7 apenas, a saída não exibe o número de bytes e pacotes enfileirados, ou o número de bytes e pacotes caiu por causa do RED. Se você não configurar a marcação tricolor na interface, essas estatísticas estarão disponíveis para todas as filas.
Para o OC12 IQE PIC canalizado de 4 portas e OC48 IQE PIC canalizado por 1 porta, o campo representa tráfego Packet Forwarding Engine Chassis Queues
vinculado a uma interface física específica no PIC. Para todos os outros PICs, o Packet Forwarding Engine Chassis Queues
campo representa o tráfego total vinculado ao PIC.
Para os PICs Gigabit Ethernet IQ2, a show interfaces queue
saída de comando não exibe o número de pacotes perdidos na cauda. Essa limitação não se aplica às filas do chassi do mecanismo de encaminhamento de pacotes.
Quando a fragmentação ocorre na interface de saída, o primeiro conjunto de contadores de pacotes mostra os valores de pós-fragmentação. O segundo conjunto de contadores de pacotes (em Packet Forwarding Engine Chassis Queues
campo) mostra os valores de pré-configuração.
O comportamento das egress
filas não Routing Engine-Generated Traffic
é o mesmo que a fila configurada para configurações de MLPPP e MFR.
Para comandos relacionados do modo operacional CoS, consulte o CLI Explorer.
Nível de privilégio exigido
Campos de saída
A Tabela 2 lista os campos de saída para o show interfaces queue
comando. Os campos de saída estão listados na ordem aproximada em que eles aparecem. Os campos de saída que aparecem variam dependendo da plataforma, versão de software e sistema operacional (Junos OS ou Junos OS Evolved).
Nome de campo |
Descrição do campo |
Nome da interface física. |
Estado da interface. Os valores possíveis são descritos na seção "Campo habilitado" na descrição dos campos de saída comuns. |
O número do índice da interface física, que reflete sua sequência de inicialização. |
Número de índice de SNMP para a interface. |
Nome da fatia. |
O número do índice da Slice, que reflete sua sequência de inicialização. |
Número total de aulas de encaminhamento suportadas na interface especificada. |
Número total de aulas de encaminhamento em uso na interface especificada. |
Número total de filas de entrada suportadas na interface especificada. |
Número total de filas de entrada em uso na interface especificada. |
Número total de filas de saída suportadas na interface especificada. |
Número total de filas de saída em uso na interface especificada. |
Número total de filas de saída suportadas na interface especificada. |
Número total de filas de saída em uso na interface especificada. |
Número de fila CoS e seu nome de classe de encaminhamento configurado pelo usuário associado.
Número máximo de bytes até os quais a interface lógica pode explodir. O tamanho da explosão é baseado na taxa de modelagem aplicada à interface. |
Os campos de saída a seguir são aplicáveis tanto ao componente de interface quanto ao componente de encaminhamento de pacotes no |
Número da fila. |
Encaminhamento de nome da classe. |
Número de pacotes enfileirados nessa fila.
Para interfaces Gigabit Ethernet IQ2, a contagem de pacotes em fila é calculada pelo Junos OS interpretando um buffer de quadro como um único pacote. Se os pacotes enfileirados forem muito grandes ou muito pequenos, o cálculo pode não ser completamente preciso para o tráfego de trânsito. A contagem é completamente precisa para o tráfego encerrado no roteador. Para interfaces limitadas por taxa hospedadas apenas em MICs ou MPCs, essa estatística não inclui a queda de tráfego devido à limitação da taxa. Para obter mais informações, veja Informações adicionais. |
Número de bytes enfileirados nessa fila. As contagens de byte variam de acordo com o hardware da interface. Para obter mais informações, veja Tabela 3. Para interfaces limitadas por taxa hospedadas apenas em MICs ou MPCs, essa estatística não inclui a queda de tráfego devido à limitação da taxa. Para obter mais informações, veja Informações adicionais. |
Número de pacotes transmitidos por essa fila. Quando a fragmentação ocorre na interface de saída, o primeiro conjunto de contadores de pacotes mostra os valores de pós-fragmentação. O segundo conjunto de contadores de pacotes (exibidos embaixo do
Para estatísticas de Camada 2, veja estatísticas de sobrecarga para camada 2 |
Número de bytes transmitidos por essa fila. As contagens de byte variam de acordo com o hardware da interface. Para obter mais informações, veja Tabela 3.
Nos roteadores da Série MX, esse número pode ser impreciso quando você emite o comando para uma interface física repetidamente e em rápida sucessão, porque as estatísticas para os nós infantis são coletadas com pouca frequência. Aguarde dez segundos entre iterações sucessivas para evitar essa situação.
Para estatísticas de Camada 2, veja estatísticas de sobrecarga para camada 2 |
O número de pacotes caiu por causa da queda da cauda. |
O número de pacotes caiu devido à limitação da taxa. Para interfaces limitadas por taxa hospedadas apenas em MICs, MPCs e DPCs com fila aprimorada, essa estatística não está incluída nas estatísticas de tráfego em fila. Para obter mais informações, veja Informações adicionais. |
O número de bytes caiu devido à limitação da taxa. Para interfaces limitadas por taxa hospedadas apenas em MICs, MPCs e DPCs com fila aprimorada, essa estatística não está incluída nas estatísticas de tráfego em fila. Para obter mais informações, veja Informações adicionais. |
O número de pacotes caiu devido à detecção antecipada aleatória (RED).
Devido a limitações de espaço na contabilidade em determinados FPCs tipo 3 (que são suportados em roteadores M320 e T640), este campo nem sempre exibe o valor correto para a fila 6 ou fila 7 para interfaces em PICs Ethernet de 10 portas de 1 Gigabit. |
O número de bytes caiu por causa do RED. As contagens de byte variam de acordo com o hardware da interface. Para obter mais informações, veja Tabela 3.
Devido a limitações de espaço na contabilidade em determinados FPCs tipo 3 (que são suportados em roteadores M320 e T640), este campo nem sempre exibe o valor correto para a fila 6 ou fila 7 para interfaces em PICs Ethernet de 10 portas de 1 Gigabit. |
Exibe a quantidade de buffer de fila que está em ocupação nesta instância. Este é um indicador da quantidade de dados que está presente em uma fila nesse momento. A quantidade de dados presentes está nas unidades de bytes. |
Diplays a ocupação buffer de pico para a fila enquanto |
Se |
As contagens de byte variam de acordo com o hardware da interface. A Tabela 3 mostra como a contagem de byte nas interfaces de saída varia dependendo do hardware da interface. A Tabela 3 baseia-se no pressuposto de que as interfaces de saída estão enviando tráfego IP com 478 bytes por pacote.
Interface Hardware |
Nível de saída |
Byte Count inclui |
Comentários |
Gigabit Ethernet IQ e IQE PICs |
Interface |
Fila: 490 bytes por pacote, representando 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 + 12 bytes Transmitido: 490 bytes por pacote, representando 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 + 12 bytes RED caiu: 496 bytes por pacote representando 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 + 18 bytes |
Os 12 bytes adicionais incluem 6 bytes para o endereço MAC de destino + 4 bytes para o VLAN + 2 bytes para o tipo Ethernet. Para o red drop, 6 bytes são adicionados para o endereço MAC de origem. |
Componente de encaminhamento de pacotes |
Fila: 478 bytes por pacote, representando 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 Transmitido: 478 bytes por pacote, representando 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 |
– |
PIC não-IQ |
Interface |
Roteadores da Série T, TX, T1600 e Série MX:
Roteadores T4000 com FPCs tipo 5:
Roteadores da Série M:
Roteadores de transporte de pacotes da Série PTX:
A sobrecarga de Camada 2 é de 14 bytes para tráfego não VLAN e 18 bytes para tráfego VLAN. |
PICs IQ e IQE com interface SONET/SDH |
Interface |
Fila: 482 bytes por pacote, representando 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 + 4 bytes Transmitido: 482 bytes por pacote, representando 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 + 4 bytes RED caiu: 482 bytes por pacote, representando 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 + 4 bytes |
Os 4 bytes adicionais são para o cabeçalho de protocolo de ponto a ponto (PPP) de Camada 2. |
Componente de encaminhamento de pacotes |
Fila: 478 bytes por pacote, representando 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 Transmitido: 486 bytes por pacote, representando 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 + 8 bytes |
Para pacotes transmitidos, os 8 bytes adicionais incluem 4 bytes para o cabeçalho PPP e 4 bytes para um cookie. |
PIC não IQ com uma interface SONET/SDH |
Interface |
Roteadores da Série T, TX, T1600 e Série MX:
Roteadores da Série M:
Para pacotes transmitidos, os 5 bytes adicionais incluem 4 bytes para o cabeçalho PPP e 1 byte para a prioridade de perda de pacotes (PLP). |
Interfaces configuradas com encapsulamento de retransmissão de quadros |
Interface |
A sobrecarga padrão do Frame Relay é de 7 bytes. Se você configurar a sequência de verificação de quadros (FCS) a 4 bytes, a sobrecarga aumenta para 10 bytes. |
1 porta Ethernet IQ2 e IQ2-E PICs de 10 Gigabit PICs 1G IQ2 e IQ2-E de 4 portas PICs 1G IQ2 e IQ2-E de 8 portas |
Interface |
Fila: 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 + a sobrecarga completa de Camada 2, incluindo CRC. Transmitido: 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3 + a sobrecarga completa de Camada 2, incluindo CRC. |
A sobrecarga de Camada 2 é de 18 bytes para tráfego não VLAN e 22 bytes para tráfego VLAN. |
Componente de encaminhamento de pacotes |
Fila: 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3. Transmitido: 478 bytes de pacote de Camada 3. |
– |
Saída de amostra
- mostrar fila de interfaces (Interface com taxa limitada em um MIC Ethernet Gigabit em um MPC)
- fila de interfaces de exibição (Ethernet agregada em um roteador T320)
- fila de interfaces de exibição (Gigabit Ethernet em um roteador T640)
- interfaces de exibição agregadas na fila (Gigabit Ethernet Enhanced DPC)
- fila de interfaces de exibição (Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PIC)
- interfaces de exibição enfileiram a entrada e saída (Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PIC)
- interfaces de exibição entrada de fila (Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PIC)
- interfaces de exibição saída de fila (Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PIC)
- mostrar interfaces de tráfego remanescente (Gigabit Ethernet Enhanced DPC)
- fila de interfaces de exibição (IQE Tipo 3 PIC canalizado para OC12 no modo SONET)
- fila de interfaces de exibição (Série QFX)
- mostrar interfaces fila l2-statistics (interface lsq)
- mostrar interfaces enfileiradas lsq (lsq-ifd)
- fila de interfaces de exibição (Ethernet agregada em um roteador da série MX)
- interfaces de exibição fila ge-0/0/0 (switch EX2200)
- interfaces de exibição fila xe-0/0/2 buffer-ocupação (switch da Série QFX5000)
- mostrar interfaces fila xe-3/0/3 fatiamento1
mostrar fila de interfaces (Interface com taxa limitada em um MIC Ethernet Gigabit em um MPC)
O exemplo a seguir mostra informações de fila para a interface limitada ge-4/2/0 em um MIC Ethernet Gigabit em um MPC. Para filas limitadas de taxa para interfaces hospedadas em MICs ou MPCs, as quedas de pacotes de limite de taxa ocorrem antes da fila de saída de pacotes. Na saída de comando, as estatísticas nãozero exibidas nos RL-dropped packets
campos e RL-dropped bytes
quantificam que o tráfego caiu para a saída de fila de limite de taxa 0 para 10 por cento de 1 gigabyte (100 megabits) por segundo. Como o tráfego perdido por RL não está incluído nas Queued
estatísticas, as estatísticas exibidas para tráfego em fila são as mesmas que as estatísticas para tráfego transmitido.
user@host> show interfaces queue ge-4/2/0 Physical interface: ge-4/2/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 203, SNMP ifIndex: 1054 Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 131300649 141751 pps Bytes : 11287964840 99793248 bps Transmitted: Packets : 131300649 141751 pps Bytes : 11287964840 99793248 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped packets : 205050862 602295 pps RL-dropped bytes : 13595326612 327648832 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps
fila de interfaces de exibição (Ethernet agregada em um roteador T320)
O exemplo a seguir mostra que a interface ae1
Ethernet agregada tem tráfego em filas af1
e af12
user@host> show interfaces queue ae1 Physical interface: ae1, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 158, SNMP ifIndex: 33 Forwarding classes: 8 supported, 8 in use Output queues: 8 supported, 8 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: be Queued: Packets : 5 0 pps Bytes : 242 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 5 0 pps Bytes : 242 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: af1 Queued: Packets : 42603765 595484 pps Bytes : 5453281920 609776496 bps Transmitted: Packets : 42603765 595484 pps Bytes : 5453281920 609776496 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: ef1 Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: nc Queued: Packets : 45 0 pps Bytes : 3930 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 45 0 pps Bytes : 3930 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 4, Forwarding classes: af11 Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 5, Forwarding classes: ef11 Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 6, Forwarding classes: af12 Queued: Packets : 31296413 437436 pps Bytes : 4005940864 447935200 bps Transmitted: Packets : 31296413 437436 pps Bytes : 4005940864 447935200 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 7, Forwarding classes: nc2 Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps
fila de interfaces de exibição (Gigabit Ethernet em um roteador T640)
user@host> show interfaces queue Physical interface: ge-7/0/1, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 150, SNMP ifIndex: 42 Forwarding classes: 8 supported, 8 in use Output queues: 8 supported, 8 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: be Queued: Packets : 13 0 pps Bytes : 622 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 13 0 pps Bytes : 622 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: af1 Queued: Packets : 1725947945 372178 pps Bytes : 220921336960 381110432 bps Transmitted: Packets : 1725947945 372178 pps Bytes : 220921336960 381110432 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: ef1 Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: nc Queued: Packets : 571 0 pps Bytes : 49318 336 bps Transmitted: Packets : 571 0 pps Bytes : 49318 336 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps
interfaces de exibição agregadas na fila (Gigabit Ethernet Enhanced DPC)
user@host> show interfaces queue ge-2/2/9 aggregate Physical interface: ge-2/2/9, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 238, SNMP ifIndex: 71 Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use Ingress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 148450735 947295 pps Bytes : 8016344944 409228848 bps Transmitted: Packets : 76397439 487512 pps Bytes : 4125461868 210602376 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 72053285 459783 pps Low : 72053285 459783 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 3890877444 198626472 bps Low : 3890877444 198626472 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : 410278257 473940 pps Bytes : 22156199518 204742296 bps Transmitted: Packets : 4850003 4033 pps Bytes : 261900162 1742256 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 405425693 469907 pps Low : 405425693 469907 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 21892988124 203000040 bps Low : 21892988124 203000040 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use Egress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 76605230 485376 pps Bytes : 5209211400 264044560 bps Transmitted: Packets : 76444631 484336 pps Bytes : 5198235612 263478800 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 160475 1040 pps Low : 160475 1040 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 10912300 565760 bps Low : 10912300 565760 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : 4836136 3912 pps Bytes : 333402032 2139056 bps Transmitted: Packets : 3600866 1459 pps Bytes : 244858888 793696 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 1225034 2450 pps Low : 1225034 2450 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 83302312 1333072 bps Low : 83302312 1333072 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Packet Forwarding Engine Chassis Queues: Queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 77059796 486384 pps Bytes : 3544750624 178989576 bps Transmitted: Packets : 77059797 486381 pps Bytes : 3544750670 178988248 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : 4846580 3934 pps Bytes : 222942680 1447768 bps Transmitted: Packets : 4846580 3934 pps Bytes : 222942680 1447768 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps
fila de interfaces de exibição (Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PIC)
user@host> show interfaces queue ge-7/1/3 Physical interface: ge-7/1/3, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 170, SNMP ifIndex: 70 Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use Ingress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 418390039 10 pps Bytes : 38910269752 7440 bps Transmitted: Packets : 418390039 10 pps Bytes : 38910269752 7440 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 7055 1 pps Bytes : 451552 512 bps Transmitted: Packets : 7055 1 pps Bytes : 451552 512 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use Egress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 1031 0 pps Bytes : 143292 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 1031 0 pps Bytes : 143292 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 77009 11 pps Bytes : 6894286 7888 bps Transmitted: Packets : 77009 11 pps Bytes : 6894286 7888 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Packet Forwarding Engine Chassis Queues: Queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 1031 0 pps Bytes : 147328 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 1031 0 pps Bytes : 147328 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low, non-TCP : 0 0 pps Low, TCP : 0 0 pps High, non-TCP : 0 0 pps High, TCP : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low, non-TCP : 0 0 bps Low, TCP : 0 0 bps High, non-TCP : 0 0 bps High, TCP : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low, non-TCP : 0 0 pps Low, TCP : 0 0 pps High, non-TCP : 0 0 pps High, TCP : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low, non-TCP : 0 0 bps Low, TCP : 0 0 bps High, non-TCP : 0 0 bps High, TCP : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low, non-TCP : 0 0 pps Low, TCP : 0 0 pps High, non-TCP : 0 0 pps High, TCP : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low, non-TCP : 0 0 bps Low, TCP : 0 0 bps High, non-TCP : 0 0 bps High, TCP : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 94386 12 pps Bytes : 13756799 9568 bps Transmitted: Packets : 94386 12 pps Bytes : 13756799 9568 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low, non-TCP : 0 0 pps Low, TCP : 0 0 pps High, non-TCP : 0 0 pps High, TCP : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low, non-TCP : 0 0 bps Low, TCP : 0 0 bps High, non-TCP : 0 0 bps High, TCP : 0 0 bps
interfaces de exibição enfileiram a entrada e saída (Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PIC)
user@host> show interfaces queue ge-6/2/0 both-ingress-egress Physical interface: ge-6/2/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 175, SNMP ifIndex: 121 Forwarding classes: 8 supported, 4 in use Ingress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 254 0 pps Bytes : 16274 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Forwarding classes: 8 supported, 4 in use Egress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 3 0 pps Bytes : 126 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Packet Forwarding Engine Chassis Queues: Queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 80564692 0 pps Bytes : 3383717100 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 80564692 0 pps Bytes : 3383717100 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 80564685 0 pps Bytes : 3383716770 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 80564685 0 pps Bytes : 3383716770 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 9397 0 pps Bytes : 3809052 232 bps Transmitted: Packets : 9397 0 pps Bytes : 3809052 232 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps
interfaces de exibição entrada de fila (Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PIC)
user@host> show interfaces queue ge-6/2/0 ingress Physical interface: ge-6/2/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 175, SNMP ifIndex: 121 Forwarding classes: 8 supported, 4 in use Ingress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 288 0 pps Bytes : 18450 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps
interfaces de exibição saída de fila (Gigabit Ethernet IQ2 PIC)
user@host> show interfaces queue ge-6/2/0 egress Physical interface: ge-6/2/0, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 175, SNMP ifIndex: 121 Forwarding classes: 8 supported, 4 in use Egress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 3 0 pps Bytes : 126 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : Not Available Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Packet Forwarding Engine Chassis Queues: Queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 80564692 0 pps Bytes : 3383717100 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 80564692 0 pps Bytes : 3383717100 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 80564685 0 pps Bytes : 3383716770 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 80564685 0 pps Bytes : 3383716770 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 9538 0 pps Bytes : 3819840 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 9538 0 pps Bytes : 3819840 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps
mostrar interfaces de tráfego remanescente (Gigabit Ethernet Enhanced DPC)
user@host> show interfaces queue ge-2/2/9 remaining-traffic Physical interface: ge-2/2/9, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 238, SNMP ifIndex: 71 Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use Ingress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 110208969 472875 pps Bytes : 5951284434 204282000 bps Transmitted: Packets : 110208969 472875 pps Bytes : 5951284434 204282000 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use Egress queues: 4 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 109355853 471736 pps Bytes : 7436199152 256627968 bps Transmitted: Packets : 109355852 471736 pps Bytes : 7436198640 256627968 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps
fila de interfaces de exibição (IQE Tipo 3 PIC canalizado para OC12 no modo SONET)
user@host> show interfaces queue t3-1/1/0:7 Physical interface: t3-1/1/0:7, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 192, SNMP ifIndex: 1948 Description: full T3 interface connect to 6ce13 t3-3/1/0:7 for FR testing - Lam Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 9 in use Egress queues: 8 supported, 8 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: DEFAULT Queued: Packets : 214886 13449 pps Bytes : 9884756 5164536 bps Transmitted: Packets : 214886 13449 pps Bytes : 9884756 5164536 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: REALTIME Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: PRIVATE Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: CONTROL Queued: Packets : 60 0 pps Bytes : 4560 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 60 0 pps Bytes : 4560 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 4, Forwarding classes: CLASS_B_OUTPUT Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 5, Forwarding classes: CLASS_C_OUTPUT Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 6, Forwarding classes: CLASS_V_OUTPUT Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 7, Forwarding classes: CLASS_S_OUTPUT, GETS Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Packet Forwarding Engine Chassis Queues: Queues: 8 supported, 8 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: DEFAULT Queued: Packets : 371365 23620 pps Bytes : 15597330 7936368 bps Transmitted: Packets : 371365 23620 pps Bytes : 15597330 7936368 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: REALTIME Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: PRIVATE Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: CONTROL Queued: Packets : 32843 0 pps Bytes : 2641754 56 bps Transmitted: Packets : 32843 0 pps Bytes : 2641754 56 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 4, Forwarding classes: CLASS_B_OUTPUT Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 5, Forwarding classes: CLASS_C_OUTPUT Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 6, Forwarding classes: CLASS_V_OUTPUT Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 7, Forwarding classes: CLASS_S_OUTPUT, GETS Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps
fila de interfaces de exibição (Série QFX)
user@switch> show interfaces queue xe-0/0/15 Physical interface: xe-0/0/15, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 49165, SNMP ifIndex: 539 Forwarding classes: 12 supported, 8 in use Egress queues: 12 supported, 8 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available Total-dropped packets: 0 0 pps Total-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: fcoe Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available Total-dropped packets: 0 0 pps Total-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 4, Forwarding classes: no-loss Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available Total-dropped packets: 0 0 pps Total-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 7, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available Total-dropped packets: 0 0 pps Total-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 8, Forwarding classes: mcast Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : Not Available Total-dropped packets: 0 0 pps Total-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps
mostrar interfaces fila l2-statistics (interface lsq)
user@switch> show interfaces queue lsq-2/2/0.2 l2-statistics Logical interface lsq-2/2/0.2 (Index 69) (SNMP ifIndex 1598) Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use Burst size: 0 Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: be Queued: Packets : 1 0 pps Bytes : 1001 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 5 0 pps Bytes : 1062 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: ef Queued: Packets : 1 0 pps Bytes : 1500 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 6 0 pps Bytes : 1573 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: af Queued: Packets : 1 0 pps Bytes : 512 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 3 0 pps Bytes : 549 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: nc Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps =========
mostrar interfaces enfileiradas lsq (lsq-ifd)
user@switch> show interfaces queue lsq-1/0/0 Logical interface lsq-1/0/0 (Index 348) (SNMP ifIndex 660) Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use Burst size: 0 Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: be Queued: Packets : 55576 1206 pps Bytes : 29622008 5145472 bps Transmitted: Packets : 55576 1206 pps Bytes : 29622008 5145472 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: ef Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: af Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: nc Queued: Packets : 22231 482 pps Bytes : 11849123 2057600 bps Transmitted: Packets : 22231 482 pps Bytes : 11849123 2057600 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps
fila de interfaces de exibição (Ethernet agregada em um roteador da série MX)
user@host> show interfaces queue ae0 remaining-traffic Physical interface: ae0 , Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 128, SNMP ifIndex: 543 Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Packets : 16 0 pps Bytes : 1896 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 16 0 pps Bytes : 1896 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue-depth bytes : Average : 0 Current : 0 Peak : 0 Maximum : 119013376 Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue-depth bytes : Average : 0 Current : 0 Peak : 0 Maximum : 32768 Queue: 2, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue-depth bytes : Average : 0 Current : 0 Peak : 0 Maximum : 32768 Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 0 0 pps Bytes : 0 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue-depth bytes : Average : 0 Current : 0 Peak : 0 Maximum : 6258688
interfaces de exibição fila ge-0/0/0 (switch EX2200)
user@switch> show interfaces queue ge–0/0/0 Physical interface: ge-0/0/0, Enabled, Physical link is Down Interface index: 130, SNMP ifIndex: 501 Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 4 in use Egress queues: 8 supported, 4 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: best-effort Queued: Transmitted: Packets : 0 Bytes : 0 Tail-dropped packets : 0 Queue: 1, Forwarding classes: assured-forwarding Queued: Transmitted: Packets : 0 Bytes : 0 Tail-dropped packets : 0 Queue: 5, Forwarding classes: expedited-forwarding Queued: Transmitted: Packets : 0 Bytes : 0 Tail-dropped packets : 0 Queue: 7, Forwarding classes: network-control Queued: Transmitted: Packets : 0 Bytes : 0 Tail-dropped packets : 0
interfaces de exibição fila xe-0/0/2 buffer-ocupação (switch da Série QFX5000)
user@switch> show interfaces queue xe-0/0/2 buffer-occupancy Physical interface: xe-0/0/2, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 689, SNMP ifIndex: 514 Forwarding classes: 12 supported, 5 in use Egress queues: 12 supported, 5 in use Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: fc0 Queue-depth bytes : Peak : 1786720 Queue: 3, Forwarding classes: fcoe Queue-depth bytes : Peak : 0 Queue: 4, Forwarding classes: no-loss Queue-depth bytes : Peak : 0 Queue: 7, Forwarding classes: network-control Queue-depth bytes : Peak : 416 Queue: 8, Forwarding classes: mcast Queue-depth bytes : Peak : 0
mostrar interfaces fila xe-3/0/3 fatiamento1
user@router show interfaces queue xe-3/0/3 slice slice1 Physical interface: xe-3/0/3, Enabled, Physical link is Up Interface index: 275, SNMP ifIndex: 776 Slice name: slice1, Slice index: 5 Forwarding classes: 16 supported, 7 in use Egress queues: 8 supported, 7 in use CoS scheduler resource information: Maximum units supported per MIC/PIC: 84 Configured units per MIC/PIC: 1 Maximum units allowed per port: 21 Configured units on this port: 1 Queue: 0, Forwarding classes: BE Queued: Packets : 4 0 pps Bytes : 200 0 bps Transmitted: Packets : 4 0 pps Bytes : 200 0 bps Tail-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped packets : 0 0 pps RL-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps RED-dropped packets : 0 0 pps Low : 0 0 pps Medium-low : 0 0 pps Medium-high : 0 0 pps High : 0 0 pps RED-dropped bytes : 0 0 bps Low : 0 0 bps Medium-low : 0 0 bps Medium-high : 0 0 bps High : 0 0 bps Queue-depth bytes : Average : 0 Current : 0 Peak : 0 Maximum : 120061952 . . .
Informações de versão
Comando introduzido antes do Junos OS Release 7.4.
, egress
e ingress
opções introduzidas no Junos OS Release 7.6.
opção introduzida no Junos OS Release 12.1.
declaração introduzida no Junos OS Release 19.1R1 para switches da Série QFX5000.
Tabela de histórico de mudanças
O suporte de recursos é determinado pela plataforma e versão que você está usando. Use o Feature Explorer para determinar se um recurso é suportado em sua plataforma.
slice slice-name
é compatível com roteadores da Série MX.
Tail-dropped packets
contador tem suporte para roteadores de transporte de pacotes da Série PTX.
Last-packet enqueued
o campo de saída é introduzido.